Everything GREAT About Iron Man!

Iron Man! The first MCU movie that surprised everyone and kicked off the franchise. Still one of the best in my opinion. Here's everything right with Iron Man.

Apologies for the Sunday upload!

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Outro Music: "Rise of the Heroes" by Jon Wright

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EGA Avengers: Age of Ultron: y2u.be/9H1OhvTyyxU
EGA Captain America 2: Winter Soldier: y2u.be/UJbaWZsp2CE
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コメント (21)
  • @CEASE1208
    When a missile lands next to you and it literally has your name on it Irony Man
  • @valtrvank
    ''Proof that Tony Stark has a heart'' That really gets ya after watching Endgame.
  • @SinHurr
    Yensen literally saved the entire universe by saving Tony. + infinity wins
  • “We’re only here for a BLIP as it is...” If only he knew....
  • Yinsen: "Don't waste your life..." Tony 16 years later: sacrifices himself to save the universe from the threat of Thanos once and for all EDIT: 15 years later. Miscounted and my little brain can't handle numbers.
  • "You are called the da vinci of this time. What do you say about that?" Tony : "Absolutely ridiculous i don't paint"🤣🤣
  • biggest win: if this movie didn't do so well the entire MCU would of never existed, it would of been looked at in the same light as the X-Men and Fantastic Four movies, instead now we got a massive cinematic universe and it saved Marvel
  • Doesn't look like we're getting ironman four anytime soon Should i tell him or...
  • @yakov9ify
    Oh boy this video gets a lot more interesting after watching Endgame.
  • 9:35 I think the reason the suit-up scene retains so much "umph" is because we get to truly see the hero being self-created in front of our eyes. Others like Thor, Hulk, yaddayadda are usually introduced with "they ARE super." But Tony created his super. gosh i love this movie
  • “Doesn’t look like we’re getting iron man 4 any time soon” Actually, I choose to believe that Endgame is Tony’s 4th movie. A lot of it does revolve around him. He had a family and was roped back into the fight to save everyone, he solved time travel, got some 1 on 1 time with his dad and gave his life for the universe. A lot of Endgame revolves around Tony so I’d say it’s his movie just like how Infinity War was Thanos’ movie.
  • My favourite superhero is Howard Potts A.K.A Tony Stank Love him 3000
  • honestly, i'm a little disappointed by "Tony Stark built this in a cave!... WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!" "Well, I'm sorry... I'm not Tony Stark." not counting as a win
  • "We're only here for a blip as it is. So make your time count." The MCU has been here since 2008 yet it feels like just yesterday that I first saw this movie. Time gone with a blip.
  • Fun for when you get to part 2 of Endgame (spoilers). "Is that Axe body spray?" "Yeah, I had a can in the disc for emergencies, relax." Continuity win to when Pepper had to stick her hand in the disc and her main comment was "Ew, it stinks!"
  • Something I admired so deeply in MCU's portrayal of Stark was his character development, you can actualy see, REALLY CLEARLY how he changed from IM1 to 2, to Avengers, to 3, Age of Ultron... Basicaly, you see Stark going from the egocentric playboy to someone scarred, careful and slightly paranoid but also traying his hardest to be responsible with such great powers in his hand.
  • "Definitely not getting a Iron Man 4 anytime soon" You sir couldn't be more right, unfortunately.
  • @zennok
    "I'm really looking forward to the dynamic between Spiderman and Ironman" Oh how this comment did not age well :(
  • "Don't waste your life" Man this line gained a whole new level in Avengers and Endgame.