Why Movie Tails Is Great

So I figured with the analysis of Movie Knuckles out of the way, I should get around to the other new addition to the films, Tails. Many fans, myself included, absolutely despised the writing of Tails in the 2010's and even in some games prior to the 2010's. His true character arc was completed with Sonic Adventure 2. It wasn't until the second Sonic Movie that Tails was finally done some justice as a character. But, as evident from the film, he still has some way to go in completing his character arc. But I am getting a bit ahead of myself here. This video will analyse Movie Tails and explain what makes this incarnation so good and how he will grow from here.

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コメント (21)
  • @thepjshow
    So, what are your thoughts about Tails in the Movie? Do you agree with my thoughts? Disagree? Let me know in the comments below cause this one was a bit divisive, so I am very interested in seeing your thoughts. I'll try to respond to as many comments as possible. I hope you all enjoy the video!
  • People say it's creepy that Tails watched Sonic for months but remember that Sonic watched the people of a whole town for 10 years.
  • For the third movie, what if Shadow pushed tails to becoming braver? Let’s say he beats sonic and knuckles down in a fight and they’re injured badly. Shadow’s about to kill them, but then tails steps in ready to protect them. Shadow: “You really think a puny little coward like you can protect them from me?!”
  • @Sly88Frye
    I actually didn't realize there were people who didn't like movie Tails. When I finally got around to watching the movie a few months ago I really liked this character and I thought it was awesome that they brought back the voice actress from the games. I've always thought that the current voice of tails from the games is the best one even if the character himself is not exactly being written all that well.
  • I was so happy that my boi Tails finally got respect he deserved on a big screen. Thank you Jeff Fowler! Also that scene with Sonic after danceoff was so adorable!
  • If there is something I’ll praise the movie for doing, they didn’t do that typical cliche “kid’s movie” bullshit of having Sonic and Tails banter and separate from one another, only to find that they’re sad and lonely… and can’t do things alone. The filmmakers were smart in making Sonic and Tails have this incredibly strong bond and not falling into anything that would drag their relationship. Same can be said with Sonic and Tom Wachowski, how Sonic didn’t have a whole “your not my dad” crisis only to accept him in the end. They were close friends but then Sonic accepted him as a father figure with his new wingmen, Tails and Knuckles
  • I'm very happy that Tails is not just a coward, but a lovable and healthy genius boy. I hope he gets the same treatment at Frontiers
  • Since last decade was rough for Shadow fans (myself included) I’m really excited about how he’s gonna be portrayed in the third movie
  • Sonic 2 nailed the characters so perfectly, and Tails is no exception! Thank you Jeff Fowler! And I really appreciate them for getting Colleen (Tails' voice actor in the games) to voice him, instead of getting some big name celebrity.
  • Let's hope that in Sonic movie 3 they can get Shadow's character right as well since his character has been kinda bad in the 2010's game's... actually his character has been pretty bad even earlier than the 2010's. Shadow is my favourite character in the entire Sonic series so hopefully they can get his character right in the third movie.
  • Here's to hoping they do Shadow's character right in the 3rd movie! 🙏
  • Thank god they didn't go full Hollywood and get some big name for Tails. Colleen is a fantastic Tails and she was a pure treat in the cast. Also congratulations for 40,000 subs, PJ
  • More evidence that Tails' character arc isn't finished can be found in "Drone Home", a short that came with the dvd release of the movie. In the short, Tails shows he's still scared of new threats and relies on Sonic for extra help and direction. Along with some other stuff like Sonic having trouble coordinating a team and Knuckles having little patience, I think it's pretty clear they want to continue their character arcs, especially Tails, in the third movie. I think you can still find the full short on YouTube, and despite it not being perfect, I think its still great, and it sets up the next movie very well
  • It goes to show Colleen can do a great job with Tails when she gets good material.
  • @Silver4G
    Now let’s just hope shadows character gets better in the movies…..
  • I like Movie Tails. He's useful and he actually assists Sonic
  • I feel like the film makers are watching this guy's analysis videos so please, keep it up
  • @Jacob_G9
    I love how the literal SECOND Tails was able to, he got on that plane and Flew to grab sonic and Knuckles, no thoughts of fear or anything, just DEAD SET READY to help out even though he could easily get hurt or even killed. What a good boy, everyone needs a best buddy like Tails.