Gun Gripes #114: "Anti-Gun Neighbors"


In this viewer requested video we discuss our thoughts on how to deal with anti-gun neighbors who may be less than enthused that you are a firearms owner but especially unhappy that you may be able to legally shoot on your property. This may get interesting...


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DISCLAIMER: Our videos are strictly for documentary, educational, and entertainment purposes only. All shooting is performed on state-approved firing ranges under the supervision of trained professionals. Imitation or the use of any acts depicted in these videos is solely AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any of our videos. We do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. We are not a gun store and DO NOT sell or deal in firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. We DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. We are not instructing our viewers on how to modify firearms, accessories or otherwise to change their basic legal function. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above.

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コメント (21)
  • I had a guy buy the house up the street from me. He saw me loading a few guns in my trunk to go to the range and came up to me and requested I remove the guns from the neighborhood because he had a family and they made them feel threatened. So I really enjoy cleaning my guns in my driveway now.
  • I got a story; not so much about a guy being anti-gun, more so just a guy that was anti fun. About 10 years ago we had a neighbor that was just an absolute tw@t. Called the cops whenever there was an inkling of noise (when he moved from his previous subdivision, the subdivision actually threw a large party celebrating him leaving). Most commonly he would call when some buddies and I were out on the dirt bikes; at the time they were just small bore 4 stroke trail bikes that were VERY quiet. After the first time the cops were called, we decided to not ride after 4pm on weekdays, and only 12-3PM on weekends. Even with that, he still called. A few months after that, I believe it was around some holiday (either 4th of July or Memorial Day) we were shooting blanks through our softball launcher. Essentially a very, very large potato cannon. Again, the cops were called. The first officer showed up; we explained what we had and what we were doing. He asked us to shoot it off, to which we happily obliged. He said "Holy shit! That thing is SWEET!!", got on the radio, called in two other township officers and said "You guys need to get over here and check this thing out!!!". That process repeated itself until there were 3 township officers, 2 sheriffs, and a state cop in our driveway, shooting the thing off and having a great time. I looked over to the house of the neighbor that made the initial call. Saw him walk outside, look at what was going on, hang his head, and walk back inside. We haven't had an issue since.
  • Zillow needs a "Can have gun range on property" checkbox :(
  • I had a "feud" with a neighbor for over two years. The only neighbor we had for a few miles. He lived less than a quarter of a mile away. We would shoot and he would immediately start playing music as loud as possible and driving his local jacked up truck up and down the road peeling rubber up and down it. I would always throw my hands up like what's up? What the hell? It went on and on. Until one day we were leaving for a month long vacation eventually so I went and asked him about watching the property for us. I was like, man I know we have obviously had issues but could we bury this hatchet. He said sure just make sure to invite him over for the next cookout and shooting day. I was perplexed and asked, is that being smart-ass? He then explained he was always pissed because we never introduced ourselves and invited him over! The whole mess was because we were just rude in his eyes 👀
  • Where I'm from, in rural Virginia, if you fire a weapon and the neighbors a mile away hear it, they fire their guns too. Its sort of a way of saying hello. Calibers then begin the increase as if there's some sort of competition. Then a few days later you'll run into them and they'll say with a smile, "What are you doing making all the racket"? "Oh..You know... That coffee can was looking at me wrong again". lol
  • Just moved to a more rural house and was welcomed by the sound of a rifle mag dump at the neighbor's house. I moved to the right place.
  • When I shoot at my friends house, shortly after we start shooting we hear the neighbors start shooting ;)
  • @36000408
    I had a issue with a neighbor here in Michigan that called the cops every single time I went out and shot. She was told several times that there was nothing that could be done because I had a proper backstop and was on agricultural zoned property and there is not a noise ordinance. Eventually the police got tired of wasting their time and told her if she called again she would be in trouble for wasting police resources.
  • My neighbor called the cops on me once. They showed up (we've been friends for years) they shot a few rounds with my guns. Then went to my neighbor and said what I was doing was completely legal... Epic fail
  • @the8jrfan
    That's why I always walk around naked in my backyard, they're so pleased with that it offsets their hatred for my guns, so they actually think I'm an ok guy.
  • I had a neighbor that i turned into a gun nut a few years ago. he was an anti gun guy most of his life until he met me lol but anyway, he had the same kind of situation where, he was robbed several times at gun point (of which he knew for a fact was the same guy because of a key chain lanyard that the guy had hanging out of his pocket). one day i caught up with him and he ended up telling me how he was robbed again not even a week before. so me being the generous person that i am (and knowing this guy wasn't necessarily made of money) i just told him, hey i have a little 22 that i never shoot and just sits in my closet and do you want to go to the range with me sometime and learn to shoot and ill just give you this 22 to have in case you need it? he agreed. so we went to the range and i taught him basic gun safety and how the gun works and how to aim and whatnot. so about a month later he was robbed by that same guy again, and luckily he heard the guy coming through the door and went and grabbed that little 22, met the guy in the hallway and pointed the gun at the robber. robber quickly fled the scene and no rounds were fired. ever since then this guy has been totally pro gun pro second amendment and has his own little arsenal of rifles and ammo. as far as i know he hasn't been robbed since.
  • A few years before my grandpa passed away he shot a coyote from the kitchen table with a model 70 super grade in .25-06, and the concussion shattered the lights above the kitchen table.
  • We got an anti-gun group trying to shut down a friend's private range that has been there since 1940, his range happens to be adjacent to the local Police range so its not about noise especially since the neighbor who originally started all the legal bullcrap is over 1 mile away and the highway that runs through there is louder than the gun range.
  • “I shoot my barret.. i shoot my cannon.. I shoot anything in between” god bless America 😂😂😂
  • @LIV2500
    Found out someone within earshot of one of the more convenient shooting spots around town had PTSD and it stressed him out to hear gunfire all the time. I shoot suppressed/drive a little further now and I'm okay with that.
  • I live in a pro gun neighborhood. Everyone has lots that are 2-5 acres and have prior military experience. When one neighbor starts running his weapon, there will be 2-4 others running with their range bags and something new to shoot. I'm proud to say we have established a respect for one another far more than other neighbors experience. When we have a disagreement, ( usually about a football or basketball game ) it's halted right there. We haven't had any break-ins or murders in 30 years. I hope we are ready if that day comes.
  • @funkidyo
    Here in Missouri, when I shoot I swear to god, people hear me shooting and in response go out and shoot a louder gun LOL.
  • For my 18th birthday I went to my friends farm to shoot. At the end we wanted to all get in a line and shoot at the same time till we all ran out of ammo. I had my AR-15, a buddy had a m1 garand, another friend had a 12 gauge, another friend had a ruger 10/22, and another friend had a .17 hmr. We all shot at the same time as fast as possible...a couple minutes later a cop drove by (it's a small town so we knew who the cop was) and he saw us and just waved...we waved back and kept going.
  • had a guy come out and start cussing me while me and 6 other guys where shooting safely. didn't say hi or nothing. Just started cussing me. What sort of a dummy starts cussing a bunch of guys with guns he doesn't know? Even the sheriff said he was a nut
  • My neighbor shot through the trees and hit my hot tub. The kids were 10 feet away. I wasn't home and my wife tried to talk to them about it. They blew her off and were pretty rude, so the sheriff got involved. I try to be a good neighbor, but that hurt the relationship pretty bad.