N O O B S first attempt at killing a thargoid

Published 2022-12-08
you may be questioning my decision to fight this basalisk rather going for a cyclops like most first timers. well i dont want to attack the still passive cyclopses out in the pleiades for RP reasons, so i figured id choose between 2 systems under thargoid assault and jump between the 2 till i got interdicted by something. i figured if it was a lone basalisk for a lone cyclops i would take a shot. unfortunately i suck at combat, but this is also me truely attempting it. im also stubborn and hate asking for help.
The ship is your standard meta chieftain, ask the AXI for the ship build.

All Comments (2)
  • hey for a first attempt that was realy good, I ususally end up exposed to the cold blackness of space when i fight them, and have only manageed to break one heart alone, I've only killed them in Conflict Zones while being supported by a cutter, you did great for a first encounter.