The Future of Civilization: Trust, Money, Bitcoin, and AI @JordanGreenhall YoursTruly Pod Ep 039

Published 2024-04-21
Join Christian Baxter and returning guest Jordan Hall in a thought-provoking episode of the Yours Truly Podcast. In this conversation, they explore a myriad of topics ranging from trust and money to Bitcoin, AI, transhumanism, and a way forward for civilization. Dive deep into discussions surrounding the nature of trust, the impact of trade language on societal structures, and the role of sacred language in connecting us with the larger whole. Discover insights into the future of civilization, the challenges of outpacing procedural knowing, and the necessity of integrating spiritual language into our understanding of reality. Explore the intersection of science, morality, and integrity, and the importance of building a foundation grounded in truth for scientific endeavors. Uncover the significance of cybernetic conversations in navigating complex problem spaces and the transformative power of worship in connecting with the infinite. From abstract theological concepts to personal reflections on faith and worship, this episode offers a rich tapestry of insights that transcends conventional discourse, inviting listeners to contemplate the profound mysteries of existence and the path forward for humanity.

My first video about Jordan Hall:    • Ep. 15 - Thinking Out Loud about Jord...  

My first conversation with Jordan Hall:    • Ep. 21 CB_YT -  @JordanGreenhall join...  

Follow Jordan Hall on YouTube: ‪@JordanGreenhall‬
The Anit-rivalrous idea by Jordan Gall:    • The Rivalrous and the Anti-Rivalrous ...  

Follow Jordan Hall on X:

00:39 💰 Exploring the Relationship Between Truth, Finance, and Trust
02:23 💱 Evolution of Money: From Debt Relationships to Technological Solutions
06:57 💡 Abstractions in Money and Exploitation of Trust
10:39 🛡️ Trustless Nature of Cryptocurrency and Potential for Stability
13:46 🧬 Cryptocurrency as a Fundamental Shift in Civilization
24:18 💰 Bitcoin as Mitochondria
27:28 🔗 Trust in Digital Communication
29:15 📉 Evolving Coordination Structures
31:44 💼 Implications of Economic Collapse
37:25 🧠 Types of Intelligence
42:18 💬 Conversations with AI
48:17 📚 Using GPT for theological interpretation
50:13 📚 Analyzing intelligence through linguistic lenses
52:36 📚 Three types of language: trade, family, and sacred
56:25 📚 Rediscovering spiritual language and practice
59:00 📚 The distinction between useful falsehoods and reality
01:07:37 📚 Cybernetic conversations and infinite intelligence
01:12:07 🌊 Faith as Surfing
01:16:14 🎶 Expression of Truth in Art
01:20:08 🤝 Embracing Ant

All Comments (21)
  • @betbuk
    When you asked Jordan, "Why are you talking to me?" He gave what struck me as a GREAT answer. Essentially, "Because the Lord said to". We, of course me included, so readily look at all interaction as transactional. Who gains, who can afford to have others gain off of them yet suffering no loss, who is scamming/grifting, who is climbing... "Because God said so, eliminates that economy immediately and installs a whole new interaction in the Holy Spirit. Spirit speaks to spirit and when it is Holy to Holy, INCREDIBLE things happen! Our Church this weekend as part of our men's group marriage series, had a couple do an hour and a half presentation (the second part is next week). These are just regular people from the congregation speaking to a group of about 50 people in an upper room. They talked candidly and emotionally about their incredibly broken marriage, a result of each of their incredibly broken pasts, barely on the mend, fresh in their minds, fresh in their hearts... regular people at their most raw and vulnerable.... sharing how God is shaping them healthy. The question, "Why are you talking to us?" came to mind. "Because the Lord said to." THAT is how the Holy Spirit engages. The courage to obey God even at your most vulnerable.... Such power that is created from powerlessness is Eternal. I hope this made sense.
  • Conversation Breakdown - 02:31 💰 Bitcoin and Trust in Financial Relationships Exploring the historical evolution of money from debt relationships in small communities to abstract forms. Techniques developed to extend trust in transactions beyond personal relationships. The inherent vulnerabilities in traditional currency systems due to exploitation of trust. 11:07 🔄 The Cycle of Trust and Currency Debasement The recurring historical pattern of trust erosion leading to the collapse of currency systems. Examples of currency debasement and exploitation throughout history. The challenges of anchoring trust in physical assets like gold or land. 12:15 🔐 Bitcoin's Trustless Design and Its Potential Bitcoin's proof-of-work blockchain as a trustless system designed to address the trust deficit in financial transactions. Differentiating Bitcoin from "shitcoins" or fraudulent cryptocurrencies. Speculation on Bitcoin's role as a foundational element in a new digital paradigm. 17:29 🧬 Bitcoin as the Mitochondrion of a New Digital Era Drawing analogies between Bitcoin, mitochondria, and fundamental patterns of energy and information. Exploring the transition from traditional to digital civilization as a journey across a bridge of abstraction. Speculation on Bitcoin's role as a fundamental building block in a stable post-digital society. 23:14 🧬 Energy Conversion and Economic Analogy ATP as a universal source of energy in biological processes. Analogizing ATP production to economic coordination through stable energy sources. Exploring the need for a stable pattern of energy conversion in economic systems. 25:01 💱 Bitcoin as a New Monetary Paradigm Bitcoin as a monetary system enabling scalable coordination. Comparison of Bitcoin to mitochondria in enabling new layers of societal structure. Discussion on the stability and scalability of Bitcoin compared to traditional monetary systems. 28:19 🔐 Provenance and Trust in Digital Media Utilizing blockchain technology to establish provenance in digital media. Addressing the threat of deep fakes and the importance of trust in digital communication. Exploring the potential of blockchain to ensure integrity and authenticity in digital content. 32:08 🌐 Migration to Stable Coordination Structures Prediction of a shift towards stable coordination structures utilizing blockchain technology. Discussion on the collapse of existing coordination structures and the migration to more reliable systems. Potential risks of economic and informational collapse in the transition period. 40:02 🧠 Analytical vs. Holistic Intelligence Differentiating between analytical and holistic forms of intelligence. Analysis of computational intelligence's dominance in analytical tasks. Exploring the significance of holistic intelligence in transcending computational limitations. 46:39 💬 Structured Conversation Process Structuring conversations involving various historical figures like Socrates, St. Paul, Augustine, and Aquinus. Focusing on the definition and nuances of faith, including linguistic differences across cultures. Emphasizing the importance of tracking identities and facilitating meaningful dialogue. 48:01 🔄 Impact of Historical Figures on Church Reformation Reflecting on the Reformation era and the contributions of key figures like Martin Luther, Calvin, Augustine, and others. Considering how theological discussions were conducted in isolation, lacking interactive dialogue compared to modern mediums. Contemplating the potential impact of enhanced communication tools on refining and evolving theological ideas. 50:28 🧠 GPT Simulation and Linguistic Engagement Exploring the limitations of using GPT to simulate conversations with historical figures. Highlighting the semantic nature of AI engagement and its emphasis on textual analysis. Distinguishing between literary/literal intelligence and holistic understanding in theological discourse. 52:05 📚 Different Forms of Language Discussing three types of language: trade language, family language, and sacred language. Analyzing how civilization's evolution impacted the dominance of trade language and the decline of family language. Emphasizing the importance of sacred language in connecting with a larger, holistic reality. 54:46 🌐 Spiritual Language and Technological Advancement Reflecting on the disparity between technological advancements and spiritual understanding. Exploring the challenges of reconnecting with spiritual language in a rapidly evolving technological world. Contemplating the need for a paradigm shift to integrate spiritual depth into modern discourse and practices. 58:15 🔄 Pace of Analytic Intelligence vs. Spiritual Intelligence Contrasting the accelerating pace of analytic intelligence with the holistic nature of spiritual intelligence. Examining how technological advancements contribute to societal confusion and disconnection from spiritual realities. Emphasizing the importance of integrity and integration in fostering a deeper understanding of reality. 01:01:38 🛠 Building Knowledge with Integrity Exploring the relationship between science, morality, and integrity in knowledge-building processes. Highlighting the significance of honest curiosity and ethical pursuits in scientific and spiritual endeavors. Discussing the importance of integrating personal and communal integrity into
  • @kingwillxm
    Great discussion! I know this was one of the more lighthearted questions, but GPT theologians is an extremely useful concept for people coming back to/going deeper in the faith. I grew up in the evangelical church and I had limited knowledge of the apostolic fathers, top theologians, etc. There is huge potential for AI workflows to help with personalized theology education and deepening of ones connection to the great lineage that came before us!
  • @Neal_Daedalus
    I’m curious if Jordan has ever done a big 5 ocean personality profile. Specifically curious about his ‘N’ neuroticism score
  • @Neal_Daedalus
    1:11:30 David B, when Jordan says, from an analytic point, he doesn’t know what we’re doing, this is what i mean by I suspect the topological ‘navigation’ of AI is only half the equation, half the model of what humans are doing. The other half is the vertical; the unmeasurable qualitative- the scaling of every moment in time/space up to God.
  • A year ish ago grim had chatgpt as a cohost. Gavin was part of it too. That could be a segment idea to use live prompting as convo. Or just use it as young Jaime 😂 47:08
  • @Seth_D_Myers
    53:47 the meaning is not in the words. The meaning is shepherded by the words.
  • @Neal_Daedalus
    30:30 i disagree that the trust WILL break down. Even in the collapse of any system, some trust remains which becomes the seed of the next system. But more directly, i think what TLC is allowing for is the generation of relationships which are more than just 1 time encounters through time, and are thus far less gameable, because you really get to know the essence of a person through multiple encounters. We’re not ‘experts’ giving our talking points in multiple interviews-we are persons receiving and dancing with the other person in real time. This is what separates an interview from Dialogos
  • @mangr3n
    Sorry this is going to be a long one. In the interview with Chad where you, Jordan, said "The father is calling his son's back to himself, oh and... btw... no man left behind". I'd ask for both of you to reflect deeply on what this means in the context of the "anti-rivalrous" good news. The downfall of our modern capacity to communicate 360 degrees at distance is that we are able to select for what agrees with us. This has pushed us into echo chambers. The problem is that this illusion of "hyper"-agreement, breaks down as the resolution of any individual relationship scales. Notice that echo chambers war across ideological boundaries. So the left/right, israel/palestinian, LGBTQ+/cisgender, etc. echo chambers are set up to war at scale, waiting for an ignition point. Our ability to avoid difficult conversations where people disagree gives the delusion of the capacity to achieve unity through uniformity. but it is in fact a delusion. Within an echo chamber one will find out that his compatriots actually disagree with him, or see things differently than him, in a nearly infinite number of ways beyond their shallow conformity, and because he's foregone developing the capacities necessary to navigate high resolution relationships with disagreements and diversity of viewpoints inevitable in any real relationship, such a human being will find that eventually society devolves to a war of all against all. The only hope is to develop the capacity to engage in conversations that embrace diversity of thought, perspective, and even opinion, without seeking uniformity. As Tayo said in one livestream "I need to understand why where you are is important to me where I am, instead of believing that I have to make you change your mind." This does not eliminate conflict or contention. There are 3 core conditions that can bring us into conflict: true/false, good/evil (telos), and tonos. The false and the evil will necessarily take themselves out, it behooves all of us to seek to be clear on where we believe things that are false or have aims that are evil. Humility and wisdom are the keys. The last category is really important. The autonomic nervous system is key to understanding this. Neither the sympathetic (fight/flight) nor the parasympathetic (rest/digest) systems are right for all conditions. Many of our apparently rivalrous interactions are actually non-rivalrous tonos relationships that we need to recognize and honor. With all of that said. We need spaces (BoM discord is one such), where we can engage in conversations that build the relationships necessary to work out those 3 categories. That type of conversation is an art, and takes skill. I'm focused on that aspect with young men coming into those spaces. I think this is part of the "no man left behind" vision. I'd love to talk with either or both of you about what this looks like, and how to propagate that message, and encourage/teach those skills.