Faith in Dialogue: Exploring Christian Virtues in a Diverse World with Jordan Hall Part 1

Published 2024-02-28
Join John Vervaeke and Jordan Hall on a thought-provoking journey into faith and meaning. Beyond mere intellectual debate, they delve into the heart of Christian virtues, the transformative potential of the imaginal, and the profound depths of dialogue. Through their respectful and insightful exchange, they navigate complex themes such as love, relationality, and the richness of the imaginal realm, illuminating how engagement with diverse spiritual traditions can deepen understanding and faith. John and Jordan provide actionable insights for personal and collective growth, presenting an open invitation for introspection of beliefs, fostering an environment for meaningful engagement, and unlocking the potential for true transformation. This conversation offers a unique opportunity to discover the complexities of faith and meaning, along with pathways to enrich spiritual and intellectual lives.

Jordan Hall, a pioneering figure at the forefront of societal transformation, co-founded and DivX, catalyzing revolutions in music and online video. His ventures, such as Neurohacker Collective and Civium Project, harness cutting-edge technology and deep philosophical insights to address the metacrisis facing humanity. Currently, as Executive Chairman of Qualia Lifesciences, he leads efforts in human optimization, embodying the ethos of the fellowship of the spirit and inspiring profound dialogues on reimagining the future.

Glossary of Terms

Dialogos: A form of dialogue aimed at transcending mere conversation to reach deeper understanding and connection.
Imaginal: Pertaining to a mode of perception that transcends the purely sensory, engaging with symbols and the deeper aspects of reality.
Christian Virtues: Fundamental qualities valued in Christianity, such as faith, hope, and love.

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Jordan Hall
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Boden, Margaret. (2009). Creativity in a nutshell. Think. 5. 83-96.…
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"Make ourselves vehicles and instruments, both. That's something that's capable both of holding and expressing. So, I am the life and the light, and I am the way. Not the destination, not the end of the journey, but the way."​​ - Jordan Hall [00:44:11]

"The invitation to take up your cross and bear it, to step through the crucifixion of the human nature, must, in fact, be voluntarily self-crucified, and human will must surrender itself into a sort of a divine coupling. That's the stepping through of the win-lose into the win-win."​​ - Jordan Hall [01:20:00]


00:03:00 - Christian Virtues and the Imaginal: A Journey into Spiritual Depth
00:20:00 - The Power of Transformative Dialogue: Unity and Deepening Faith
00:28:00 - Bridging Divides: The Quest for Global Unity and Transcendent Communication
00:52:00 - Faith's Duality: Wholesomeness Versus Completeness
01:05:00 - Encountering Sacredness: Reflections on Faith and Community
01:24:20 - Upcoming Dialogue: Non-Rivalrous Christianity, Religio, and the Fellowship of the Spirit

All Comments (21)
  • @PaulVanderKlay
    This type of conversation is what we have been building a corner/community for. You can't just have a conversation like this. It requires a context, relationships, trust, all the things a proper arena requires. So glad to be watching this and have been privileged to participate in.
  • Rarely has listening to a conversation brought me to tears, but this is tremendously special. Far too many layers to unpack here, but my soul sings to this
  • @kylkrie
    This christianity as "the way" and not a "complete" doctrine resonates deeply. I've been wearing a cross, it feels right but I don't know what it means to be a christian. I got excited when I heard Jordan say John seems to be living a deeply christian life. The "yes, yes, and theres more" is much more inviting than "no, conform" Loved this, cant wait for part 2. Thank you both.
  • @Jbobbybob
    Jordan Hall is a master of the felt sense. I see an expert phenomenologist in him.
  • Coming from a fundamentalist Christian background, this was healing for me. Thank you.
  • John's commitment to rebuidling the "Silk Road" reminds me of Simone Weil, a 20th century leftist intellectual turned "Christian" mystic. Although she had spontenous, profound exeriences that convinced her of the truth and centrality of Christ (I write this as a non-Christian), she felt unable to formally enter into communion with any expression of Christianity, although she was particularly drawn to Catholicism. Part of her reasoning for doing so was a sense of loyalty to those in her time and future who felt competing loyalties to the church and whatever other spiritual orientation had thier heart. Im grateful, as a non-Christian, to her and John's example. Also, I find her qoute oddly comforting: Christ likes us to prefer truth to him because, before being Christ, he is truth. If one turns aside from him to go toward the truth, one will not go far before falling into his arms.
  • @jjuniper274
    I grew up in a very Catholic and protestant community. You couldn't go a half mile without there being a church. As you walked from one end of town to the next, in any direction, you could see a cross. I'm not sure what that does to a community, but it seems like a very tight knit group of 35k people. There are many charities and human services programs; colleges and global corporations with headquarters here. The Eastern Europeans who migrated here built a nice community.
  • What a flow between both of you! Calling each other men left behind! This is it. This is the Spirit! Thank you 💓🙏
  • @UpCycleClub
    Looking forward to diving into this one too! Thanks to both of you
  • @gpxavier
    A beautiful conversation! While part of me wanted to go on and say, 'But there's real differences here, real boundaries, real disagreements, that it's also important to deal with...' on second thought, that wasn't necessary; that can come later. The commonalities, mutual resonances, and the relationship are what matter now. Both of you seem to be fueled by a deep hope and joy, which is contagious.
  • @MrHwaynefair
    Father Thomas Plant would be a great third interlocutor here… Thanks, John, for sharing this sometimes difficult conversation. I have a deep respect for you, sir! ❤️
  • @TheHangedMan
    I believe your quests are the same quest. Thank you both for being inspirations for me. Please, please continue!
  • Im a Christian and as far as living heroes/men I admire, John Vervaeke is it. So that makes him some kind of Christian...?
  • @SakutoNoSAI
    I can see Jordan, a trained philosopher, struggling to explain his appreciation, being symbolic, transjective and perspectively practical; yet also trying to balance, as a believer, the Awe-Some realization that the biblical stories and concepts are true realities, historical and literal. Its one thing to embody Christian practice, its another to realize Jesus actually and physically rose. Not everyone is for that, but we believe it as a physical and spiritual reality. Its hard to express that while also expressing the power of the worldview with philosophical sterility. I struggle with that as well.
  • @WhiteStoneName
    35:55 "Why I didn't want to debate doctrine with you." Amen. Discussing doctrine, iron sharpening iron, can be beautiful when always undergirded by love and communion, in spite of our doctrinal differences.
  • @Kingfish179
    34:45 I don't know if this work is on your radar, Dr. Vervaeke, but I highly recommend the book Christ the Eternal Tao written by Hieromonk Damascene, an Eastern Orthodox monk and priest. He wrote it in order to demonstrate the similarity between the teachings of Lao Tzu and Jesus Christ as understood by Eastern Christianity. The basic thesis is that Lao Tzu was a divinely inspired prophet who gained mystical insight into the God whose Way (Word/Logos) would become incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ. Basically, it's the idea that Christ is the full revelation of what Lao Tzu foreshadowed. Though written from an Eastern Orthodox perspective, it's interacts with Taoism with great care and reverence for the tradition. The book is incredibly insightful, and an absolute joy to read; poetic, compelling and multifaceted - indeed, difficult to summarize!
  • @hunterglenn2787
    Amazing discussion! I've been such a fan of Vervaeke's, and Hall has just changed the way I understand the power of contemplating the cross image. Here in 'Metamodern Commentary on Vervaeke/Hall's Christian "Anti-rivalry"', I comment on the cross as this impossible symbol of hope, as Christ was theoretically experiencing peace on the cross rather than unbearable suffering. I also touch on what I see as Vervaeke's handshake psychotechnology applied between schools of thought, as he mentions happening between Buddhism and Daoism: If we adorn and clarify each religion/philosophy with the insights of every other one and help each system get MORE of what it's seeking in this way, then that may pave the way for them to be a little more open to these other systems which have produced such valuable-to-them insights. And if those systems have similarly benefited from this process, then maybe they'll be open to reciprocating that reaching out, joining in a handshake and a harmony that compensates for their differences and allows them to co-exist.