Some are either missing the obvious or being disingenuous about this one... (Ahsoka Part Five)

Publicado 2023-09-13

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  • @darthcaedus9130
    Before watching: Did anyone also catch that when ahsoka says, "I will not fight you." And anakin goes, "I heard that one before." Anakin low-key referencing luke
  • @Imylover
    It was painfully obvious that Anakin let Ahsoka beat him. He gave her that window to see if she was learning. She won't learn anything if he kills her.
  • @Darth--Malak
    I think it has to be Anakins force ghost or essence since he references his encounter with Luke in Episode VI. An Anakin from Ahsokas memory would have no knowledge of that
  • @rickiebobbyify
    Ahsoka in TWBW finishing her training is reminiscent of Kanan Jarrus becoming a Jedi knight in the Jedi temple by a temple guard who reveals himself as the Grand Inquisitor. “By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force, Kanan Jarrus, you may rise…you are what I once was, a knight of the Jedi order.”
  • I saw it as Anakin teaching Ahsoka to overcome her guilt. Anakin’s final lesson was teaching her to embrace her legacy, and to realize she’s more than her mistakes, just like him. This wasn’t her mind telling her to live, it was Anakin reaching out to her through the Force. I also saw some people asking how she survived in the water, and I think that’s easily explained since she was in a Force Trance. Even the most mediocre Jedi on the brink of death are capable of amazing feats through the Force. I think people wanted more discussion between them about why he fell, but I think that’s coming later. There’s lines in the trailer we haven’t heard yet as well. This might not even be the last flashback, but I’m expecting Force ghost Anakin to appear again.
  • @mr_yoru5834
    Ahsoka was carrying a lot of doubts about her training, and that may be linked to why she never finished training Sabine. The idea was presented a few episodes ago, when Ahsoka compares the way she walked away from Anakin to the way she walked away from Sabine. Perhaps she feared that she was somehow tainted by Anakin's training. That the seeds of the Dark side were in him even during the Clone Wars. I believe that Anakin was trying to show her that he taught her what she needed to survive through a brutal war, a purge, and a rebellion. In the end she embraces her training, and that enables her to survive once again.
  • @Imylover
    It is possible that Ahsoka indeed never was in the water all that time. Only when she returned to life. That would explain why they couldn't find her earlier despite all their sweeps.
  • @jeremykrueger7071
    I still think it’s possible we haven’t seen the final scene of rebels yet and it’s weird that hardly anyone is considering that as a possibility. Also as far as whether or not it’s anakin: “I won’t fight you” “I’ve heard that before” Only anakin would have context for that. As far how Ashoka came back as the white, I think it’s because of the daughter being in her. Whether that will ever be spelled out? Who knows
  • @mutley7773
    For me the Ahsoka being in the water was because she just got there. Force Anakin was watching her fight Baylon and as she lost the fight and fell he pulled her into the world between worlds. This is why he said he did not expect to see her here so soon, as he had tried to train her to survive, to live. So his lesson was to remind her to fight to live and stay alive.
  • @zinney9316
    Im very much sure that this whole world between worlds sequence is ment to be ambigious its been so long since we had something to make theories about
  • @I_like_turtles_67
    As an older SW fan. SW died once GL sold to Disney. I'll always have fond memories of episodes 1-6 Rouge One was enjoyable. Everything else Is dead to me. So I have no reason to hate watch Disney's/KK version of SW.
  • @macwelch8599
    I’m still confused about what exactly Anakin was teaching Ahsoka
  • @twars8901
    It was not in her head because Jason could hear the lightsabers clashing.
  • @jerryziegner2579
    I was so happy to see Anakin in his Clone Wars armor alongside Ahsoka. Great episode that took me away from my daily life and into this entertaining and fulfilling episode. Nuff said
  • This is an amazing episode, I really enjoyed it. I took Ahsoka being in the water so long as her being in stasis or something while Anakin was trying to teach her, I think if she chose to die then she'd have drown
  • @-AtomsPhere-
    I was like “this is pretty cool” the whole episode, but after trying to figure it out afterward..I felt more and more confused.
  • @morgansheppy1584
    Anakin finally taught her that his fall was not her fault nor her legacy, she will not fall like him, and rejects guilt and and fear
  • @dinesendk
    The whole WBW sequence with Anakin, felt like Luke fighting Vader on Dagobah to me (And that is how it makes sense to me - I prolly got it wrong lol). Ashoka facing Anakin/Vader to let go of the past. Live, or die (I do believe it is all in her head it is taking place, and that's why Anakins persona is shifting back and fort) - The force kept her alive in its mysterious ways, and I don't need that explained further. Why it takes place in WBW I don't know. Maybe in memory of Ezra, and he is the goal of her mission? - All in all I enjoyed it. A great episode.
  • @garywillig5143
    The problem with the Kenobi fight isn't that Vader loses. It's that Vader is an idiot who doesn't have a big enough attention span to spare a minute to check that the person whose murder he obsessed over for a decade is actually dead. It's hard to take seriously a villain who acts more like a dog that's distracted by a squirrel than like the cunning and ruthless Sith Lord he's supposed to be. The Ahsoka fight does not have that problem, and since Anakin is trying to teach Ahsoka a lesson, his goal was for her to 'win.' There's no plot-induced stupidity or disrespect to the character in the outcome the way there was in Kenobi.
  • @Kyber-Bear
    I think Ahsoka was physically in the WBW because she still has her lightsaber. If it didn't fall through the portal with her it would be at the bottom of that ocean. If she was there in mind only, how was it recovered from being in her hand when she got knocked off the cliff?