12 Big Mistakes for Newbie Preppers

Publicado 2024-04-09

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @ldtexas1648
    One of the biggest mistakes for newbie preppers is listening to people trying to sell them the latest survival gadget.
  • Dollar Tree for bandaids and ointment , alcohol and peroxide.
  • Just had a hot water line break under our slab. Went six days without a shower. We boiled water everyday so we could clean up an do dishes. So don't take water or anything for that matter for granted. Always have a plan
  • @GrammyClover
    In regards to the prepping foods, I think it's important to remember dietary needs. My husband is diabetic, so the foods I have canned or dehydrated are based on our daily meals that are important for his health.
  • After watching many people speaking on prepping there seems to be no mention of importance of tools, the availability of fixing your stuff. Now I realize not everyone can be a handy man. However the guy who can build / fix is miles ahead others. The old timers who were self reliant to do everything were resources that are a thing of the past. In short how to use your hands with knowledge. Thank you
  • @UraniumHound
    What you said worked with my wife. She was never into prepping. Didnt ever give me grief. But didnt understand. Then when lockdowns took place i already had everything we would need for months. And she was thankful. Now im getting her and my eldest into it more. They both see whats happening around the world. More and more will stop laughing at us and realize we were right all along.
  • No one ever mentions a 6~8 foot hose and a water faucet tool to get water from hot water heaters.
  • “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than the master of one.”
  • I am so blessed that my partner is totally on board with prepping. We bought a house last year, and I'm starting to plant things, and had my grandmother teach me how to water bath can last year! My partner was into competetive shooting before we got together, so I'm going to have him teach me how to shoot and get my concealed carry license. He's going to help me till up the yard and make my dream urban homestead happen!
  • @thadgomez8904
    Prepping is a lifestyle-- if not u are not serious about being prepared for most anything. Boy Scout motto.
  • @frankw7266
    Wasn't too difficult to get my wife on board... we are both early GenX with grandparents who went through the depression, and were preppers before prepping was a thing. After the remnants of Hurricane Ike blew through in '08, and our whole region was without power for a couple weeks, all I had to do was plant the seed of "what if something like that happens again, but worse?" That put the ball in her court to think about, so it wasn't being shoved on her, and she is now just as much in the mindset of "what if".
  • @Sonny-ik9rv
    Sharpie for marking the food preps is a bonus.
  • Always buy the best you can afford. Otherwise you buy it over and over again.
  • I can admit, I went overboard on tactical preparation. I've only recently begun to practically prep, is amazing the things you overlook.
  • Supplementary to storing stuff: While it's good to group Like with Like to keep them together and findable, not everything is best stored this way. You might want a screwdriver and won't want to go out to the garage or workshop to get it, so keep a spare of everything you might want easy and rapid access to near where you might want to use them. For example, I keep screwdrivers in my workshop, but also a few general purpose screwdrivers inside in my spare room so I can get them easily.
  • @Jay_Fry
    You absolutely can live without a gun, until you need a gun. I've never needed a gas mask in my life but when you need one you need it more than water.
  • I think we should be prepared for so many things, lost of job, weather, economics, health. I enjoy watching these utubes to maybe find a hole I may have in my preps.
  • So many crazy people, I was in the woods during the eclipse. With 2 dogs one slept, the other was just being himself.
  • @Jayrrific
    a few very common items I often see over looked is personal hygiene items scissors nail clipers shaving razor ect nothing worse than having to hoof it with a ingrown toe nail/hang nail or ripping a over grown finger nail while working on something...also avoid strong unnatural perfume soaps stick to natural mild scents