Moist Meter | Resident Evil 4 Remake

Published 2023-03-28


Resident Evil 4 Remake (2023 survival horror video game), developed and published by Capcom for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S and Microsoft Windows as reviewed by Charlie and Jackson.

The Moist Meter is an experimental measurement system that you can use to safely gauge just how moist a video game or movie is going to be before playing it or viewing it. Avoid the dry products and only use the wettest.

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All Comments (21)
  • We should not take this era of Capcom for granted at all. Their consistency over the last 5-6 years has been absurd.
  • Fun fact. The charm that gives you running speed looks like the striker. In the old re4 there was a glitch with the striker that made you move and shoot 1.5× faster.
  • @Valtorias
    I love how Charlie says the puzzles were braindead, meanwhile Jerma spent like 20+ minutes in the hexagon pieces puzzle and needed Chat's help lol
  • One thing I like about Leon is that he’s an actually decent person. He’s not arrogant (even though he LOOKS like he would be). Same goes for Ashley. There’s no manufactured drama between them. The original developers could have easily made him snarkier toward Ashley and they could have made Ashley more of a spoiled brat. But they didn’t. There’s no douchiness that’s meant to pass off as interesting character traits (looking at you, Atomic Heart and Forspoken). No quirkiness just for the sake of it. It’s just a guy on a mission, fighting for his own survival, and trying to rescue Ashley and keep her safe. And they’re both more human because of it.
  • @syberwulf9566
    Leon just mag dumping into people mid-monologue was a fantastic new touch. A very Leon thing to do.
  • The fact that I feel like I would only need one hand to count my problems with this game tells you how much love they put into it.
  • I loved when Leon said "the residents are evil, all four of them!" Truly game of the year
  • @DolanDarker
    Ashley be like hmm today i will be kidnapped over 50 times
  • Nobody ever mentions the music. The music in this one was spot on. Every time you fight the music just pumps you up the right way. Gives the rush. And it stood out from other games for that.
  • @YoYoknots
    I love the +8% movement speed charm being the Striker shotgun. There's a popular glitch in OG RE4 called the Ditman glitch that allows you to use the Striker to boost Leon's speed by x1.5. The bonus speed on the Striker charm is such a nice nod to that.
  • @FoxNoctom
    I've always loved how Campy the acting and writing was in the Original games, While the acting has gotten better, the Campiness stayed, Leon still drops cheesey one-liners, and I love it, they kept the Humor and levity while making the gameplay SO MUCH better.
  • @domhyrule
    I love that for the most part it takes itself seriously, but Leon also still has campy ass lines between cutscenes and is okay cutting off a monologue by capping a guy. They did a good balance
  • Today's Fact: In 2020, a group of scientists discovered a 'zombie' planet that appears to be dead, but is still emitting radio waves.
  • @aryankala7858
    i really liked Leon character in this game it really shows the difference between him in re2 and after the gruesome training he went through
  • @SL4PSH0CK
    RE4 with stealth mechanic is a welcome one, as it adds gameplay variety mostly for a survival horror genre with resource management, and depending on how you want to tackle faced situations.
  • @iitzfizz
    The one liners still made me chuckle! I think they did a good mix of campiness and was glad to see it take a litte bit more of a dark direction and as you said you can still feel the DNA of OG there.
  • @spurnd
    I will always remember chopper Mike and his noble sacrifice. RIP Mike.
  • @tonk8628
    just wanted to say that yes the puzzles change based on the difficulty you play. When you have to upgrade the keycard in the facility the puzzles where you have to route power were incredibly hard on hardcore.
  • RE4, even after so many years.... STILL terrifies me in such a terrific way.....especially those regenerators...........