Genestealer Cult - Codex Review! The Secret to Winning No One is Talking About!

Relax people. No models broke in the making of this video. Unless the idea of that REALLLLLY bothers you. Then they all broke :)

But seriously everything about the new codex is great. The Genestealers though were the biggest surprise. If anyone tells you different you question your friendship with them.

コメント (21)
  • I'm glad genestealers are actually going to be worth using for genestealer cults. Its sad how a lot of armies can't realistically use their most iconic troops like chaos undivided and formerly GSC.
  • I mean... if you are going to throw something at some models, let those models be Ultramarines. Re enact that 1st Tyrannic War, but finish the job this time.
  • Imperials, Adeptus, and Eldar can all be as mad as they want. Our Norn Queen is sippin' umbrella drinks and giving no f#$%s🤘🤣
  • Okay that does it. The very first GW models I ever put together in 1st edition were Genestealers, and this seals it. I'm doing a GSC army, and I'm going with the carnival themed I've been wanting to do for some time.
  • So excited for this new book! When GSC came out they were so fucking cool but I felt like they got nerfed into the ground for the entirety of 8th and 9th until now, I can’t wait to get my purestrains painted!
  • Who says codex reviews have to take hours and involve screenshots hahahaha Love how there's always a twist somewhere in your videos, hope you had as much fun making them as I had watching them!
  • Is Norn-Queen a refrence to Elesh Norn? Yeeting super murderous genestealers at the enemy seems about like something the Phyrexian tyrant would do XD
  • @kharnifex
    Genestealers back to their old second ed powerfulness, but the save thing is insane.
  • The 4++ sounds stronger than it is. It's not like you're ever going to fire a lascannon at them. In reality, you're rarely going to fire more than bolters/flamers/equivalent at them anyway so all they're getting for the most part is the ability to ignore ap-1 at best, ap-2 on occasion. 30+ bolter shots are still going to shred the unit in size very quickly so this just makes them a liiiiiiittle bit more resilient.
  • I think a mixed approach is the strongest way to build gsc which is awesome! Personally i'm probably going a bit heavy on goliaths and aberrants. Having a resilient core to the army is lovely. 3 ridgerunners with reroll hits +1 to wound +1 dmg +1 hit and fire and fade ignore any hitmodifiers certainly seems like hell on wheels aswell😂 reroll wounds when needed ofc.
  • Dear Kya, what do you think of the Crusher Stampede please?