Rishi Sunak: Inside the Tory leadership candidate's fortune

Published 2022-07-21
His supporters have called his background "humble" and "modest".

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From the start of the Conservative leadership campaign, Rishi Sunak has sought to downplay his vast wealth and privilege to tell a story of middle class aspiration, seeking to demonstrate he understands the financial challenge faced by ordinary citizens.

But tonight an investigation for this programme has uncovered new details about Mr Sunak's education, property and financial dealings - and raises new questions about whether his hedge fund paid him with assets in offshore tax havens.
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All Comments (21)
  • @marcus8302
    "He was born into a pharmacy" - Matt Hancock's got such a way with words đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
  • @stefanlamb1179
    The problem isn't whether or not these special tax arrangements are legal or illegal. The problem is that the ones who write the law are the ones benefiting from the loopholes. Of course all the juiciest loopholes are legal. They've been written that way.
  • It’s not about being jealous or angry about someone’s wealth, it’s about recognising that someone in that lifestyle, who has always lived in that lifestyle, will never understand what life is like for the overwhelming majority of British people who don’t live anything remotely like that, the single mums, the disabled, people on council estates and those who will never be able to afford a property or have to choose whether they can afford to have children!
  • @onlybugwit
    Once upon a time there was a politician, once upon a time there was truth, BUT you can't have both.
  • @michaelc3051
    "We believe in aspiration in the Conservative Party." No you don't. Social mobility is plummeting, meaning that, if you are born poor today, you are more likely to die poor than at any time since the 1920s. Achievement is still dominated by accident of birth: who your parents are and which community you were born into. Half of all prime ministers of Britain attended the same school! The British class system is stronger now than at any time since the second World War, which is because the country is becoming evermore unequal again.
  • “I have friends that are working class
 we’ll not working class” as if they were a stain on his reputation or to be distanced from.
  • Make no mistake: his mum and dad were all about gaining status. This speaks of seeing one’s self as above others. This is what he was taught. They pushed him and he worked hard.
  • @mowtownn
    The fact that our potential prime minister thinks having a father who is a GP and a mother who owns a pharmacy means he was not from a privileged background is absolutely terrifying.
  • @nameisamine
    I can’t help feeling like it’s Rishi’s PARENTS who are the meritocratic success story here, and Rishi’s trying to pass off himself as having the same humble beginnings they did. I don’t know many middle-income families that have an extra £22k per year for Winchester fees. That is some people’s annual salary after tax. The average middle income family would struggle to cover the fees of the private school Rishi was already attending, let alone Winchester. Of course It’s not a crime to be rich, it’s the pretences that irritate his fellow MPs and the public. Matthew Stuart writes about this ‘cosplaying poor’ mindset of sorts in ‘The 9.9 percent: the new aristocracy’. He details how well-off professionals of the 9.9%, whose necks tire from looking up at those with even more, “convince themselves that they don’t have any privilege at all [..] and conflate the stress of status competition with the stress of survival.”💬 Did anybody here watch Gossip Girl? The Upper East Siders made the Humphrey’s feel so poor that they actually started believing it. Nevermind that their elite education was paid by their former rockstar dad who ran a successful art gallery, while they lived in a multi-million dollar loft in Brooklyn’s nouveau-riche hipster hangout, D.U.M.B.O, not to mention their Dad eventually marrying a billionaire - but they’re poor, remember? 😂 Dan Humphrey’s character was constantly called out for ‘cosplaying poor’ whilst living alongside billionaires and marrying into Manhattan’s most elite family. No offence but Rishi is definitely giving Dan Humphrey vibes! 😅
  • @willharrison69
    "I have friends who are working class.....well, not working class." (I wouldn't stoop that low)
  • Let me tell you a story
 its about high taxation that creates low incomes and poor standards of living as people struggle to meet everyday costs. Only in the UK will people take this lying down. The English working class are stuck in some kind of political Stockholm Syndrome where they have come to rely on upper middle class Tory abusers. Its very odd that they can’t break free and vote for parties that have better outcomes for working class people.
  • @DB-MH11
    Cheap attempt at character assassination
 typical of Channel 5
  • @bende2479
    When he was talking about the people he met at the uni from different classes in society and then he said " maybe not working class", the way he said it is what shocked me. He clearly was never in the entourage of the working class and don't know the real struggle poor people have to endure. now going back to recent times and the crises the country is facing. How is he supposed to improve the lives of these "working class"
  • @equusasinus
    After a lifetime of service in the UK forces, the church, and in full-time teaching, I live on a pension of 18,000 a year and pay 2,000 in tax out of that. I have lost all interest in politics. These people are living on a different planet.
  • @miketgl4543
    There is no way someone so wealthy and privileged can fathom the cost of living crisis
  • @amarrose128
    I love how his parents managed to set him up well for the future
  • @babegh4991
    “He was born into a pharmacy” 😂
  • @lukemwill99
    The absolute joke of the Tories lying outright about him getting a scholarship when it's been on a public program...
  • a man who does not understand the struggles of 'working class' in the UK. .. 😁😁
  • @kev_naughty
    The fun fact is Sunak's parents are basically middle class who achieved whatever they had through education and their own hardwork. Narayana Murthi on the other hand is a Billionaire. Rishi's dating game should be good because he convinced a billionaire's daughter to marry him!! Usually Bgirls marries Bboys.