How I Healed From Severe Depersonalization / Derealization

Published 2013-06-14
NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? Book an appointment with me: Test your testosterone / Hormone levels with LetsGetChecked and take control of your physical and mental health. Get 20% off with this link and code: NOAH20:
Noah Thomas (bignoknow) is an affiliate of LetsGetChecked

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Please SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT, and even FAVORITE THIS VIDEO if you found it useful or if you know somebody who it may benefit. Thank you.



This video is for educational and documentary purposes only and is not intended to treat or diagnose. The opinions expressed are that of the individual in the video and nobody else. Please consult a health care professional for all mental and physical healthcare needs.

I Noah Thomas, the creator of this channel, have been diagnosed hypogonadism by a medical doctor and legally prescribed the medically indicated treatment of Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

My Story

My name is Noah and on May 18 2011, I had a rare reaction to a medication called VIVITROL and consequently, spiraled into a suicidal depression with depersonalization and anxiety. I lost 25 lbs in 4 weeks and was in full panic or near panic for 8 weeks straight mixed with the darkest most painful depression I cold have ever imagined. I immediately could not work and had to move in with my parents who, along with many siblings and friends, had to watch me 24/7 as I was a danger to myself. Eventually I was hospitalized in the Psych Ward for a week. Getting through each day seemed truly unbearable and I knew I would surely die. I have been put on many many different doctor prescribed SSRI's SNRI's Tricyclics, mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics, holistic meds, acupuncture and even a form of shock therapy called RTMS. I barely saw any improvement in my condition for a full year. It was decided I had treatment resistant depression and I spent nearly every moment in tears. Weeks after starting my newest round of medications (Seroquel & Nortryptaline) as a last ditch effort, I had my blood drawn for possible hormone imbalances and my Testosterone levels came back 200 ng/Dl and 150 ng/Dl. The average 25 year old male has 750 ng/Dl. With this discovery I had an explanation as to why I was not getting better and why I might be so so sick. The symptoms of Low T are very similar to those of major depression. I started legally prescribed testosterone replacement therapy soon after and have been checking in with the world and documenting my experience with treatment as well as giving my insight and perspective on various topics of mental health. I am blessed to say that I have slowly, over the last 6 years, been improving and becoming more stable which I never thought to be possible. My low T manifested itself in the form of Major depression, anxiety, and depersonalization/ derealization for over a year. Treating my low testosterone has been 1 HUGE part of the puzzle but I have had to continue to work hard to hold on to my mental stability with many set backs. Gaining some mental stability back is nothing short of a miracle as I was near death for what felt like forever. I do not consider myself to be totally healed yet but I am closer now then ever before and aim to use what I have been through to help or at least offer support to others in need I was able to successfully come off my Seroquel and Pamelor.

I work out all the time as a part of my mental health recovery!!! Weight training and all kinds of cardio rule much of my free time and I also share this on my channel.

Noah Thomas (bignoknow) is an affiliate of LetsGetChecked

All Comments (21)
  • @LAHWF
    lol I love you man.
  • @sammclennan5942
    This video has been a turning point in my struggle, absolute fucking legend. I don't like the soppy shit but my man, I don't know if you realise how many peoples lives you may be saving.
  • @dandart9890
    Noah...your channel is very important to many people, including me. thank you for sharing.
  • @momokaba9260
    Derealization and Depersonalization had opened my eyes. Mental Health is so important.
  • @ivoryhat9148
    Anxiety + Depression + Daily stress + Bad panic attacks + Thyroid problems + Bad weed trips = My cause of DP/DR. I can't take it anymore.
  • @tylerh1648
    Damn, I remember watching this video a year ago, back when I had a panic attack from weed. Depersonalization sucked, but I got through it, and you guys can too. I remember sitting in class and just feeling so zoned out and scared that I messed up my brain. This happened for months, but I just started eating better and hitting the gym more to help clear my mind. Also, don't smoke weed for a while, this just makes it worse. Take care guys, and remember that good days are to come.
  • @bazworkman2165
    this guy is gods fucking gift. I've been this way for 11 months. I'm getting my t tested asap. no one believed me no one understood. but you. thank you. you've given me the strength to look for an answer again. thank you so fucking much.
  • @DavidVonR
    I went through a month of pretty severe DP/DR when I was 17. It was the most profoundly disturbing and bizarre experience of my life. It felt like the world was a dream within my mind. I was dreaming the world into existence and everything felt like it was an extension or a "projection" of my mind. The boundary between my mind and the external world disappeared. . My sense of personality identity was completely gone. I felt like I had died and had come back as a ghost. I was a ghost that was in purgatory - not really alive, but not dead either. Other people had become machine-like or puppet-like and were no longer human. The buildings and landscape had turned into a surreal sort of facade that felt like something out of a Salvadore Dali painting.
  • @syaakirventures
    but above all of these visual issues of depersonalisation,dont u guys feel like dizzy or kinda like if u standing in open space,u will feel like fainting and fall back?
  • @yeet5758
    i suffer from depersonalization derealization, it’s basically where you don’t feel real, or you feel like you’re dreaming all the time. it mostly stems from having panic and anxiety attacks. I recently came out to my mom about how I suffer from it and she didn’t exactly take my seriously.. it gets so bad at times to where I get crescent moons in my palms of my hands. (a lot of depersonalization suffers think that pinching or cutting will help them feel real. I do not cut or anything just get crescent moons every once in awhile when my anxiety kicks in or if I’m really feeling even less real that day.) now I am self diagnosed but when I first started getting the symptoms (feeling like you’re dreaming all time) I started to worry.. when you first get the symptoms you won’t notice it right at first. It WILL take you a day or maybe a few hours maybe even years. anyway, when I first got the symptoms I searched up “why do I always feel like I’m dreaming” the first article that popped up was from a therapist who herself helps people who also suffer from dpr (dpr is depersonalization) and I could relate with all of them. you will feel detached from your body, like you’re floating. I look at my hand and it doesn’t even look like it’s mine. I get my moments where I feel somewhat real and it feels so amazing and I wish that I could savor every moment of it, but it’s gone within a matter of seconds. dpr is a result of over thinking or obsessive thinking. if you do suffer from dpr like I do, just remember.. you will get through this, you’re not mentally ill.. you are in a constant stage of discomfort.. not danger. dpr is triggered when your body goes into fight or flight mode. EVERYONE has gone through dpr once in their lifetime, meaning it could have been only for a few seconds or like me.. a few days, months, years. when your body goes into fight or flight mode it triggers something in your brain to numb your emotions so you can think effectively to get your way out of the situation. (Many people who smoke weed suffer from dpr) Dpr is the hardest feeling to describe you have to have gone through it to know how it feels.. and if you’re going through it right now you know exactly what I’m talking about. Symptoms: Not being able to remember things as easily as you could before. Life just goes by in a blur. You feel detached from reality. Things aren’t as interesting as they were before. Often mood swings. Blanking out of conversations often. Always staying in your head. now please.. if you suffer from this as well you can get through this. I myself am fighting (hopefully winning) and I know you can fight too. It may be hard at times.. trust me I know.. but if you want to be better you HAVE to push through the hard times because it will be all worth it at the end.
  • @brizia9323
    For anyone who reads this, my dp/dr was triggered by smoking weed, I totally understand all of you I once saw that the best thing you can do is ignoring it. I got rid of it for like 4 years but a week ago it came back but you know what? i wont hurt me the way it did before, before all of this I was very happy and after dp/dr i also was happy . Dont be afraid people it does go away. Im fighting on getting rid of it again Geez. I thinnk losing weight is easier lol. anyone can message me :) stay strong people
  • 1. Identify the anxiety trigger and fight it 2.Hormone level test in blood 3.Testesteron replacement therapy
  • @BrigitteBell
    Thank you so much for this. You are a beautiful person.
  • @ohlouda954
    i literally can't trust my mind it's crazy 
  • @Zoe-kb9sh
    You are an angel. I'm trying my hardest too ♡
  • @milosloncar2181
    thank you so much i am 16 i got so fucking scared i saw your video and now i am FULL of hope your video inspired me!!!
  • @seunaraMD
    I had this for years and I didn’t know what it was till I went to med school. Mine was triggered by anxiety. Healed now.
  • @lawsynn01e76
    Does anyone ever feel like life itself isn’t real and sometimes when I focus on something my brain will compute for a second that this is real and then I’ll freak out.
  • @SushiiCatt
    Man, mine has gotten so bad I'm about backed into a corner. I'll definitely take your advice about quitting coffee and will go get my hormone levels checked as soon as possible. I just turned 17 and had so much going for me I don't know what happened. Myself and everything just feels so robotic and meaningless now it's horrifying. I will do all I can to get my soul back and this video gave me the hope to do just that, so thank you so much man I really mean it.