Why do you love me? (His response made us cry)

Why do you love me? From the Tonight's Conversation Couples Edition

コメント (21)
  • "You breathe life back into me" "God engineered" "So, it's perfect" Crying!!!🥺
  • “You don’t see me for everything I’ve been through you see me for what I give to the world!” That is brilliant.
  • @shellymoo2606
    This is a man who appreciated & recognized his gift from God.
  • His words are breathtaking. May they both continue to flourish in their love for one another.
  • She gave love, he recognized that love, accepted that love, he appreciates that love, he respects that love and he loves her back. They are delibrate/intentional about each other. This is powerful.
  • @beaub5174
    This Brutha is in Tune Mentally and Emotionally 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
  • Hearing his answer and watching his eyes, this is why we need the internet and social media. Not for gossip or exploitation, not for clicks and likes, not for pushing political agenda or lies, not for making money or chasing fame, not for for trolls or misinformation. It's for THIS very REAL moment of defining LOVE. Though love has many sides, this emotional, heartful expression of the most powerful, healing, all encompassing feeling one person has for another is what's It's all about. This is the language and what powers our existence. 🤗
  • He loves her because he sees God through her. She’s an angel in his life sent by the Lord🙌🏾
  • @lcarp545
    There is a level of vulnerability that can only be had when a person feels they are in a safe place. Kudos for him for being able to articulate that in a manner that elevated the spiritual over the temporal. And kudos to her for providing an atmosphere of safety that allows him to tap into that part of him that is divine. Relationships are all about communication and trust. Once that's in place and honored, love will flourish.
  • Every time I’ve heard a guy get ready to answer this question, I’ve heard, “I don’t know. I just do” This is the first time Ive personally heard a guy go into detail about it. How lovely
  • His answer made my heart weep. I’m middle age and I never knew a love as such. I pray to god to send me a love that’s perfect for me. I pray that I recognize when the door finally opens for me to meet my person I’m able to receive it. My hearts been broken before and I’m ready to love again unconditionally 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽. This couple is perfect together and may god continue to bless them both
  • You can see every word he’s saying reflected back at him by how she looks as she listens to him. What a magnificent couple. It’s rare to see such ardent love.
  • It's the "Very Spiritual Love and You're a gift that I get to experience until I don't .. until I meet you again .. and I'm the woman and you're the man" for me!
  • Love that's not confusing, it's unproblematic, it's kind, and respectful They deserve each other! 🤧 👏🏼
  • I'm a widow and a survivor of 17 years of abuse! I would give anything, anything in this world for someone to LOVE me like he loves her but I've got my dogs! I know for a fact that my dogs will never hurt me! Unconditional love at its best! ❤❤❤❤
  • I pray more people experience this level of love and expression 🙏🏾🕊 Love is Life!💞
  • @aidooedna
    “You never see me for what I’ve been through” I feel that way about God!
  • 2 words : emotional intelligence That’s what this man exudes. It’s definitely a breath of fresh air to hear a black man know how to articulate his emotions in a way that makes sense and has depth to it. Being able to recognize his emotions and put them into words. We need more men like this. (Thank you for all the likes … definitely wasn’t expecting to have these many likes or even have my comment be read lol #love)
  • This is why I'm still single... because I haven't found a man to love me like this. This is how my parents, and aunts and uncles love each other, and it's the most beautiful thing to witness. I thought I had it once, but I became disabled, and he showed his true colors. Now I'm 52, I've been divorced 8 yrs, but single 15, if you know what I mean. It's been so long, I don't know if I'll ever find that one. It doesn't feel like it, but I sure hope so. I pray that you two never lose site of this love for one another. It's the most precious thing in the universe... remember to treat it as such! ❤