Top Foods & Lifestyle Habits To Heal The Body, Prevent Disease & Stay Young | Dr. Mark Hyman

Published 2023-07-26

All Comments (21)
  • @lizsaxe1390
    I'm 83 and workout 3x a week for an keep me in my home NOT a "retirement" building!
  • @ezbless100
    I am 72 and exercising with an 85 year old, who actually reminds me every day when it's time to go to the Gym. We do 25 minute treadmill walks , and then weights and strength training. We are in great shape and I plan on dying healthy. I take cold showers, have since I've been16. No drugs, just holistic living!
  • @wendywhite2642
    As a 67 year-old woman in pretty darn good shape, I can tell you I'm a different person if I miss strength training for one solid week! My energy drops and so does my sense of wellbeing! Strength train it or lose it! And here's a tip for you, breathe deeply with each repetition and you will find you actually enjoy it! Consider the number of deep breaths just as important as the number of repetitions! Go slow and complete the range of movement!⁹
  • @ngerstner753
    Lost 20 lbs doing clean keto, IF, and extended fasting. I fell off at the end of having visitors here when I decided to have pizza with everyone. I've been having a very hard time getting motivated to get back on. I've watched lots of podcasts trying to get amped up again. Not even halfway through this video and I'm feeling inspired again. Why? Because it's not about weight loss for me; that just doesn't get me excited. It's about being healthy, feeling good, and still being healthy and feeling good when my kids start having kids. I want to be that 90 year old lady taking care of her garden/orchard and cooking from scratch. That is inspiring!
  • @amberlaird
    This video helped me change my life, and I want to come back and say thank you to both doctors for this incredible conversation. When I came across this video three months ago, I was on a streak of feeling exhausted all the time and getting sick frequently. I was desperate to make a change, so went looking for information. I found this, watched it in its entirety, and changed my diet on the spot. No second thoughts, I just decided right then to cut out sugar, processed foods, and most grains, with some exceptions. I'm not totally rigid, but it was a complete and immediate transformation that has lasted since. Granted, I was not ill-informed with a terrible diet before. I was eating better than the vast majority of Americans. I grew up with well educated, nutrition-conscious parents. And yet, I thought I could pay little attention to what I eat and get away with it because I'm young and healthy. I came to realize watching this that I get to have vibrant good health. I don't have to tolerate illness and rapid aging. I can take phenomenal care of myself. I had a loaf of bread in my fridge when I watched this. I wasn't even tempted to finish it. I just left it in there for a couple weeks while I made myself meals from scratch using fresh produce and meat, and then eventually threw it away. I'm rarely tempted to eat outside of the new diet I've adopted, because I want to feel incredible. Cooking is now a beautiful part of my daily life that brings me so much joy. It used to seem like way too much work. I guess I had adopted a lot of unhealthy mentalities from the culture around me without even realizing it. This video exposed them to me and empowered me to choose a different path. Thank you, thank you.
  • @AP-nx6xo
    I agree with Dr Hyman. I’m lacking social support/ friendships to help my aging journey. I’m 61 and my friendships are not quality. I’m on my own in this aging game. Dr Hyman believes in purpose and friendships….. genuine friendships
  • @sunshinelefty
    I'm 15 weeks into an all natural whole foods diet and down 35+ pounds! (at 67). It's simple and fast! 🥰
  • @gracewygal1423
    Dr. Hyman’s “10 day detox diet”. saved my life in my opinion. Stuck with his food plan for 6 months to reset my health and thinking and try very hard now to eat low carb, no sugar……eating healthy- lost 40 lbs kept it off 2 plus years 😊
  • @user-fw6oo3qz7i
    67 years old here. Day 90 of carnivore diet. Lost a stone and exercise 6 days a week strength training and stretches. I feel fantastic. Aiming for another 90 days adding some more fruit snd vegetables. ❤
  • @sarag.7156
    I am Italian and my grandparents lived 102 years long, surviving through years of restrictions, hard work, WWII and nazi deportation. But very often as I mention olive oil, mediterranean diet and unprocessed food to USA citizen, Germans or Britons ...I get disgusted reactions like "oil is gross" and "you can't eat pizza and pasta all day", "organic food is a scam", so I deduce that many people has very little idea about what are we talking about...
  • Recap, protein intake, cut sugar and starch elimination,resistant training.
  • @LTPottenger
    The best thing you can do for longevity is to try some fasting! It increases NAD+ just like NMN and also repairs the immune system, which is required for your body to repair the damage of aging. Some benefits of doing occasional extended fasting: High blood pressure is lowered to normal levels very quickly while fasting. Fasting restores NAD+ to healthy levels. Vitamin D plasma levels are increased as fasting improves metabolic health, and vitamin D in turn increases autophagy. Fasting stimulates phagocytosis, the ingestion of bacteria, plaques and viruses by the immune system. It will also remove any 'foreign material' like spikes that are not supposed to be there. Whether natural or unnatural in origin.. Fibrosis/scarring is reversed over time. Fasting increases nitric oxide release. Telomeres are lengthened and fasting also increases anti-aging Yamanaka factors. Blood clotting is reduced and blood clots and arterial plaque are reabsorbed into the body. Reflexes and short term memory are increased. Fasts from 36-96 h increase metabolic rate due to norepinephrine release! After 72 hours or more fasted, your body recycles up to 1/3 of all immune bodies, rejuvenating your entire immune system. This helps prevent the onset of new autoimmune conditions, which develop through a leaky gut and damaged immune system. Fasting can help with MS, Depression, BPD, Autism and seizures. Thymus is regenerated, which suppresses aging and renews the immune system. The thymus also plays a vital role in fighting cancer. Blood sugar and insulin are lowered when fasting, allowing white blood cells to move more freely throughout the body and do their job. Weight loss from daily caloric restriction has 1/4 to 1/3 of the weight lost as lean tissue while many studies show fat loss from 36 h fasts without losing any lean tissue! The obese will lose extra tissue like loose skin while fasting, but the skinny or frail will have increased growth hormone release than the obese, which helps to make more lean tissue and reduce frailness. The hunger hormone ghrelin also lowers with extended fasting and rises from dieting. When you move out of MTOR your body shuts down the building blocks of the cell required for viruses to replicate. What breaks a fast? Anything with protein or carbohydrates in it will break a fast. Most teas and herbs are OK. Most supplements and meds will either break ketosis directly or contain a filler that will. Many meds are dangerous to take while fasting. Does fasting lower testosterone? No, it raises it when the fast is broken by increasing lutenizing hormone. Fasting also increases insulin sensitivity, which helps with muscle building. Fasts of 36-96 will not affect short term female fertility or affect menstrual cycle. They also may increase long term fertility, especially in women with PCOS. Fasting very quickly reduces leptin resistance, which impairs immune function. One day of fasting can cut your leptin levels in half and gets your immune system working properly again! Stomach acid is reduced over time while fasting and can allow for the healing of treatment resistant ulcers. Some patients may need continued acid reduction medication while fasting. Does the body preferentially prefer glucose as a fuel? No. Except for brief periods of very intense exercise, your body mainly burns fats in the form of free fatty acids. Your brain also prefers to burn ketones at a rate of around 2.5 to 1 when they are available in equal quantity to glucose. Fasting stimulates the AMPK complex and activates autophagy. Autophagy (literally self eating) will cause cells to recycle foreign matter such as viruses and kill cancerous and senescent cells Lowering insulin via fasting virtually eliminates chronic inflammation in the body. It increases mitochondrial function and repairs mitichondrial DNA, leading to improved ATP production and oxygen efficiency. Increased mitochondrial function also has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism, fighting infection and cancer prevention! Fasting releases BDNF and NGF in the blood which stimulates new nerve and brain cell growth. This can help a great deal with diseases like MS, peripheral neuropathy and Alzheimers. When not in ketosis, the brain can only burn carbohydrate, which produces a great deal of damaging ROS the brain has to deal with. When you fast, this stimulates apoptosis in senescent or genetically damaged cells, destroying them. Senescent cells are responsible for many of the effects of aging and are a root cause of the development of cancer. A fasting mimicking diet for 3-5 days in a row also provides many of the same benefits as water fasting. FMD usually has 200-800 calories, under 18 g of protein and extremely low carbs. Exogenous ketones can aid with fasting, making it easier in healthy people and allowing some people with specific issues to fast in spite of them without worrying as much about hypoglycemia. Children, pregnant or nursing women should not fast for periods longer than 16 hours. People with pancreatic tumors or certain forms of hypoglycemia generally cannot fast at all. Type 1 diabetics can also fast but it is more complicated and should be approached with caution as it could lead to ketoacidosis. If you experience extreme symptoms of some kind, especially dizziness or tremors, then simply break the fast and seek advice. Resources: This list compiled over years of research by the user known as Pottenger's Human on youtube but feel free to copy and paste this anywhere you like, no accreditation needed! My channel will always contain an updated version of this list of fasting benefits on the community tab. I also have playlists on fasting and health topics.
  • @Sandra9135
    Excellent interview. Also love that he covers the unfairness to those who economically are most affected by the food industry.
  • @mrstn123
    While we are getting down to the cause of the problem… I think this is all good and wonderful/ but the average working woman is responsible for all that healthy cooking and shopping and preparing and chopping. She is worn out after her work day and now it is time for homework and clothes washing and everything else. I doubt that most women have the energy to cook healthy meals every day. That’s the real cause.
  • I am a 64-year-young woman who just completed and placed second in a bikini fitness competition and 5th overall with women of all ages. I absolutely incorporate strength training routinely and am strong enough to accomplish most tasks by myself. I play with my great (yes great) grandchildren in the park and can carry them, catch them, and climb on the playground equipment. Separately, I attribute my regular consumption of ginger as a source of energy, vitality, and youthfulness.
  • I am 57 I have had chronic fatigue and And ME for 3 years now And the only exercise I can do is swimming and still I struggle for a couple of days after but it is keeping me alive and mobile And feeling pretty darn good for someone with chronic fatigue❤ My grandparents have always taught us that you gotta keep moving because if you sit down for a long period of time you mean never get up
  • Lovely what you did for your dad. Im 59 had cancer last year and my health has been affected due to post op complications and back issues and sciatica pain
  • @sandytw5229
    Living in a warm climate makes a massive difference! Weather keeps people inside! They are living in a rural environment, in the sunshine, & have done for generations...much harder to come together in wet, cold icy loneliness prevails....
  • @mikkikas6821
    One thing I've noticed for me is having to watch my animal protein intake, which I've cut back on 😢 because of kidney issues. Protein in the urine tells me time to back off. What a lot of people don't know is animal protein cam be hard on the kidneys and I fully believe that down the road, carnivores will become aware of this, especially if diabetic. I've always loved veggies, even as a little kid but always loved meat as well. I ate a lot of both. But now it's mostly veggies and smaller amounts of meat. If I get carried away on the meat intake - and I do, the sudden protein in the urine, let's me know my kidneys are NOT happy and suffering so I have to back off. It clears up and I'm fine again. Just saying to not overload the kidneys with a loaded carnivore diet. It' could cost you down the road. The line up of human teeth are not the same as for true carnivores like lions and wolves but are in line with the herbivores and omnivores.
  • @williamhenry3337
    Jack LaLane (the Godfather of excercise) did his daily excercise routine up until the day before he passed away at age 96.