The Cut Dark Side Carth Romance Ending from KotOR1

Publicado 2018-09-18
This version of the content permanently replaces my old version.

To those that always wanted to see the cut ending to Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic for DS female character, now you can. (Yes, I know Revan is canonically a male, but you have to play as a female to use this mod.)

Thanks again to JdNoa for creating this great mod.

To download this mod for yourself, visit here:…

In order for you to be able to make the mod work you’ll need the following things to happen in your game:
- Your PC is female.
- You have followed the Carth romance as far as possible before the Unknown Temple (i.e. you got the "I think I could love you" conversation and responded appropriately).
- You took the DS path at the Unknown Temple.

Other questions that have been asked:

I know Revan is canonically male, but you can't romance Carth as a male without additional mods, nor would I want to. (He has too many trust issues.)

Yes, Revan is invulnerable for the fight with Bastila but this video isn't about the fight, but for the lines that Carth says.

This new version adds new titles, new end credits - that likely led you to this description - and adds the Star Forge falling into the sun with an appropriate fadeout.

This mod was created from pre-existing sound files that always existed on the KOTOR game discs. They were not re-voiced.

I cut together some of the various conversation options to make a smoother experience . . . and so I didn’t have to show each conversation more than once.

To those that will inevitably ask/state/yell “Hey Carth, the ship is RIGHT BEHIND YOU!”, please realize that Carth didn’t want her to survive the Star Forge’s destruction. He was sacrificing himself and hoping she would do the same. Who’s to say he didn’t tinker with the Ebon Hawk so they couldn’t take off, right?


I used the following mods (or portions of them) with the aforementioned mod by Jdnoa in this video. They are listed in no particular order.

Kexikus’ High Quality Starfields and Nebulas 1.2 –…

Fenharel’s Female Player Corruption –

Fenharel’s Carth -

Curtis1973’s Star Forge Plus CM Effects Pack -

Crixler’s New Saber Crystal Pack version 2.5 –…

Redrob41 Party Model Fixes and HD Bastila –…

DarthParametric’s Revan’s Hoodless / Maskless Flowing Robes for K1 –…

Sithspecter’s Revan’s Flowing Cape and Belt Fix –…

ZimmMaster’s Revan’s Jedi Robes –…
(Note: the TXI file needed for this mod is included in DarthParametric’s mod listed above)

DarthParametric’s KOTOR Comic Republic Uniforms for K1 -…

Sith Holocron’s Remove the Menu Beeps from KOTOR and TSL -…

Drewton's Darth Malak: Dark Lord of the Sith (2.0) -
(Note: I turned the armor to greyscale as I thought it gave him a better look. He's not in this video for very long though. LOL)


To Reddit user “tmnfrog” for providing the save. That user saved me countless hours so I could jump straight to where I needed to record. Thanks!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @petegeorge1994
    Really wish they hadn't cut this. Much prefer playing as female because of the Carth arc. It makes the fall to the dark side slightly less believable, but his character arc is waaaaay more interesting than Bastila' imo. Raphael Sbarge's voice acting is TOP
  • @rachelzach99
    I just love it how casually bastilla puts her hands on her hips with that lightsaber ignited
  • @bi0hazard921
    It would be nice if there was a way you could escape after Carth redeems Revan
  • @lianakriebel
    Someone pointed out in another video that this mirrors the LS Male Revan helping to redeem Bastila by telling her that he loves her.
  • @EAgamer97
    So I think I know why this was cut. It implies that the Ebon Hawk and the three returning party members ( Cancerous, T3, HK) died on the star forge this making a KOTOR 2 mess. You wouldn't be able to set this particular ending as game canon otherwise they'd have had to explain it as...."oh yeah Revan stayed with her boyfriend while the two droids and the mandalorian f...ed off." Which wouldn't fit any of the characters since they were all loyal
  • @llVIU
    Carth was always such an emo kid. I wish there was a dark side ending where you got away with both bastila and carth but that's only modded.
  • @danielfiles1903
    I was really bummed you couldn't kill carth... just runs away like a coward!
  • @SaurerZipfel
    Does anyone know if this ending made it to the Switch version?
  • I mean, even if Carth disabled the ship, why couldn't he just call the Republic fleet and be like "Hey, we could really use a lift here. Revan turned good again." This still comes across as a bit of an unnecessary sacrifice.
  • @MileenasDentist
    So weird ive gotten this ending on xbox and people are saying it was cut from the game. Wtf?!!
  • @michaelcrum8128
    I can't find this mod anywhere and I want to download it for my upcoming playthrough :'( Does anyone know where to find this file? Does it still exist?
  • @eafstudios6436
    No way this could be canon because even in Kotor 2 they didn't account for this scenario. Revan has to have lived either way, as has Bastila regardless of the Light or Dark path we decide Revan made when playing Kotor 2 in the beginning.
  • @RX7821979
    I wish this was the real ending of Revan
  • I mean.. The devs probably cut this because they knew Carth was an annoying character and no one would want a romance with him.