Managing Empathic Abilities in a Relationship (From Empaths vs. Narcissists)

Published 2018-03-16
An except from my new online course Empaths vs. Narcissists: A Power Dynamic and How to Recover from it.

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All Comments (8)
  • @Shyeena
    I don't know if you READ COMMENTS, but I am going to leave this anyway in hopes it helps young women and men. I know your primary focus is Narcissistic personality types, however, this topic could be opened up to those who are dealing with just plain old immature communication skills. It took me time, effort, and desire to learn what communication should be. I didn't have good role models growing up. By the time I was 30, I had matured. However, my life experience has proven that many adults today are floundering in the healthy communication skill, due in large part to broken families and what often comes in that department. Adults are set in their ways and not knowing a better way exists. I've been married 40+ years and it took time to realize that I wasn't being fair or kind by excusing my husbands "reactions"; you know, mothering behavior on my part thinking: "He's tired, he can't handle stress like me", or "He has a lot on his mind; or his personality "type" is just deficent in this strength." Because our PATHS didn't really cross much because we both worked 10+ hours a day and being we were "good friends", our weekends were spent doing fun things. I felt I could overlook and COMPENSATE for his shortcomings; his not being as available as I needed with cooking, shopping, laundry, and yada, yada. I convinced myself I was super-mom, wife and woman 😳 Then, we both retired and I suffered a lengthy illness and needed him to "man-up". It was a bed and 4 walls for nearly a year that I realized how my empathic nature had blinded me. And also, how "we" can overlook small but accumulative indiscretions and excuse others behaviors that shouldn't be excused. First, I owned the "first cause and effect", and the damage to both of us that I chose not to see. I accepted treatment that I shouldn't have. So, I told him we needed to learn, all over again, better communication. I was no longer going to excuse unnecessary reaction or raising his voice and I certainly wasn't going to be the one to take the blame for "however my question or statement made him FEEL, because I KNOW he feels stress over x,y,z." He needed to own his part and we needed a plan to break a 40 year cycle. Partners work together and that means communicating without the resulted "sky falling". I think women are more responsible for HOW THEY FEEL because we tend to be the more emotional. Men tend toward analytical mind and seriously, they don't know how they make a woman feel unless we tell them. I'm fortunate that I have a husband who was actually devastated that I felt emotionally "abused" (probably too hard of a word because I am not abused). We have fixed our problem, I am happy to say. Hope this helps some younger couples.
  • I grew up watching the behaviors of others as a way to predict their next action. It’s much easier for me to pick up on how others feel vs myself. The last two years I’ve been dedicating myself to self care and empath empowerment. Of course, my natural tendency is to fill someone else’s cup and feel everyone’s energy, but I’m learning to manage it! Awareness helps. Thanks, Lee!!! You’re so awesome!!!! Strong ass empath:)
  • @bkswanson2461
    I am not in a relationship, but definitely feel others energy constantly...omg thanks Lee, you hit the nail on the head for sure!! am working on when to just "stop" already..tough tho...xo!!
  • @natalibra
    Great content Lee, really enjoyed the webinar today also, thankyou 🌟
  • @sea9994
    I am shocked your shirt is the next tattoo.. I feel the energy and I stay 💯 away. I ❤💙 still care and the very best I can do is to be of service for others who suffer 👍 me.