How to Deal with a Narcissist as an Empath - Impact the World

Published 2023-03-12
Over the course of 16 years leading workshops around the world, teaching online courses, and holding private one-on-one sessions, Lee has helped thousands of people navigate the relationship struggle that often arises between narcissists and empaths.

As a first step on a healing journey, we have to be willing to take a good look at ourselves — at our behaviors and belief systems. Those of us who identify as empathic often get caught in specific patterns and we must learn to recognize those patterns in order to move past them.

In this special episode, Lee teaches clear and practical techniques for overcoming this dynamic and avoiding it in the future.

(9:07) Know who they are without illusion.
(18:24) Know who you are without illusion.
(23:49) Know where your support is coming from.

Want to go deeper with Lee’s work? Join us beginning March 10, 2023 for his acclaimed online course, Empaths vs. Narcissists - A Power Dynamic and How to Recover From It. This powerful healing journey features over 10 hours of video teaching, a Live Q&A call with video replays provided, guided qigong practices to facilitate grounding, audio downloads of all course content, a private members' forum and much more!

Registration is open now at…

All Comments (21)
  • Are we choosing to stay small and play small so that they don’t have too change… wow that hit home
  • Wow Lee, I actually joined your course a couple of years ago after breaking away from my abusive parents. Through it and over a long period of time I also ended up identifying these same narcissist patterns in my partner, which was totally unexpected! I've ended up really ill, with pains and fatigue and other symtoms, and I feel very confused and lost in my life right now... I take your video as a sign for me to go back to your content. It feels so incredibly difficult to admit to certain things, but I'm so so grateful for your creation, presence and support! The loneliness I feel is very real and I can't wait to connect with other souls going through this empowering process! Much love to you Lee and to everyone reading 😃🙏💜we are getting to the other side of this together!
  • Lee, thank you...their pull is so so strong and as Empaths, our downfall is also that we get to forgiveness so easily. This is a very loving and clear reminder ❤ to love ourselves, and stand straight in our entirety. You forgot to say : Empaths are the ideal "target" for people with NPD, because we SEE THE SOUL, we see beyond the behaviours and toxicity - so we love beyond. Love is not enough. We come out destroyed, crushed, exhausted
  • @kimwyer4565
    I wish I was in a position to do this right now, but I am separating from my husband after 27 years of being together and selling our home with a view to raising my young adult twins alone. My toxic relationship/marriage was heavily narcissistic, alongside, Autism/Aspergers type behaviours. It is so confusing, traumatic and also worrying. I have been in a previous, much more overtly abusive relationship, which has meant the more nuanced behaviours were overlooked. I am on my healing journey. I am happy to be alone and I am also building a life where I won't feel lonely. No fixing, no delusions - that is all fine. Trusting is another ball game altogether! Sending you love and positive energy with huge gratitude for your work, which has been a guiding light thought the COVID era. Xxxxxx
  • mom,friends,bosses,and partners,....on the healing journey now...alone isolated of course but at least free of the toxic relationships. THANK YOU LEE❤
  • @user-ft3xs4qq5g
    A deep thank you, it brought a clarity of putting together many dreams and the process from recovering from a childhood conditioned pattern created by a narcissistic mother followed by "love relationships" which repeated the earlier pattern.
  • This was perfect timing to listen today. It was like you listened to a place inside that is hard to describe to others around the dance of empath & narcissist. What I most appreciate about your work is how grounded & balanced it resonates between spirit and human nature. In my current process of healing trauma, my path this year has been through one on one therapy, along with self inventory around where I lost myself and what I bartered in exchange to experience love, validation and attention from others. I unconsciously became emotionally numb to survive childhood and didn’t realize it became the norm. Being naturally sensitive & emotionally intuitive, life felt already intense and overwhelming. It took the shift that covid brought to give myself time & permission to open up & explore the loop that kept playing same theme around feeling misunderstood & invisible whenever I tried to connect with others. The day an awareness revealed how my unhealed wounds had built an unconscious layer of self hatred & unworthiness was a painful yet soulful aha moment around the repeat loop of attracting the unhealed, wounded places in others. They represented a mirror that my unhealed conditioning wanted to fix or cut off. Over the span of this year by learning how to trust the universe from a deeper soul space to tune into, was finally able to grasp the bottom of a well filled with decades of grief and loss, and through working with my spiritual nature, creativity, play, weekly therapy, as well as listening to others who are on a similar journey, am rediscovering who I am from a more realistic, loving & engaging practice of self care and kindness. It’s liberating to feel more comfortable in my authenticity without feeling like my existence isn’t worth enough to experience all on its own. In conclusion I reopened a door of what I was dealing with to my siblings, who in the past felt too intense to engage with because our parents had crossed without being able to acknowledge what we went through, but by opening that door, it’s given us all permission to be more open & truthful around how our childhood effected our adulthood & feel so grateful that in honoring my intuition when it prompted me to open the door, this result has occurred. Once again thank you 🙏🏻 for sharing & modeling the information in such a way my heart grasps it all the way down to my soul bones 🔥❤️🔥
  • @MajiSylvamain
    I never lost my power nor did I surrender it but it took me thirty years to gain power in my own life and escape the toxic influence that was my relationship with my Narcissistic mother, however sadly I have never reached any level of healing or acceptance in my life to deal with the baggage I still carry around with me...
  • Thank you so much for this. We hear so much about narcissism and this keeps the ball and power in the court of the one who has endured. I heard a Maya Angelou quote on Dr. Ramani’s channel recently that “Surviving is important, but thriving is elegant”. Much gratitude for opening the door to that elegance here. 🙏
  • @TravellingKook
    Thank you so much for this Lee! I feel like my last relationship had elements of this, yet I feel bad to talk negatively about them, part of that is probably the dynamic of the relationship and the grip they had on me and also I’m not sure if the tendencies were all with intention. Regardless, it showed me so many things about myself and while there was so much confusion, I learnt how to put myself first. I think there is still confusion but I accept it, it was messy and that’s ok; it came at the perfect time, it taught me great things and showed me the power of people close to me. It’s never nice to loose yourself in someone else yet we will find ourselves stronger when we come out of it. I have love and gratitude for the person, relationship and myself since it. You have the power to walk away. Know that you are always loved, even when things seem dark and difficult, take care and much love ❤️🙏❤️
  • Great video, Lee, and I do appreciate the way you invite us to enquire within and reflect on which ways we have contributed to this dynamic. I grew up with a single mother with NPD so it’s been quite a head wrecker for me and I’m not sure I’ll ever fully recover. I’d like to think I can. I did your course in 2021 and found it very useful. I really enjoyed the role plays you did as well. It seems to me that if we can learn to truly value and appreciate ourselves, have firm boundaries and not have any interest in getting swept up in drama, then we are far less easy prey for a narcissist.
  • @whitelight797
    Thankyou Lee. I am recovering after walking away. It's been a lifetime experience.
  • I truly want to keep healing from these troubled experiences for sure.
  • @JustNath2024
    Thank you Lee💫🕊🐛💝🙏🏼💝🦋🕊💫 in recovery mode for over 6 years now.. enrolled in your course❣
  • @cc1294
    Thank you for sharing your insights 🙏 My encounter with a narcissistic person was the biggest lesson ever and most important ever for me. I'm actually almost thankful for the experience. It took someone like him, to push me to a deeper understanding of me, the dysfunctionel relationships I grew up in whitin my family and along with that ancestral wounds and traumas and the effects of them. A lot of truthseeking and healing had to be done. Still today three years after I'm time to time thinking about what happened and the empath in me hopes he's also has come to some deep soulfull understanding about himself... But really.that's not for me to care about anymore. In the best of worlds one would prefer to have a shared balanced conscious ending with each other... but of course that has not happened. The person is blocked in all possible ways:) Anyhow, I believe the narcissist and the empath are two sides of the same coin! Both beeing neglected on care and love as children, both wanting to be loved but in opposite ways. The narcissist demands attention in extreme egoistical ways and empaths seeking to be seen and loved by pleasing others needs and neglecting selfrespect, bounderies and so on. Indeed a lot of healing have to be done not only on one of these persons but also ancestral healing is necessary. Relationships helps us learn much about ourselves! Much love and healing to you all! " May all who suffers be released from that suffering And the causes of it" Amen🙏
  • Beautiful. Thank you. “The power is in you. Not in them. “🙏❤️
  • @Sweethearted444
    Thank you so much dear Lee Very interesting and spot on Sending love and light!!! ❤️🙏✨🍀
  • @user-lu2zu5sv5s
    Dear Lee, I listened to you about 14 years ago and was drawn to your energy. 14 years alter and my dear friend forwarded me a video of you and when I saw the name I thought to myself, '' How did I forget about Lee Harris?!''. I came across this video and I have to say that this is such an empowering message to the world.I am SO GRATEFUL for the gift of awareness you are sharing. Thank you, thank you!