Dealing with an aging narcissist parent.

Published 2023-10-09

All Comments (21)
  • “ She didn’t prepare me for life in the real world, she did not support me in anything, she wanted me weak and controllable. She wanted my life to be difficult when it didn’t have to be. She wanted me to fail. She interfered with me just becoming me and enjoying life.”. (someone else’s quote- but my experience)
  • @flowerpower3618
    My 93 year old mother can make me physically sick. She refined her skills with age
  • @susancarter3864
    Put their narcissistic wicked arse in a nursing home……. Now I know why nursing homes are packed.
  • @rachelspeck1230
    They want sympathy and empathy but they never showed me any. Only contempt and disgust Thanks dad
  • @lilagood1963
    Thank you Thank you Thank You! My 84-yr-old covert narcissist mother has always had everyone fooled. She is super hard to be around and I have been doing the “Grey Rock” thing for years now without even knowing what that was! Her constant STARES and need for gossip to criticize others and build herself up are so tiring. She’s a lifetime victim. Just EVERYTHING you’ve mentioned in this video is SPOT ON. Makes me feel so much better knowing I’m not crazy
  • "Caretakers often die before the Alzheimer's patient does." Realizing that with narcissistic parents at age 30, having moved back in after a divorce with a narcissist, im already dying. My health has been horrible my whole life and no doctors can tell me why. I want to leave so bad.
  • @GMK888
    Please never feel guilty about deciding to end or limit your relationship with the narcissist parent, never feel guilty about how you decide to treat them regardless of their age because remember this: they destroyed you and your life ever since you were a tiny, innocent helpless child that didn't even do anything to incur their twisted behavior!! They never felt guilt or remorse or compassion and NEVER WILL!! So please never ever feel guilty towards them, you have every right to feel all other feelings but they don't deserve your guilt. Do it for your hurt inner child, they need you to stand up for them. Lots of love from a fellow narcissist abuse surviver❤💜
  • @tinam2696
    I can't believe I have lived this narcissist, golden child (sibling), scapegoat (me) my entire life & I am just now (in my 60's) learning about it. So sad.
  • @Speckage
    My mother demanded me to pay my own bills when i turned 14. No child should be used like this.
  • @RainnRiptide
    The older they get, even if you’ve gone minimal contact, the more they filter you out so the family hate you when they pass. I’m slowly coming to terms with losing most of my family to her venom and manipulation.
  • @Z1nny
    Narcissistic parents do not get wiser with age. They do not get better either. They get worse, much worse.
  • @Wooddweller
    The threat of taking me off of the will is something I hear almost every since year.
  • @kuwalak
    You’ve nailed it! This video describes my life and current circumstances perfectly. It’s a very difficult, frustrating and sad situation. And unless you’re living it, other people just don’t get it.
  • @cc967
    My 93 year old mother is still at it. I have minimal contact with her - even though I miss my dad who is her enabler. It boils down to protecting my health and sanity. They will be gone someday, but I hope to preserve the remaining life I have.
  • @Seilsel
    Thank you!!! You taught me what a malignant narcissist is years ago. Todays video hit the nail on the head in describing my mother to a T. It also reminded me that there is good life and relationships even in the midst of grieving and healing. Today mom would have turned 90 and I find myself feeling some compassion for her because she missed out on 3 generations of a fantastic family. What a great loss for her. At the same time a great joy for me to see my grandchildren growing up in healthy and loving homes. Working through the pain and trauma and learning new skills has been invaluable! Thank you for all you do!
  • @nonawolf7495
    For years, I asked my mother to move closer to me so I could care for her as she got older - but she always refused to leave her home. Now, she is frail and can no longer function by herself. She won't consider moving to assisted living, and refuses to allow home health care workers in her house. (quote"I don't want strangers in my home!"). Instead, she wants me to abandon my home and my husband - and move across the country to be her live in care taker. She has no regard for how this would impact my financial stability, or the strain it would place on my marriage. When I refused to move - she stopped taking my calls. Apparently her "mother's love" came with conditions. Please pray for me, friends... I am in an impossible situation.
  • @icten123
    You described everything I experienced as if you watched it with a camera.
  • @ForeverNoble88
    Will I Ever Be Good Enough? Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers Book by Karyl McBride This book helped me in so many ways. I want to always share it as much as possible. ❤ healing and hope for all!
  • This is so good and a reminder for me to keep an emotional distance. My mom is 92 and a covert hypochondriac narcissist. She tries to keep my brother and I stirred up emotionally with her trips to the ER for very minor, old age symptoms. All our lives she has been either sick or upset about her marriage and expected us to make her happy. There were times she seemed caring, which made it worse because she would draw us back in. She complained my whole wedding that her back hurt, and that’s the story she tells everyone about the time of my life that should have been a joy for her. We moved across the country to help my brother deal with her and dad 2 years ago. Dad is gone now and she lives alone. I fight to keep the boundary…. We refuse to move in with her because we lived there for 6 months and she wasn’t happy. NOTHING will make her happy and it’s true that they WILL NOT CHANGE. I’m so thankful for videos like these because they have helped me so much. I’m taking care of myself and doing things that fill me up and spark my passions. It’s getting to the point where mom is getting worse and we have to make some decisions and get home care, or Assisted-living. She constantly tells me that she’s glad she was able to take care of her mother, which she only did three months out of the year for about two years, and even when she did that, she was mean to her and yelled at her. She tries to make me feel guilty and I let her for a long time, but now I feel free. It’s sad that parents like this force us to harden ourselves towards them just to have some peace.