7 Signs Of Narcissists Worsening As They Age

Published 2022-05-02
In a person's early adult years, traits associated with narcissism can emerge, but there is hope that as maturity catches up, those narcissistic tendencies can lessen. Dr. Les Carter explains that unfortunately many narcissists not only do not mature, but their tendencies worsen with age. He highlights seven of the most common indicators of narcissists who regress as the years go by.

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Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who has semi-retired to Waco, TX. In the past 40+ years he has conducted more than 65,000 counseling sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder.

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Free to Be: Reclaim & rediscover your uniqueness survivingnarcissism.tv/free-to-be-course/
This Is Me: Setting boundaries with the controllers in your life survivingnarcissism.tv/this-is-me

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All Comments (21)
  • @beachgirl8420
    My great-aunt divorced at age 78 after she decided she had enough of her husband's shenanigans. She was/is my hero. She lived her best life the remaining 15+ years of her life.
  • @sadferret8888
    When I got a cancer diagnosis my narc mother said “But if you die who’s going to look after me?”. She’s a piece of work.
  • @whiteraven69
    “These people do not have a heart. It has turned to stone”. All we need to know.
  • @VanessaKanu
    "Narcissists don't grow. They regress." 📌
  • @passinthru4788
    I am convinced that this narcissism behavior is more prevalent in society than we are led to believe. I am seeing it manifested more and more.
  • They cannot admit they have any faults and dont see self improvement as something they require.
  • Here’s another truth: they do not care about your problems AT ALL…while going on endlessly about their own and who wronged them.
  • @Tampatsmi
    When they are mad at you they can be very revengeful, rather than talking things over they will treat you badly as a way of punishing you. Then they will come back around later as if nothing has happened. The older ones are the worse. It's a vicious cycle.
  • @ladyluck5248
    My father is now 87. We lost Mom when I was 18. My father is a covert Nacissist. The bullying gaslighting blame shame and lack of nuture this man dumped on me is still hurting me. The control , insensitiveness to my feelings .. it runs deep. He made my two younger brothers his flying monkeys. They are a pair of narcissists too. I’ve walked away for good. It’s hard but I have to remind myself that he is a perpetual victim who will never release me from the scapegoat role. I haven’t lost a family. I walked away from a group of malevolent evil unavailable people who used me up until there was almost nothing left to use.
  • Oh the temper tantrums in my car are sickening. 88 yrs old stomping her feet and yelling "you just don't want to be controlled". All because I drove down a street of my own choosing. Lord have mercy and help us all.
  • I stayed with my husband 36 year, married 34, waiting for him to mature. I left 3 years ago once I realized he would never grow up. My life is peaceful and full of joy now that I am on my own.
  • @Picca65
    More agressive/rage, dillusional, "superior", bitter, pushing ppl away, in denial of ageing and having more needs, victimy, judgemental, unable to show gratefullness (in a proper way) to the ppl who try to help, greedy, but also more hoovering cause they realize they loose people. The mess only gets bigger and you'll see more clearly what already was happening all your life.
  • @Ray-fx2np
    They NEVER say they are sorry.. NEVER. They also project onto others and call others narcissistic
  • @mrgordy1980
    All true. Has anyone ever noticed how narcissists also copy you. It’s like they have no real personality of their own, so they adopt characteristics that you display and begin to mimic you. Sometimes nice genuine parts of you, they take on as an act in front of others and it’s like, this sounds like me. And then later it’s back to them and their crap
  • To anyone stuck in a relationship with a narc, just know your life if not bad, it’s the environment. Leave as soon as possible.
  • @APlus-qx7no
    Dr. C, I usually agree with you, but here's where I don't: It's not that the narcissist has given up on love. The narcissist has given up on FAKING their love. Narcissists aren't capable of love.
  • @dogie1070
    My entire family: dying off one by one. I am way younger and the scapegoat. They now “need” me…I learned my lesson and avoid them.
  • @lindadunn8787
    Wow. Narcissists don't grow, they regress. I heard that. Wow.
  • I’ve been married to my covert narcissist for 49 years. I didn’t discover his shenanigans until 10 years ago, up until then I thought I was being a good wife solely raising our boys n my own while his work always took priority. I was codependent and always made to believe I was asking too much when I asked him to make us a priority. Long story short, he got careless 10 years ago, I discovered several emotional affairs he had been carrying on shortly after our second son was born 30 years prior. He was that sneaky and secretive, and my life changed forever. Luckily I was always in charge of the finances, because he was terrible with money(red flag), and I was very good at saving. However, I stayed home for many years raising the boys, so I didn’t have much of a pension and he did, but we had a big savings and retirement. If I left, I would be living off SS, barely getting by, trying to make my savings last. I stayed, he got sick, now is in very poor health and karma is a bitch for him because he is a lonely old man. I gray rock him, help him some what with his medical needs, but will feel no guilt when his ass has to go into a nursing home. His money pays for my therapist, who has been a life saver, I travel without him, we live in the same house but do not consider him my partner anymore. That trauma bond he created is finally gone, but it has taken me ten years to heal. I would not wish a covert narcissist on my worst enemy. Thanks to videos like this and wonderful books out there I have been helped.