Which R99 Skin is MORE Pay to Win ?

Published 2022-04-25

All Comments (21)
  • Plot twist : The Killswitch R99 skin is actually pay to lose because the bullets travel trough the pipe and thus taking longer to fire
  • @Mok3ysnip3r
    Zero Point has more space around the aiming dot. The two middle pillars are further apart. But takes up way more screen space all around. I think it's considerably worse.
  • @J_Windchill
    Would love to see a comparison of killswitch/battlepass 100 against the zero point skin
  • @Graceful-Trace
    I like the overall structure of the battle pass r-99 skin, however the effects and noise cause a great disruption while i’m playing.
  • @ichiqwerty8769
    I'd be cool if someone made an easily accessible way to compare all iron sights of a specific weapons skins. Like if i wanted to compare the 'circle of power' and 'wild ride' prowler skins or 'bestial instincts' and 'ethereal expectations' sentinel skins (just examples of obscure skins that nobody's going to compare)
  • @ADP-Plays
    Zero Point has to be the best one in terms of pay to win.. but my go to is the Unloader 😎
  • It doesn't really matter which skin takes up more screen space, just choose the skin that you hit more shots with
  • @Schmidt54
    I feel that Zero Point is the go-to skin, but probably because it has a bland color scheme and is a slim skin, but the skin comparison is about iron sights so that is why we might be wrong with Zero Point = best
  • @ramonv-h5719
    I can agree cutting edge is better. I mainly use the Zero point skin, IMO it's the best option and looks sick AF! It has none of the side flares and it has an amazing iron sight with that 1.5 ADS zoom.
  • @Crunyil
    Can you make a playlist if all your iron sights comparison videos please, Mokey?
  • @pawz9250
    I would use any skin with dope effects, idc about the sights-
  • I prefer the kill switch one (I have the colour variant) because I love that skin so much but agreed the BP sights win
  • @karaseirin
    Even if the zero point skin covers more screen I still prefer it because it looks way better imo and I love the iron sight
  • @draiso4503
    Kill switch holds a special place as it was the first ever legendary item I got in an apex pack