The homeless of Liverpool now have a voice, this is just the start.


コメント (21)
  • @Icecold-os1vs
    I recently come across this channel, no matter what you do good bad or indifferent there will always be haters wanting to criticise for no good reason if you allow the very small minority of keyboard warriors it will affect your journey, what your doing needs applauding , thicken that skin fellla because the more you do the more hate your gonna get ( unfortunately) keep up the good work lad
  • Kev you have a heart of gold … I salute you you sir 🫡 Total Respect 👍
  • You’re doing a great thing Kev, screw the knockers. Charity starts at home. It’s great that you’re helping people in your own City. Well done 👏 👏👏
  • Fair play mate I’ve been a fairly regular visitor to Liverpool for 30 odd years travelling over for matches. I’ve always noticed that there was a homeless issue in Liverpool. It’s heartening to see someone try to do something positive. A few times I’ve bought lads a bags of chips and pies etc when I can. I’ve witnessed one guy get robbed at knife point years ago. It’s sad to see genuine people struggling. Anyway keep up the good work and fighting the good fight
  • @sophiabee8924
    Kev, you are so inspiring. What you're doing is raising awareness. This is only positive action. See this negativity you're encountering? It's coming from people who probably don't do anything for anyone ever without a motive and can't understand why anyone would do something for no personal gain. These people don't understand what human kindness is or the importance of highlighting the plight of others. More power to your elbow. YNWA❤
  • Kev good on you mate, you really do come across as a genuine person that wants to do right by the people who have fallen on hard times in our city. You have a great channel and love your content.
  • I found you by flicking through utube and have been looking for vlogs on Liverpool. I seen the vlog of great Homer st that was it I became a subscriber brought back Happy memories of my late husband. You are a very nice kind hearted man caring for others would like to see more vlogs lpool 5 and L8 if possible ❤
  • Wish the government cared about the homeless like you do lad well done for giving them your precious time lad🤟🤟🤟🤟
  • Keep this up kev they have to listen to the voices of the people this suffering i'm seeing is horrible keep that message going they will have to listen i can't give you enough props for what you are doing
  • @Chloe31778
    Well done helping homeless keep up good work
  • in the words of klop turn those doubters into believers kev, keep on doing everything your doing mate
  • @markvidal1182
    Watching this video and the negative comments. The fact that you would get any negative grief from feeding homeless is insane! Keep doing what you’re doing and let those wallow in their own sad world! You’re doing the right thing!
  • A hard watch and listen, but good to know that there are people around who care and want to make a difference. Hope this work and awareness snowballs, but look after yourself. Take care.
  • Have got nothing but admiration for what you are doing Kev, but it's a big job you are taking on. This challenge could overwhelm you doing it on your own when this is something the council should be sorting out but the council will tell you they have no money to do it because of government cuts so you can't win. As for the comments about not giving out money, this is advice the major charities give out, so you are doing the right thing. As an old Kirkdale lad myself, and I mean old, I wish I could help you but I don't go out at night these days. I would hope to help you financially if you set something up but you take care and God bless you for what you are doing.❤
  • Kev, fuck the haters, you know who you are, that's all that matters.....your parent's raised a decent human being 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
  • Brilliant to see this gentleman doing his good work again much respect with out help from people like this man , homeless people would not get to eat as good or as much your a stand up man kev appreciate your videos keep being you ❤
  • @johnbell2722
    Im in tears KC re Narcolepsy / cat lady. .My 29 yr old son suffered from narcolepsy and was on all sorts of medication. He sadly died a year ago unexpectedly due to an underlying but undiagnosed heart condition. He struggled mightily to live with his narcolepsy but sadly lost the battle. Hope that Narcolepsy lady gets the help she needs. 🧙‍♂️❤🧙‍♂️
  • Well said Hun good on you and you are doing a amazing job 💯👍👍 and their is not menny people like you Hun ❤️