The Science of Selling: Proven Techniques to Persuade Customers and Increase Sales

2013-12-15に共有 - SUPPORT ME :)

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"Hi Evan

I have not read anything from the E-mail yet but already my heart is beating fast from excitement. Thank you so much.

Just one problem that I have had and I hope you can help me with.

I run a sound hiring company. Hiring out microphone, speakers and dj equipment for co-operate and commercial events, I'm so passionate about it that I dropped out of a mechanical engineering studies. Now I'm very good at this, but when it comes to designing a proposal to a potential customer or actually convincing a customer about my business I suck on that and really its pointless running a business and not have any customers. I have gone as far as setting really low prices and I think its because of the desperation to get work. How can I solve this

Desperate: Raymond"

コメント (21)
  • I actually work at a direct sales department and I tested this myself. If you sound confident and calm about your prices most people won't even question why the price is so high. So don't feel persuaded to give just anyone the lowest price possible work from the top to the bottom don't try to up sell you want to down sale so you can work out a price and product that they feel best fits them.
  • You said it well. People don't go to buy a product. They buy an emotion. Really awesome video.
  • I had to share this with all my team members. I have to say, this is motivation that is blunt and realistic. No feeding of someone else's dreams or guides. I like the idea of keeping things simple and easy.
  • @Psych2go
    Definitely have to have a story /something that you stand for.. . Thank you!
  • @0908jj
    I love hearing him, I tell my sales staff these things, But everyone is not salesperson. You have to own your relationship with your customer. Be real with them and they will come back.
  • Thank you. Doubts and fears have held me back from deciding to sell again after many years. After stumbling over your presentation, I no longer have to contend with those uncomfortable concerns. You gave me just what I needed. Again, thanks for your help.
  • Dude, you are so Freck'n right...I'm tired of this crap, tried of given away my good products all the time. Thanks Man!
  • Great video! Since I was a kid I've had a dream of owning a skateboard/surf business, soon I will be chasing that dream.
  • Wow!! I wish the best for you and your SUCCESS! !! I'm starting my own business selling body butters/lotions. I have already made the products. my children and Husband I recently gave a sample jar away to my Husabnd Mother they love it in fact another family member requested some.......... Now I'm just waiting for my sample containers to get in... Thank you so much bro!!
  • @fillerspv
    This is your best message yet!! LOVE it. I know why my writing is different and NOW I get why I do what I do. And now to get my message across.
  • Thank you for being such a positive voice. People often refer to me and my ideas as idealistic, as something that won't stand the test of the real world. It is great to have that positive voice saying, yes start your business in something you really believe in. It will be hard and I might need to get through a lot of rough patches to get there but I believe that I will be able to start up a business and convince people of my product. So again thank you!
  • Very awesome tips. Thank you for taking the time to share your wisdom and experience.
  • I think the majority of us start out with this passion for what we do and why. Over time, the reason - the purpose gets lost as we become bogged down by the details. This video is such a great reminder to go return to what inspired you to want to start your business to begin with. This reminder is how I will start every work day until the message is so solidified in me that no details, no rejections can dampen that. THANK YOU - SO MUCH!
  • I’ve been watching these videos for all day in between chores and working on my company, and listening to Evan is helping me organize a lot of my thoughts, I can't agree more with what he is saying. I am building up a tour agency in Panama with this concept of doing scientific expeditions, but my vision is to evolve it into a company documenting history, learning about ecology and the environment we live in, teaching ideals that can revolutionize culture. People don't appreciate what they have, because they don't know the value of what they have, believing is the value you give your effort. I really believe I can make this happen. I will do my very best to overcome any obstacle, because obstacles are just lessons, another step up to the top. That is my north.
  • That was like a motivation, you already convinced me to listen to you more
  • Sales is the one area where I am totally out of my comfort zone. This video just made me "believe" I can change that. Thanks so much dude.
  • I am from South Africa and planning to start my own business then I thought I should work on my sales skills to make sure I convince people to buy my product and I thought convincing is all about my energy and language but here I just found the emotion to start this business because #Ibelieve in change I want to bring change in everyones life.