9 Little Habits To Have A Better Day

Published 2022-09-30
Whether you are looking for a better morning routine or healthy habits, we made an easy to follow video on little things you can do to change your life. Some of these habits are as simple as doing gratitude journaling to reading a good book. We hope that you can cultivate these daily habits that will change your life. These habits have worked for us, so we hope that it will work for you no matter where you are with your mental wellness journey.

Writer: Daila Ayala
Script Editor: Denise Ding & Kelly Soong
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera (youtube.com/amandasilvera)
Animator: TheMindfulMudkip
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Thumbnail: Rose Demskov

Scott, S. J. (2021, 21 oktober). 203 Good Daily Habits: The Ultimate List to Build a Great Life. Develop Good Habits. Geraadpleegd op 31 maart 2022, van www.developgoodhabits.com/good-daily-habits-list/

TopThink. (2022, 9 February). 15 Little Habits to Have a Better Day [Video]. YouTube.    • 15 Little Habits to Have a Better Day  

All Comments (21)
  • TIMESTAMPS!! ❤ 1) 0:40 Remember to be grateful 2) 1:13 Change your scenery 3) 1:30 Do one thing at a time 4) 2:15 Laugh 5) 2:31 Help someone else 6) 3:01 Prepare the night before 7) 3:43 Hype yourself up 8) 4:21 Relaxation 9) 5:00 Take your time The BONUS starts here: 5:19 I hope you take the time today to take care of yourself, you deserve it.
  • @jokeloy4916
    “Everyday is going to be the bestest day ever” is one thing I always say to keep myself motivated 😊
  • @UrLocalMisfit
    Affirmations I use: Good things take time Stay wierd Only compare yourself with your BEST self And that's what helps me go through tough times I hope it helps you too!
  • @markharry8486
    I'm not usually one for over sharing but I've just finished my first week of chemotherapy and I won't lie I'm scared of how it's affecting me, but your enthusiasm for the topic helped put my mind at ease. So thank you, you have no idea how much I needed this today
  • @peekaboo21284
    With therapy and mood stabilizers, I can focus on being grateful. But since getting help, my bad days aren't as bad as they used to be! Learning to give yourself grace, and being aware of triggers helps a great deal!
  • I'm having a good day, just kinda bitter with my economic situation. Because it's hard to go see anyone I want to. Also thinking about how to deal with my dependence on my small income to get things done.
  • @khalilahd.
    These animations just get better and better with each video ❤ they make learning about tough subjects a little bit better 😊
  • I’m struggling right now and if i am having a bad day then my mood will be too, after this video I know I’m not the only one going through this and thanks for the tips!! I’ll keep that in mind I’m so grateful I found this channel and the people here as well!! <33
  • 1. Remembering to be grateful 2. Change your scenery 3. Do one thing at a time 4. Laugh 5. Help someone out 6. Prepare the night before 7. Hype yourself up 8. Relaxation 9. Take your time Bonus: Taking your time is great gratitude practice and helps you live in the moment.
  • @Arhomomurry
    'Lord, help me to improve everyday' is the first thing i do when I wake up,. It feels good...
  • As a university student I study all day almost every day and I moved out. This university life is hard for me not just mentally but also emotionally. In addition to that I fell in love with a girl there and after a long month of befriending her and looking for signs if she likes me, I decided to ask her out and I wrote her a song about it. Unfortunately she rejected me and I still feel sad about it. One of the things that I found more helpful is going on walks and travel, even if it is inside campus, it still makes me feel better and more relaxed
  • @Miahannjames
    This is the first week I started writing 3 daily gratitudes. When I wake up and brush my teeth, I see the previous days gratitudes- like a song I enjoyed or the smell of the rain. I wipe away the previous date and the previous gratitudes and list tings that I'm grateful for that day. Every time I brush my teeth or take a look in the mirror, I am instantly reminded of the goods in my life. It's only been a week, but it has already made my days seem a little brighter.
  • 0:40 This first statement, "Remember to be grateful", really is true. Even just a small things in your surroundings, and the beauty of environment and our surroundings, gives us a better mood and peace watching the beautiful piece if scenery...
  • @alyk8254
    I've been noticing a positive change in my life these days. I didn't even know it's because I've been doing most of these things 😊 Still, I love this video and definitely will bookmark it. If there is one last thing I can add, it's that to know that sometimes, there will be those rare days that you might not feel the best. Even with the gratitude, hyping up, helping others, etc. My suggestion from what's worked for me is to just let yourself be. Cry if you need to, stay in bed if you need to, and give yourself that day off. Good luck to everyone ❤
  • @appahjuice753
    Sometimes it’s hard to remember the little things that make us happy, thank you
  • @justalpha9138
    I decided to go to bed much earlier than I usually would for a Friday night because I recognized that I have an action packed day ahead of me, and right now I feel really really good. I feel extremely relaxed and ready to begin whenever I wish to! :)
  • @mingmerci6103
    I've never felt like I was really being talked to in a video, one of the tip's felt like Amanda was talking directly to me. This is why I love this channel, the approach and scripting is top notch.
  • Gratitude has turned my days around ! I keep a gratitude journal it’s my favorite part of the day ♥️
  • @octane9309
    I personally always try to help people, relax and take some time for myself, practice gratitude and to hype myself up, and it makes me so much happier!