How Mongolia Split Into Two (and will NEVER reunite...)

Published 2023-07-06
#mongolia #innermongolia #Russia #china

There are two Sudans, two Congos, two Koreas, ... , and between Russia and China, there are two Mongolias. But ever wondered why there are two Mongolias?

To find out the truth behind them, I went on a month-long journey to Inner Mongolia and Mongolia. and here's what I found ...

0:00 Intro
6:29 Act One part 1: The Mongol Tamer
12:28 Act One part 2: The Creation of Inner Mongolia
15:02 Act One part 3: The Creation of Outer Mongolia
19:15 Act Two: Russia vs Japan
30:56 Act Three: One Line
41:00 Act Four: Two Giants
49:25 Act Five: The Dilemma
55:20 Outro

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All Comments (21)
  • @maiama2148
    Not two Mongols, but six, not forgetting the four Mongol republic inside Russia
  • @yuhao723libetry
    The video is good, but I think the author deliberately avoided the Chinese Han people 's credit for the construction and development of Inner Mongolia, but emphasized the " colonization " of Mongolia by the Chinese central dynasty from the perspective of a narrow Mongolian nationalist, which is unfair. In fact, the land of ' Inner Mongolia ' is not entirely exclusive to the Mongolian nationality in history. Since the Qin Dynasty in 221 BC, Jiuyuan County, Yunzhong County and Shang County have been set up in the Hetao area of Inner Mongolia and northern Shaanxi for administrative jurisdiction. The first general of the Three Kingdoms period, Lyu Bu, was also born in Jiuyuan, which is today 's Baotou in Inner Mongolia. It can be said that Hetao area has been an important part of the central dynasty and Chinese civilization since ancient times. In addition, after the founding of the Republic of China, General Xu Shuzheng of the Beiyang government sent troops to Kulun ( Ulaanbaatar ), a period of history that had a profound impact on Mongolia, and was taken by the author. The name of Duan Qirui and Xu Shuzheng did not even appear. At the same time, during the Anti-Japanese War, warlords Yan Xishan and Fu Zuoyi also fought with the Japanese army in Suiyuan and Chahar, and recovered Wuyuan. In fact, the Chinese central government 's control over Inner Mongolia has always been stronger than described in the video. In the video, the author deliberately weakens the influence of modern China on Mongolia, and also weakens the atrocities and killings of Japan as an aggressor in Northeast China and Inner Mongolia ( i.e., Manchu and Mongolian regions ), but emphasizes the construction of Soviet Russia in Mongolia. I think it is biased to have nationalist sentiments and private goods in it. In fact, China 's contribution to Mongolia, whether it is ancient civilization and teaching, or modern aid construction and trade, is very large. After the founding of the People 's Republic of China, with the help of Wu Lanfu and other leaders of the Communist Party of China, Inner Mongolia retained the old Mongolian language and many cultural customs, while Mongolia is Slavic, using the Cyrillic Mongolian language. In the protection of Mongolian culture, China obviously does better than Russia, and the author 's video ends with an example of China 's so-called suppression of Mongolian language in textbooks, but does not talk about the Russian-Soviet colonization and assimilation of Mongolia, if the author really loves Mongolia. I hope you have a deep understanding of this history. However, the video production is exquisite, the thinking is clear, and it is still worthy of recognition. The author has his own position. I seek common ground while reserving differences and show respect.
  • What an interesting account of the history of Mongolia. Although I travelled by train through Inner & Outer Mongolia in 1986 (from Beijing to Novosibirsk), I was ignorant of this history. We had to stop for a few hours on the border between the two Mongolias for a few hours since the rail gauges were not compatible. I recall noticing that the station nams were shown in both Chinese and Mongolian scripts in Inner M, but only in Cyrillic in Outer M. I was struck by the vast emptiness of the country, as you have mentioned. Many thanks for your work from an Irish mathematician.
  • @kwwong1148
    Thank you for this documentary or edumentary ... as I Han Chinese descendant living in Singapore, I have always wondered why Mongolia is what it is today, including how Manchuria is related to the Mongols and the relationships with China & Russia. With this documentary, your detailed depiction and explanation ahve enabled me have a much better understanding, knowledge and appreciation of the history of Mongolia. Please keep up the good work. Deeply appreciated 🙏🙂
  • As a Inner Mongolian, really enjoyed watching your video. Sending love to my Mongolian sisters and brothers around the world! Mash hairtai shuu tanardaa!!!
  • @silverlocs
    What a introduction! This is the first time I've heard anyone mention us, the upper Mongols. For those who are curious, don't worry, we're still here. To bring a different perspective of us as a people group, there are many of us who fully identify as Chinese now. We would be what people consider "Sinicized" and "han-fied". "Han" is more of a state concept than an ethnic one. We still celebrate our differences, but we are also proud of what unites us as a multi-ethnic built nation :face-red-heart-shape:.
  • @drzlb
    Incredible storytelling and journalism!! No-one is doing it like this. Keep up the good work buddy!
  • @deanzaZZR
    This video is equally enjoyable and educational. The finish showing that Mongols on both side of the border and rediscovering one anther, visiting and working alongside one another fills my heart with joy.
  • @tian421389873
    我是一个土生土长的在包头的汉族,身边很多蒙古族。视频质量很好,一口气看完。 关于视频中提到内蒙经济高速发展带来的环境污染我想补充, 内蒙当年主要是矿产行业,污染十分严重,草原沙漠化严重。但内蒙最近10年环保做的非常好,世界上最大面积的沙漠治理工程,还记得小时候沙尘暴的恐怖景象,最近5年整体环境翻天覆的的变化。 短短10年,新能源产业已经变成内蒙支柱产业,变成清洁电力出口大省,十分看好未来内蒙的经济走向。 希望作者后续可以做一期有关内蒙经济发展的视频。
  • @digsight8316
  • @DomoArigoato
    Bro, do not stop making these amazing essay videos. I love learning so much more about Mongolia, thank you so much.
  • @hasan16152
    You are a very good storyteller. Not everyone can storytell this well. The clips from your journey in the middle kept me more engaged to the video. Actually I didn’t know much about Mongolian culture and history, but always wondered how this is. Thanks for this beautiful explanation. I can't remember any informative video I watched for one hour before this one. Take lots of love and well wishes from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
  • @user-hw8cy5mp6s
  • @javkhlanbatbayar
    This was a painful watch. Separated by borders, united by culture, language and history. Sending love to my inner Mongolian, Buryat, Kalmyk brothers ❤
  • Thank you for this beautiful portrait of Mongolian history. Long life to you and your excellent channel.
  • @tianyamoon246
    As a Han Chinese, I wish all Mongolians the best, whether Chinese Mongolians or Mongolians.
  • @user-py3uu4ko6o
    作为一个南部少数民族,且有蒙古族老乡的人来看,没错南国边陲之地也有蒙古族,他们说是元朝过来的。你说的很客观,但是可能为了外面的流量,有些东西没说还是啥。就是内蒙很多少民同胞人早就融入中国或者中华的概念。我们的民族主义可能不再是自我民族,而是大中华民族。中华早已不是单纯直指的汉人,且连汉人的前身也不止与华夏族,汉人本就还有很多其他民族融入形成的。所以中华的概念在我而言,不知道对你如何,但是我们这边的很多少数民族同胞而言,这个概念是一个让多民族矛盾化解,资源调配,和睦相处的包容概念。 历史上如你所说,各个民族互相挞伐。我们在新中国以前除了和汉人斗,还要与死敌苗人斗,本族内几大势力斗。可以说这面古老的大地上分分合合我们这几个民族始终没有过统一概念,即便被统治也有异心。苗人好歹人家可说自己祖上是与炎黄争雄失败的蚩尤,说他们的祖先也是中国的人文始祖之一。我们没有。为了居住地,田地,物资一直和外族,本族内其他势力厮杀。直至新中国中华之概念融入人心。再加上新中国占人口比例最高的汉人政权确实也无像以前任何一个历史时期那样对待我们,甚至给我们所有少数民族均有照顾。这个政权更像他们口中所说的共和,我们之间在那位天子雷厉风行之下,放下了敌对,共享荣辱,也不再局限于是蛮是汉。 说这么多就是想跟你说,国内的少数民族在这个中华共和之下是最优解。我们祖上曾经也曾幻想过独立建国啥的,但是忽略这片土地从来不是谁固有的,人来人往,凭什么你占着就属于你,人家也拿历史说曾经他的祖先也在这生活,让你赶走,现在他们要复仇等等,这片大地民族国家越多越不会安定的。整个中华大地优渥的地方人家汉人早早耕耘了,我们很多少数民族所在地方如果没有融入他们其实就是块死地!注定只有打打杀杀和贫困。云南,西藏,新疆,这些民族众多的地方当做国家来说,地理及其糟糕,以现代发展来看,各种制约因素很难安宁。内外蒙倘若是一国,那就必须依附于中原,北部的俄罗斯地理位置注定发展比不过传统汉地,是吃汤还是喝肉都看别人颜色,要么就是无休止的敌对关系。 好在历史上出现了秦始皇,汉武帝,成吉思汗,忽必烈,康熙,毛太祖这些入主过中原并大一统过大部分民族的帝王出现,他们的行为让这片地上许许多多的少数民族有了心理上接受共和的理由。 还有一个就观点就更直接了,人性使然,他穷,即便和你同一个民族你也不见得会真的把他当做一家人,这是很实际很现实的。民族并不能代表你的利益,国家才是。
  • @OmairKamran
    I have no idea how i ended up on this video due to yt algorithm but your video is no less than a sweet treat :p. I actually enjoyed every second of it and was surprised how fast the time went by! loved the editing, cinematic shots, and the witty humour in between. moreover, loved learning about Mongolia from a diff perspective. Keep it up bro, you'll go miles one day! from Karachi 🇵🇰 😍
  • @Yao-memo
  • Thank you, I feel very greatful to have been able to see this! I also think you're a fantastic content creator.