Overtime: Sen. Bernie Sanders, Russell Brand, John Heilemann | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

"Bill Maher and his guests continue their conversation after the show.

コメント (21)
  • Russell’s point about the military industrial complex always needing a threat to scare us with was great
  • Russel's face when John started talking about the "wet markets" is priceless lol
  • What a special treat Russel and Bernie together. The respect was blatant and in your face. Tell me I am not the only one who saw it.
  • I can't believe they let this episode air with Brand saying raw provocative topics lol I love it.
  • I see Russell picks his battles. You can see on his face he has an opinion on all matters, but waits to attack when he has to. Good job Russell!!
  • Russell Brand is the most educated person on the panel and he has the best answers to every question. He really has a great perspective
  • I love how Bernie has NO pretense. When he doesn't know the topic or a definition of a word, he just says that. His knowledge is very practical.
  • The look on Russell's face when they bring up wet markets is priceless 🤣
  • Russell is beyond the small talk. You can tell he’s holding back.
  • Bernie's been putting in the work. We love to see it.
  • @1313sp
    Bernie and Russell together on the same show... that was awesome.
  • The way Russell was looking, glaring at Bill when Bill was talking about "farmers and animals and pandemics".....he was just glaring at him like "really......" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • Bernie Sanders seems so refreshed and happy being around Russell Brand I love it!
  • I love that Bill loses control of the conversation and gets flustered, and Bernie and Russell just being themselves. 😂
  • @chiaka707
    I really like how Russell takes the patronizing questions and redirects the focus on important things.
  • I can't remember the last time I saw 4 people sitting together and authentically debate on topics they feel passionate about.
  • Bernie & Russell on the same stage is GOLDEN. I love them both, their minds are among the greatest of our lifetime
  • Bernie and Russell were the only reason I watched Bill Maher again. Thank you for inviting them to the show.