The New Space Shuttle | Sierra Space's Dream Chaser

Publicado 2024-02-08
🚀 Sierra Space's Dream Chaser Update: Covering the latest milestones for Sierra Space's Dream Chaser, the future of space station resupply missions. Comprehensive testing is taking place at NASA’s Neil Armstrong Test Facility in Ohio, leading up to its inaugural flight to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard a United Launch Alliance Vulcan rocket in 2024.

🛰️ Innovative Cargo Module: Includes a look at the "Shooting Star" cargo module, capable of carrying 9,000 pounds of supplies to the ISS, and its potential for future scientific experiments and cargo delivery.

🌍 Global Launch Ambitions: Also covers Sierra Space’s aspirations for global Dream Chaser launches and landings, including potential operations from Japan and other strategic locations worldwide, marking a new era in space exploration and commercialization.

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🤵 Hosted & Written by Sawyer Rosenstein (@thenasaman)
🎥 On Site Camera: Brady Kenniston & Max Evans.
🎥 Video from Trevor Sesnic, NASA, Sierra Space, SpaceX.
✂️ Edited by Sawyer Rosenstein.
💼 Produced by Kevin Michael Reed (@kmreed)

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @MrGoesBoom
    Just think, Dream Chaser was in the running for the commercial crew program but got passed up for Starliner....and here they are ready for their test flights while the Starlemon is still a mess
  • @drdoakcom
    I would fly in a spacecraft without windows to get to space, BUT: not being able to see the earth from space (or space at all) will kill the overview effect. I can see "earth from space" from a screen here. But much like being able to touch a thing can make it more real to you or give you a more personal connection, SEEING it with your own eyes is just not the same as a screen. That's less of a concern with flying it or space operations, but it's a big deal for the human experience.
  • @pipersall6761
    Sawyer, I admire what looks like a shrine to lost astronauts on your back wall there. Well done. Ad Astra.
  • @MickRonald
    I would love to see this land on a runway at a commercial airport, especially one near me (ie. JFK). Thanks Sawyer, everyone providing video and photos, and Kevin.
  • @neukin
    Pretty cool vehicle with special ability. Looks it holds half as much return cargo as Dragon. Being able to land at any airport seems like an amazing benefit.
  • @Westythe3rd
    So excited to see Dream Chaser fly! thanks for the great video Sawyer & Co
  • @SierraSpace
    Glad that Brady Kenniston and Max Evans were able to join us at NASA's Armstrong Test Facility in Ohio. We look forward to launching later this year. 🚀
    We finally have something to root for this damn year.
  • @M_IkeLeBlanc
    Great report Sawyer! As others have pointed out, this should have been chosen over Starliner.
  • @user-fr3hy9uh6y
    Reminds me of early shuttle designs before the DOD got involved. Will it have the dual sonic booms? Can't wait to see it fly.
  • @galas455
    As a pilot I would absolutely fly the space plane without windows, the technology today allows us to more clearly see our outside environment.
  • @Nowhereman10
    Spaceplanes are back? They never left. Or do you not count X-37B, among others? Also, the tiles on Dream Chaser are somewhat tougher being an offshoot of research done during the Space Shuttle program to improve the tiles called Toughened Uni-Piece Fibrous Reinforced Oxidation-Resistant Composite (TUFROC). Only a relative handful were used on the Shuttle orbiters before that program ended, but X-37B and Dream Chaser benefit by using nearly all tiles that are derived from that and can even use them in places the Shuttle couldn't, such as the nosecap and leading edges.
  • As an American, I thank you for giving priority to metric measurements over imperial.