LILLEY UNLEASHED: Explaining the chaos in British Columbia politics

Published 2024-09-02
Sun political columnist Brian Lilley talks about the political upheaval in British Columbia with Vancouver Sun provincial affairs political columnist Vaughn Palmer.

BC United Party Kevin Falcon _BC Conservative Party John Rustad

All Comments (21)
  • @now2307
    Canadians are in pain because of liberal policies. NDP, Liberals don’t expect a single vote. This time Canadians are going to elect majority conservative government so that NDP can’t play politics with people.
  • @johnolsen7073
    It is a bloody mess. Change is sorely needed. I am voting conservative.
  • @scottgibb2
    We need the NDP out no matter what... they have destroyed BC...killing our kid with drugs and taxes and cost of living is crazy...get out NDP
  • One unifying factor is that John Rustad said that he would fire Bonnie Henry
  • @chj915
    I don't mind John Rustad trying to shape himself in the image of PP, as long as his party will undo what NDP's done to the province of BC and bring the common sense back to this country.
  • @Ivanitcthanus
    We in BC will get rid of the unelected, woke joke and terrible fake premier Davy Ebum.
  • I was a lifelong NDP voter in BC and I’ll be voting for BC Conservatives. Eby is a colossal disaster. They are no longer a government of the people, they are a advocacy organization
  • I would love to see a Conservative Government in BC. A majority would be even better. Make some drastic changes to save lives and to make Average BC"ers lives easier. The NDP have been atrocious!!!!
  • @jeff_mossy
    It’s strange how “Populist” is seen as a negative thing today: “A political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.” And the problem is…?
  • @joebush1663
    Carbon tax is provincially imposed in BC. Even if Poilievre and the Cons get elected, BC will still have a carbon tax if the NDP are re-elected.
  • @Homer62001
    Guess who introduced the carbon tax? That’s right, BC United (Liberals).
  • @MollyMarine
    BC must elect a Conservative government. Our province won't last another NDP/Liberal catastrophe
  • @pete123ca
    BC United still has the Christy Clark stink on them
  • @mrglass7133
    When your liberal government talks to students about Democratic socialism you know there's a problem