Are you gonna waste another summer?

Published 2023-07-09
The bad news is June is over, but the good news is we have 2 more summer months and 60 new chances to make this summer memorable.
Summer is like a conflicting time of year because we’re always romanticizing summer in our minds. We are all waiting for summer to start something new and fun. But we continue to live our day-to-day life directionless, filling the day with randomness and boredom until it’s time to go out and be bored with our friends or just go to sleep. It’s ok if it works for some people, that’s also great, not all of us need to be productive and climb Everest every day. But if you need something more from your summer as I do keep watching this video.
The first step to making the most of your summer is setting goals. Take some time to think about what you want to achieve or experience during this season. Whether it's learning a new skill, traveling to a dream destination, or spending quality time with loved ones, having clear goals will give your summer a sense of purpose. I don’t know about you but for me the only thing which can help me to get out of my bed and start doing something are my goals. So please give you time and set the goals , maybe tiny ones and promise yourself to achieve them. I am going to make a video and share 100 and more ideas for a summer bucket list. So subscribe for not missing the upcoming video. I am sure you will actually want to do those activities. Stay tuned.
Summer is the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone and embrace adventure. Try out new activities like hiking, surfing, or camping. Explore your local area and discover hidden gems you've never seen before. Remember, it's the experiences that make our summers truly memorable.
While it's important to fill your summer with exciting adventures, it's equally crucial to make time for self-care. Take a break from your busy schedule and indulge in activities that help you relax and rejuvenate. Whether it's reading a book by the beach, practicing yoga, or simply taking a long walk in nature, prioritize self-care to ensure you have a balanced and fulfilling summer. Personally, my goal is to maintain at least 10.000 steps every day.
I like walking in the fresh air, it’s good for our mental and physical health at the same time.
Don't let your summer go to waste when you have the chance to learn and grow. Enroll in a summer course, attend workshops or seminars, or pursue a hobby you've always wanted to explore. Use this time to expand your knowledge and develop new skills that will benefit you in the long run. In this channel I mostly share language learning tips and I also learn English by myself and I think the summer is the best time to challenge yourself and start learning a new language or upgrade your level in a language you’ve learned for a while.
In our digital age, it's easy to get caught up in screens and technology. Use the summer as a chance to unplug and reconnect with nature. Spend time outdoors, go for hikes, or have a picnic in a scenic spot. Disconnecting from the virtual world and immersing yourself in the beauty of nature will bring you a sense of peace and tranquility.
Also you can use this time and finally figure out what you want and desire. Try to listen to yourself and your inner voice. I can recommend journaling. Journaling helped me a lot to find solutions and heal myself. Journaling is the free therapist which is always there to listen and help you. If you have never tried it, please start.
Sometimes the best summer memories are made when you embrace spontaneity. Allow yourself to be open to new opportunities and say "yes" to unexpected adventures. Whether it's a last-minute road trip, a spontaneous beach bonfire, or a midnight stargazing session, let the magic of the moment guide you towards incredible experiences. I am so good at going on spontaneous trips.
Summer is the perfect time to catch up on your reading list. Challenge yourself to read a certain number of books during the season. Whether you prefer lounging by the pool with a thrilling novel or spending a lazy afternoon in a hammock with a thought-provoking non-fiction book, reading will transport you to different worlds and expand your horizons. If you can’t afford traveling in this way you can travel endlessly.
Finally, embrace mindfulness during the summer months. Take moments to pause, appreciate the beauty around you, and be fully present in each experience. Whether it's feeling the warm sand between your toes, savoring the taste of an ice cream cone, or watching a mesmerizing sunset, mindfulness allows you to fully immerse yourself in the joy of summer.
Last but not least, don't forget to capture the moments. Take plenty of photos and record videos to document your summer adventures. These memories will serve as a reminder of the incredible experiences you've had and will bring a smile to your face in the years to come.

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All Comments (9)
  • @annaspeaks373
    Time codes 0:12 - Why you need to watch this video? 0:51 - Step 1 | Set goals 2:03 - Embrace adventures 2:32 - Self-care 3:12 - My goal for this summer 3:32 - Don’t let your summer go to waste 4:02 - Unplug 4:41 - Start journaling 4:47 - Say Yes 5:17 - Catch up in your reading list 5:54 - Mindfulness 🧘‍♂️ 6:13 - Capture the moment 6:42 - Are you really gonna waste another summer
  • We have one more to go! Thanks so much for sharing :) wishing you many beautiful sunny days of rest in August and the remaining days of July!
  • @annaspeaks373
    It was challenging to film a video outside, but I am glad to challenge myself. Hope I gave you fresh ideas and motivation. BTW you can find scripts in description part😊
  • love your mic setup!!!! this video is so inspirational xoxo
  • @albertoa4173
    Thank you, Anna. This is what I needed to hear... I had a bad fiscal year at my work and didn't feel good. In these days I've been thinking about Pantelimon and his videos... I ask myself what he would say if he found out that I'm not performing at my best. I'm sure he would be ashamed. But after watching tour video I feel that I have a new opportunity to start over again. I don't want to waste more summers. My greatest challenge will be to develop the self-discipline I need to get things done. Pantelimon will not come and force me to study or do the things I have to do.. He can show me the way, but I'm the only one who can decide to start working. So from now on, I want to stay accountable of what I do. I'll follow his advice, focus on what he says, and I'm sure that I'll come back from failure and rise from my ashes. There is hope...
  • @zachhotchkiss
    June went by so fast, at least I was able to use it to finally start my own channel. I hope to make the most of the rest of the summer! Enjoyed the video :)
  • When you speak I feel I am watching a princess you are the cutest girl I have ever seen in my life honey love ❤ you so much may God bless you keep going may God give you what you want in your life
  • @abodyalsultan
    An advice for you : use your body and hands while talking. That will help u more , keep it up ❤