Real Talk. What's Actually Next?

Published 2024-05-04

All Comments (21)
  • I’m going to be honest with you, and I don’t mean this in a mean way. I think you have lost sight of why you make these videos, and why you started in the first place. You started this as a fun way to share your adventures of Pablo with your friends and family. When that was your focus, you made the best content. Now you are putting pressure on yourself to put out content, whether it’s good or not. I know part of the pressure is due to financial reasons. I’m going to advise you to stop being in a place where you are reliant on YouTube for finances. I know this is much easier said than done, and the crappy part is that I can’t give you specific advice on how to do that. I’m also going to tell you to stop looking at how many subscribers you have or how many views your latest videos have. Still make videos, but do not force them just to meet a schedule you have set for yourself. Enjoy your life with your dogs and partner and maybe one day the boys do something funny and you happened to record it and want to share it. Please do. Maybe it only gets 5 views, but one of those views is someone who misses their pug after he crossed the rainbow bridge, and it brings them comfort. That is meaningful. That’s enough. Take care of yourself, your dogs, your partner, and your family. Everything else will come.
  • I came here after I lost my first childhood pug. Please take care of yourself. It's the most important thing.
  • @joeneonturbo
    I came into this channel for the pugs. I had 2 pugs who lived long lives and just watching pugs sleep, snore, eat and be playful clowns, bring back warm memories. You take of you first.
  • @MeetLeAnne
    Karl, I’ll support you no matter what you decide to do. You are a good person, I absolutely adore you, and You & The Boys have made a difference in my life. My sister & I recently rescued & adopted another pug, and your videos on how to balance 2 pugs, just by how you are with them & how much you love them, has alleviated the ‘What were we thinking, bringing another pug into our extremely busy lives????” But like you have showed by example, another pug is not only GOOD for the one pug, but Arlo has brought SO MUCH joy to our lives: we feel blessed to have 2 pugs now.
  • Perhaps you could change to short content. There's a great Pug community on Tiktok. It might be less stressful just posting random clips of the boys. My girl sleeps all day too, she's 12, but people still enjoy random videos. Pugs snoring, or taking them for a walk, giving them a treat or belly rubs, you can repeat content ideas often not a problem, people would surely just enjoy seeing Pablo and Stan on screen. Wishing you all the best, Karl ❤❤
  • @juliec2833
    I have been following since you just had Pablo. Right now you need time to figure things out for yourself and your health. We will be here for you.
  • @MeetLeAnne
    I love that we can hear the boys snoring peacefully: have a PHENOMENAL vacay, Karl.
  • @cinnabonthepug
    I’ve been an avid fan of your videos for the past 5 years. 3 years ago I got my Pug Cinnabon thanks to your videos. I love him so much and I’ve incorporated his world with my work and lifestyle. I hope you can clear your mind and get over whatever is happening internally. Remember your Pugs can sense our emotions.
  • Karl please just enjoy your life. Quit putting pressure on yourself and have fun. Just be in the present moment. Life is short young man, just love Pablo, Stan, your partner, and mom and extended family. Life will work out❤✌
  • I started watching you after i lost my pug. The boys made me smile and realize how much I missed having a pug. Im now mom to 3 beautiful babies. Kylor (3), Kassidy (2) and Kolton (1).
  • @jackthompson3515
    Hang on in there dude, it'll all be OK! Give a pug a hug, it makes things better
  • @amberrufener4752
    Karl, we would not be happy if you disappeared! I'm so sorry for the health issues you've been facing and all the other things. Life can be so very overwhelming. I'm glad you've met someone and that's going well. I think though it's almost impossible to change everything about life at once. When I get too overwhelmed I shut down and I don't have the energy to change anything so maybe break it into a few things at a time. Thank you for how authentic you were in this video though it made me sad to see you looking defeated and trying to find the words to say. I hope your vacation is wonderful and you come back refreshed.
  • @esteeghent6703
    No, Thank you for sharing! You've come along way love you guy's Hope you keep us updated from time to time, you make great content, go and have some fun then come back and tell all about it go chill for you, we will all be here if and when you want to come back Just go and be you❤❤❤
  • @tb9041
    I came here because I use to have a pug and he died. Watching your videos makes me smile and gives me my pug fix. I taught my pug to say I love you, he also loved to dress up in costumes, gave me funny looks. Love when they do the pug runs around the living room and when they tilt their head when you talk to them. Best dogs ever!
  • @pacharaorns
    It is important to do what you want to do :) one area that I really love about your content is how to take care of your pugs in real life. How to take them to bath. How to brush their fur etc. Me and my wife will someday get a pug or pugs. It is very helpful to understand how to raise and take care of pugs. Not just fun short clips. It is very educational.
  • @N-Scale
    I am in a burnout phase right now as well.
  • @horsfallmiles
    Personal happiness is so important. It is of no matter what test results are . On the spectrum or not is of no matter. Life costs money in this material world so we have to get on with it BUT if you DO what you want , when you want , how you want , if you want , because you want , because you can may sound selfish but it is the best way forward. Relationships fail all the time but someone new has come along so enjoy the experience and move on from what was. There is no need to dwell on the past as it was nothing more than a learning curve. New woman and new relationship ENJOY. If it means cutting others out DO SO. No need to explain just move forward. Onwards and upwards. Keep going !
  • @Rarrkelstarr
    I totally understand what you're saying, Karl. Turning 30 puts a lot of things into perspective, I turned 30 last year and it felt like a milestone where I was really wanting a direction in my life. It's okay for things to be for a season. I know you feel pressure and responsibility to the channel but I think everyone here supports you and wants you to be happy whatever decision you make. If you need a break, take a break, i can see you're an ambitious person and you take the weight of the world on your shoulders. I hate ever feeling selfish, but sometimes we all need to make those "selfish" decisions. Live your life Karl. Life is stressful. Be happy, healthy and make sure you and the boys' wellbeing comes first! No one on this channel who truly supports you will judge you. Thanks for being so honest!
  • I am going to miss your videos! You are a good person. Take care of yourself!
  • @Piggy648
    Aww Karl, no one who watches your videos wants you to be stressed about doing them. They need to be something you enjoy. Short videos are fine if that’s all you can do. I hope the boys are ok. Glad you and your girlfriend are happy. ❤️. You really need to remember you have achieved more than some 30 yr olds, you have a job and your own home and 2 gorgeous pugs. You should be proud. Now get some chill time and have a great holiday!!