J. Krishnamurti - Brockwood Park 1976 - The Transformation of Man - 4 - In aloneness you can be...

Published 2014-01-07
J. Krishnamurti - Brockwood Park 1976 - Small Group Discussion 4 - In aloneness you can be completely secure


Do human beings not radically transform themselves because they are really frightened not to belong to a group, to something definite? Are they afraid to stand completely alone?

To be alone implies not to carry the burden of tradition with you. Tradition being knowledge. To be alone implies total freedom.

Alone is all one, when there is no fragmentation. That is total order.

Can we step out of the stream of this utter confusion, disorder, sorrow, hope, travail, and despair?

Our whole society, all religion, all culture is based on thought. Does thought realize it has made this mess, this chaos? Is thought aware of itself as a movement, which brings about a fragmentary action?

When the movement of thought comes to an end, there is total action.

When you are faced with fact, there is no fear.


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All Comments (21)
  • After watching the entire series a few times, I understand that having Dr. Shainberg, who isn't always on the same page as JK and Dr. Bohm, shows how difficult it is for some of us to understand these concepts, but also by the end, how far he does come. In life, he had been studying JK's work since he was a teenager. -- Some of us are ready, and some are passionate, but not ready. In these conversations, he is so eager to please, and he wants to get it so much. I have learned to see him as a sweet, guy. I have much compassion for him. They are ALL gone now. No point tearing any of them down. ;-) -- Just an appreciation that they shared these conversations with us.
  • @hintergedankee
    Dr bohm is one inquisitive fellow. He thinks really well and explains it in a very humble way.
  • @kyul9357
    I was introduced to Kristhna Murti at the age of 29. For 17 years whenever I tried to listen to his lectures, it just went over my head. This lecture this video with the circle teacher student format, finally awakened me. Wow just wow.
  • @bobbygeorge77
    The most fascinating conversation I have ever heard.
  • @DanielRamBeats
    I didn't realize before, but the guest here is David Bohm, one of our greatest minds in physics and quantum physics.
  • @maheshkb9781
    0:46'Can thought observe itself? 4:06,one of the main reasons why human beings don’t want to transform themselves radically, is that they are frightened of not belonging to a group, to a herd, to something definite—of standing completely alone? I think you can only cooperate from that aloneness, not the other way round. 10:55 identifying with the group and being with the group, what does it mean? What is involved in it The group is me and I am the group. It is like, I am cooperation with me. 11:35 One says, “I am in the group, therefore I am”. You see, if I am not in a group where am I? In other words I have no being at all. That is really the condition of the primitive tribe, for most of the members anyway. And there is something deep there because I feel that my very existence, my being, psychologically, is implied in being in the group. The group has made me, everything about me has come from the group. I am nothing without the group.I am the group in fact. And therefore if I am out of the group I feel everything is collapsing. I don’t know where I am. I have no orientation, to life or to anything. 14:15, you are the world. 15:40, To be alone is to mean step out of the stream of utter confusion, disorder, sorrow. 24:10, Being in chaotic condition, To move away from that, which is to have total order, most people are afraid. Alone, as he pointed out, is all one. Therefore there is no fragmentation, then there is cosmos We have got chaos and confusion, that is what we have got. Now if you have an idea about being alone while in chaos and confusion, that is just another idea, another thought, another part of the chaos. Is that right?moving away from that we have the feeling we will be alone. Therefore we say, “I would rather stay where I am in my little pond than face isolation.” And that may be one of the reasons why human beings don’t radically change. 25:21,Another reason why human beings don't change, we are so heavily conditioned to accept things the way they are. We don't say to our self why should I live this way???
  • @utkarshthakare
    Timeless insights, grateful for the person who saved these archives and also grateful to the one who shared them for humanity to see.
  • @shaileshjha2087
    Listening to JK is always profound. Whatever he says seems out of this world. Trying to understand him is an adventure in itself. Thanks JK, you spoke against all odds.
  • @F8LDragon2
    What I am implying is that K is describing observing pure objective reality and then sticking with it. A sense of absolute stillness in time but yet observe movement and witness thought flush through. If you are sitting down and feeling great terror, to then suddenly realize that all you are doing is sitting down, that is ALL. You are just sitting there, to then suddenly remind yourself of the feeling of terror is thought, but stick with the truth, you are just sitting there, that’s ALL.
  • @synchronicity67
    Realize how experiences like heartbreaks etc hav led me to be alone.. first it was horrible n then slowly I got to see I'm not really alone if I'm happy /ok being alone.. it kind of grows on u ..
  • This dialogue is significant in several respects because it highlighted the distinction between coming in contact with the fact after lengthy discussion and deep investigation into the nature of thought processes. Krishnamurti (K) asks Shainberg (S) how he received the fact and S’s brain went straight into translating the discovery into the intellectual database of acquired knowledge and wondering how it may be utilised in his psychoanalyst practice. In so doing S demonstrated exactly what the conditioning around problem creating and problem solving mechanisms are latent in the inner workings of fragmented thinking processes. He acted just like anyone else would act in similar situations, turning facts into ideas for the purpose of future utility. That’s why K asked him the question, so that we viewers may see ourselves mirrored in the response of S because K was aware of what the outcome was likely to be.
  • @ITAlife98
    For me at 51:10 Dr. Shainberg hits the nail on the head when describing the realization and clarity which is then quickly followed by fear overwhelming once again.
  • @ajayjoyt
    David understand the idea what jk said jk's happiness in face shows how much he really compassionate to people suffering from ignorance.. Love you too jk ❤
  • Very nice sharing by Krishnamurti. JK and dr. Bahm seem to have deep understanding, going beyond accepted forms, while the other Dr. is thinking "in the box". Very interesting dynamic, just like in a society. 
  • @kumar2ji
    Extraordinary! Very few highly sane human beings would grasp the depth of such wisdom. Magnificent
  • When you identify with a group, you are that group. Your mind is like that of the group and so is your behavior. You don't think anymore!
  • @disminliguido
    ok i need to see this video 500 times until i understand this completely
  • @lumenamiguel
    Amazing 🙏 remaining with fact that thought is a movent that creates the chaos, when thought stopped we are in order in cosmos🤣so true thank you Mr. J. K for sharing 🌹