UFO Expert: 'Everyone is wondering if David Grusch will appear before Congress' | Morning in America

Since military whistleblower David Grusch claimed that the U.S. government recovered and secretly kept extraterrestrial aircraft, the topic has taken off at warp speed. Nick Pope discusses the excitement of other UFO enthusiasts about what's to come from Congress' hearings about Grusch's claims.

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コメント (21)
  • I hope when disclosure officially happens around the world, that NN gets first crack at reporting it. They're taking this subject seriously unlike the rest of the media.
  • Thanks so much NewsNation for not giving up on this story!
  • Thanks for the excellent coverage, the rest of the MSM is derelict in their duty of addressing this issue.
  • @News-Ark
    Thank you for keeping us upto date with this developing situation
  • Yay please keep this story going and I will support News Nation by always watching.
  • Maybe Congress should start auditing and then holding accountable the Pentagon...just a thought. I mean they "lose" billions each year.
  • @RATLEEA10
    Grusch has already spoken to Congress and Senators two years ago but because of their lack of action he went public, he is not the first and he sure is not the last to be threatened, His going public on News Nation saved his life! This cover-up is MASSIVE.
  • @ked1013
    Hate these reporters who treat this as nonsense
  • NewsNation seems to be the only source really covering this UFO thing. Keep it up! 👍
  • He’s always so cheerful. I love it when you have him on. And this host is excellent as well. In fact, the entire news nation team is so impressive to me. It is actually refreshing to watch actual news on the news. I don’t know where you find these reporters. But they’re great.
  • @Spook291
    We don’t need David we need first hand witnesses. We need Bob lazar under oath we need the people who actually worked on these programs.
  • This is gonna go NOWHERE. I promise. It's already fizzling out. Constantly rehashing the same story