How cruise ships became a catastrophe for the planet | It's Complicated

Publicado 2024-03-07
Cruising is booming – 2023 ticket sales have surpassed historic levels and 2024 has seen the launch of the largest cruise ship ever built.
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But as cruise tourism's popularity has increased, so have the pollution problems it brings. To customers, it may not be evident that any problems exist, since some cruise line companies claim to be becoming more climate-friendly.

The truth can be quite different. Josh Toussaint-Strauss interrogates what impact the world's biggest ships are having on the planet.

From the Guardian:

‘Biggest, baddest’ – but is it the cleanest? World’s largest cruise ship sets sail ►…

‘A good cruise is one that doesn’t come’: Europe’s ports bear brunt of ship pollution ►…

Shipping’s dirty secret: how ‘scrubbers’ clean the air – while contaminating the sea ►…


0:22 - "50% US citizens" -
Source: TIME/Harris Poll…

2:48 - "4 times worse than flying"
Source: the International Council on Clean Transportation

2:56 - "Same particulate matter as 1m cars"
Sourse Nabu report

3:04 - "4x sulphur oxides as all Europe's cars"
Source: Transport & Environment study…

3:17 - "25% of all ocean waste comes from cruise ships" -
Source: Ocean & Coastal Management journal…

3:25 - impact on marine life
Source: PHAROS4MPAs…

3:51 - 24% lower if speed reduced
Source: Seas at risk report…

4:20 LNG engines leak methane
Source: the International Council on Clean Transportation…

4:20 Methane traps 80x more heat than Co2
Source: MIT…

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#CruiseShip #Cruise #Travel #Climate #Pollution #News

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @theGuardian
    0:22 - "50% US citizens" - Source: TIME/Harris Poll… 2:48 - "4 times worse than flying" Source: the International Council on Clean Transportation 2:56 - "Same particulate matter as 1m cars" Source: Nabu report 3:04 - "4x sulphur oxides as all Europe's cars" Source: Transport & Environment study… 3:17 - "25% of all ocean waste comes from cruise ships" - Source: Ocean & Coastal Management journal… 3:25 - impact on marine life Source: PHAROS4MPAs… 3:51 - 24% lower if speed reduced Source: Seas at risk report… 4:20 LNG engines leak methane Source: the International Council on Clean Transportation… 4:20 Methane traps 80x more heat than Co2 Source: MIT…
  • @LegsDavo
    When a company says their new product or service (or cruise ship) is "More Environmentally Friendly", it's not, it's just less environmentally un-friendly than before.
  • @MrEvolutionable
    I knew that cruise ships were pretty bad polluters but I was not aware they were THIS polluting! How can anyone claim that they are even remotely environmentally friendly?
  • @ljacobs357
    Not to mention their contribution to overtourism at major ports. Cruise tourists spend considerably less than land-based tourists. I avoid destinations when large cruise ships are in port.
  • @techcafe0
    these giant floating theme parks on the seas cannot possibly be environmentally responsible or sustainable
  • @alexr167
    An interesting fact was overlooked, even though ships can drive with natural gas they only do near ports, as soon as they leave their waters they switch to engines that run on heavy oil.
  • @banksiasong
    The details about the cruise ship pollutants and wastes is terrifying.
  • @Francebras
    Floating shopping malls or public housing complexes where the sea holds little to no significance for both users and operators.
  • @michaelmay4930
    Seems like unfortunately it’s the small potatoes like family owned fishing businesses that get fried due to lack of equity/resources for lawyers and go under when more rules and regulations are applied for climate and conservations. When it’s the big potatoes that should be eaten
  • @Dayvit78
    There's no way taking a whole hotel with you when you travel can be environmentally friendly. When they say more environmentally friendly, it's like McDonald's coming up with healthier options.
  • @djayjp
    300kg per person per day of CO2 emissions....
  • @jonathanirons231
    I wholeheartedly share this criticism and am extremely wary of any claims made by cruise companies. However, ... Comparing a cruise ship with other forms of transport is misleading and disingenuous. The reality is that you need to compare the emissions of a cruise ship with those of the airplanes, buses, cars, hotels, theme parks and restaurants that they are replacing. I would be interested to see how the emissions of 5000 holidaymakers on land would stack up for a similar time period.
  • @Rainberna
    Its not complicated. Its called greed.
  • @stauber44
    This is what happens when you let an industry grow underregulated. If externalities are not priced, why care?
  • I knew cruise ships polluted a lot, but I didn't know it was this much!
  • @shantyclips6358
    You're mixing up ocean liners with cruise ships! 🤦🏼‍♂️
  • Passenger ships designed for speed are Ocean Liners - they usually weather storms in the name of meeting schedules. Cruise Ships on the other hand always try to go around bad weather as they are designed much taller and cant take the same kind of beating at sea.
  • @jandp2941
    It is all about the immediate money 😢