The Gene-Seed Of The Lost Legions - 40K Theories

Publicado 2021-05-16
Prior to the onset of the Horus Heresy, the second and eleventh legions of the Legiones Astartes would be erased from history, with all records regarding their names, deeds and Primarchs being expunged from Imperial Records. But just what exactly happened to the gene-seed stocks of the two Lost Legions?

Featuring Bruva Alfabusa as Malcador

Additional Narration by Stephanie Swan Quills

Intro theme by Stringstorm

Additional audio editing by Officio Audiorum

Additional artwork by Genzoman, Disarmonia, Ilqar and Jinwoo Park

All art property of their respective owners

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @spacecowboy2737
    It's why the ultramarines have so many unique successors that are "TOTALLY 13TH LEGION SUCCESSORS GUYS DONT LOOK INTO THIS"
  • @fionn2220
    ''The primarchs were designed to be far more cognitively sound than other humans'' that went well
  • @relaetsecyr
    A comment to appease the machine spirit of the YouTube algorithm!
  • @viewernewest
    As Cawl stated in Dark Imperium, "The warriors were not at fault, the science was not at fault, the Primarchs were". I think the gene seed of the lost and the purged, was preserved. Also, as far as the Thousand Sons goes, remember, Revuel Arvida had his gene seed purified by the soul shard of Magnus. This act could have given the Emperor the ability to create stable thousand sons successors, i.e. the blood ravens.
  • @CAP198462
    I believe the second and eleventh legions were.....[SIGNAL LOST]
  • I think what happened to the 2 lost primarchs was simple, they landed on a xenos world, and were inducted into the respective xenos race. Perhaps they rose to conquer and lead their xenos race, or the xenos race indoctrinated and used them as a tool like the Emperor intended to do so himself. A primarch that fights for a non-human race, would support that first quote you dropped from Malcador - it would have threatened everything the Great Crusade stood for.
  • @r.cdahuman7682
    Shit like that image at 0:43 is the reason I love 40k. We can have bad ass super soldiers who can spit acid and eat metal, space wizards who bend the very fabric of reality, kleptomaniacal skeletons made out of living metal which are potentially older than our planet, and shit like that image. All in the same universe. Gog I love 40k.
  • @BlizzardofKnives
    Knowing the Imperium, it's probably mislayed it somewhere, then forgot it.
  • @daniell1483
    Transhuman surgery that is then wiped from one's mind certainly sounds like an Emperor sort of thing to do.
  • @alextorres5584
    I've had a hypothesis for a while that the Black Templars aren't actually of Dornian stock, given how different they are in character from their supposed brothers.
  • @alexanderm8880
    My theory is still that one of the lost legions was taken over by the Rangdan (and thus purged) and the other actively sided with Xenos, possibly the Eldar, before somehow being lost to all parties, possibly as they fled the Space Wolves' retribution
  • @r.cdahuman7682
    Ooo. Lost primarch vidoes. Always appreciated Lore master. Emperor bless mate, I hope you have a great day. Already know the video is gonna be great.
  • @TheAnon03
    Perhaps the Thousand Sons gene-seed wasn't actually that corrupted, perhaps the cause of the Thousand Sons catastrophic rate of mutation wasn't the gene-seed itself but a side effect of it being based on Magnus who was most closely attuned to the warp and all the subsequent work done on it was infact an attempt to use the gene-seed to counteract this effect.
  • I've been looking forward to this. You made my weekend, Lord Inquisitor Remleiz. Thank you.
  • @csgilmore3536
    Artificial perpetuals. Vulcan: ah yeah about that.
  • This could explain why the Soul Drinkers, as well as some other Astartes Chapters, haven’t been able to identify their Primarch from samples of their Geneseed. For example; when the Soul Drinkers were on trial, the Blood Angel Apothecary stated that he couldn’t identify their Geneseed, and that they were not true sons of Rogal Dorn, who they believed they were descends of.
  • @Isador911
    The soul drinkers could be one of the successor chapters of the Imperial fists who were actually the astartes from the 2nd or 11th. They believe they are Dornian but do not have his geneseed.
  • The implication I always got from that quote from the Cawl Inferior was that he had already done a trial run of all these Legions and had those boys ready to go, in stasis like the rest of the Primaris. As in from 30k and thier original worlds, although I'm not sure how he would have gotten his mitts on relevant aspirants during the Scourge. Perhaps we will see during the inevitable book series based on the aftermath of the heresy....