Ultimate guide to Faileelements part 6 (HannibaltheVictor13 Mirror)

Published 2012-02-14
Link to HannibaltheVictor13's original video and please subscribe to his channel
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Sources (these will be linked in every video.

Bahn P., 2002. Written in Bones. Quinttet publishing press.

Bernard Cambell G,, Loy James D., Uribe Catherine Cruz., 2005. Human Kind Emerging. Allyn & Bacon; 9 edition

Byers Steven, N 2008., Introduction to Forensic Anthropology. MA Pearson Publishing Ltd.

Franklin D. Freedmen L. O'Higgins P. and Oxnard C.E., 2008. A comment on Dayal et al. (2008) assessment of sex using the skull. Journal of Comparative Human Biology 60 pg. 139-142.

Graw M. Czarnetzki A. Haffner T.H., 1999. The Form of the Supraorbital Margin as a Criterion in Identification of Sex From the Skull: Investigations Based on Modern Human Skulls. American Journal of Physical Anthropolgoy. 107: 91-96.

Graves J. L., 2002. What a Tangled Web he Weaves: Race Reproductive Strategies and Rushtons Life History Theory. Antrhopological Theory. 2: 131-154.

Konigsberg L. Hens S., 1998. Use of Ordinal Categorical Variables in Skeletal Assessmentof Sex From the Cranium. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 107: 97-112.

Lieberman L., 2001. How "Caucasoids" Got Such Big Crania and Why They Shrank: From Morton to Rushton. Current Anthropology. 42: 69-95.

Rogers T. L., 2005. Determining the Sex of Human Remains through Cranial Morphology. The Journal of Forensic Science. 3: 493-500.
White T. Folkens P., 2000. Human Osteology. Academic Press. CA.

Rushton Article linked online

Liebermen Article for all to see

Race are we so different website

Brain size and social networks article on Macaque

Homosexual brain in action

Bantu Dialect

Nilotic dialect

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