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A channel featuring anti theocracy, anti totalitarianism, anti bigotry, pro free speech, pro skepticism videos, from other users. This is also an anti racism and bigotry channel. Genocidal, or even Bigoted comments are not welcome here.
I do not look down on people for being a part any religion, as long as they regard it as a personal matter and oppose using the state to force religious dogma on me, or anyone else.
Also I'm utterly opposed to any attempt to silence criticism, of any religion or ideology.

By the way, "racial realism" is really nothing more than a politically correct word for racist. If you want to insist that there are differences between races, you must first prove that race exists as a biological construct, and no racist, or so called "racial realist has been able to do that. Until you can, don't try to persuade me otherwise.

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