Why Ignis Is Final Fantasy XV's Best Character (Story Review)

Published 2017-02-13
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Ignis is an awesome character and one who comes out of Final Fantasy XV very well.

This video will look at Ignis' story, as presented in Final Fantasy 15 and Brotherhood, and will look to analyse and explain why I feel he's the best character in Final Fantasy XV's story.

It will look at different perspectives, including his relationships with characters such as Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia and Prompto Argentum.


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The video first starts with a recap of Ignis' story in Final Fantasy XV. It looks at his role within Brotherhood: Final fantasy XV and how this has affected his role throughout the game.

All Comments (21)
  • @irmagedden8465
    Good video, but you neglected to mention that he also has the best fashion sense--my personal favorite is the casual outfit. Few men could carry off the suspenders look like that.
  • @TheRaizoGaming
    I honestly began crying when I saw his injuries. made it worse when I remember his quote, "I like my world crystal clear"
  • @LupusArcavius
    People don't appreciate Ignis?! What?! Who?! They are wrong!
  • @Etrodecim
    Ignis is honestly one of my favorite characters of all time, i love the guy.
  • Iggy is my favorite character of the series. My reasons for that are a bit more personal than most. My father is blind and has been his whole life. In his life a lot of people would treat him like he couldn't do anything, that he needed to be taken care of, that he was a burden to society. But my father grew up and lived his life where the word 'can't' simply wasn't a part of his vocabulary. After Ignis is blinded, a lot of people wanted to treat him like losing his sight made him weak. They wanted to shelter him away someplace safe, isolating him in the process. They tried to make 'can't' a part of Ignis' vocabulary. But Ignis wouldn't have it. He refused to let his friends push him away. He fell often and needed his friends' help a lot, but he kept pushing. He kept learning and growing and soon he didn't need to rely on anyone. And that is a very important lesson for anyone to learn.
  • Ignis is the most useful person in combat. He has Buffs, Debuffs, and strong combat techs like Sagefire. I love him, him going blind was the catalyst that changed the tone of the story and set it on a more serious path. it's what forced Noctis to think about someone other than himself.
  • @marcelgom
    Ignis is the best. Not only because of his story (I really felt it when he got blind) but also because his skills in battle are the most useful by far.
  • @DaineHaven
    Going into FFXV I thought Prompto would be my favorite. He's very expressive, silly, and loving, and while I do love Prompto, Ignis becamse my unexpected favorite, and probably my favorite male FF character overall. He has a quiet and dry, yet killer sense of humor, he has a great sense of style (sleeves rolled up to the elbow, properly used belt, suspenders, he checks all of my favorite things in men's wear), he uses my second favorite weapon type of double daggers, and he cares SO MUCH about his friends. He takes on so many of the duties that the others either aren't responsible enough to fulfill, or just aren't willing to. Honestly after the Leviathan fight I was way more concerned about what happened to Ignis than what happened to Luna. And I love everything about the chapter in the mines directly afterwards, from forcing the player to slow down and opening up the chance to really think about and take in everything that has happened, to the other characters not really knowing how to handle Ignis's blindness. It felt so real and genuine, its my favorite chapter in the game.
  • @seen.3
    ignis is hands down THE BEST. sure, gladio is a hot dad and prompto is fricken adorable and noctis is an emo prince but ignis... ignis is the ultimate man/waifu. also he cooks AND heals... he is the most valuable and likeable *i also really like that scene as well.
  • I was very surprised to see that Ignis ranked the lowest out of the bros on the poll, as the ones I've seen he ranks very high, usually second after Noctis. Everything you say in the video rings true and he is such a fantastic character with such grace and composure, but also a hidden fury and strength. They would literally fall apart without him! It makes me wonder about his childhood, it doesn't sound like he had a fun upbringing.
  • @JeedyJay
    One of my favorite details about post-blinding Ignis is what it does to his in-battle moveset. He initially has two clumsy attacks, one of which involves falling over. As the game goes on, though, he slowly regains his old moves and phases out the special blind-man-fumbling ones, and by the end of chapter 13, he gains a unique parry-and-counter move with his walking stick. They actually designed a simple Metroid-style "lose all your options, then slowly regain them and more" arc for an NPC, and set it to play out quietly in the background of the story. No special attention is called to this process, because that's exactly the kind of character that Ignis is - the very picture of the Stiff Upper-Lip.
  • @akpablon7
    Ignis will always be my favorite character in FFXV
  • @lilteddiursa
    Ignis went from being my least favourite Chocobro to my fave, and Gladiolus from favourite to least because of the scenes you discribed here. I just love how caring Ignis is, genuinely at that, and the strenght he shows after being disabled, it was incredibly amazing.
  • @BootyBeef
    Ignis easily became my favorite character in the whole Franchise after showing how well he handled losing his vision. He didn't cry about it, he didn't feel sorry for himself and turn into a depressed emo, (cough cough CLOUD.), and he didn't blame anyone for it. He instead put Noctis and the group before himself, told them to focus on the mission and to get shit done. Once he adapted to the darkness, he becomes the most badass character in the series. I may be ignorant on this, but who else in the entire franchise fights completely blind? Let alone becomes a better fighter for it?
  • @irmagedden8465
    Ignis was my favorite within the first hour, I'd say. He has a Stoic character balanced with a love for beautiful things (be it food, art or landscapes). You find yourself trusting him, relying on him and eventually being in awe of his bravery. When he lost his vision it crushed me, but his reaction to it was the most inspiring thing about this game.
  • @maXVolnutt
    With the story of Ignis's blindness, they do something that is a sad rarity in videogame storytelling: 1) They invoke emotion without resorting to death. Yes, everyone cried when Aerith died. Sure. But death has been an emotional crutch in gaming for too long. When Ignis lost his sight, it struck a tragic chord that felt much deeper than Luna's death. This was largely because of the consequences. We could see how it immediately effected him and his friends. The dynamic changed in a very tangible (and painful) way. My heart broke for him when he was down and pride surged when he eventually bounced back. 2) It did this using gameplay mechanics. The changes in combat in the following dungeon, the change in the feel of the music, etc. all lent to the tragedy, but the real clincher? The cooking. When they sat down to camp and what was normally a calm respite became a cry-worthy moment when the food selection menu came up and only displayed that freaking sad-ass can of hash. It was clear then that Ignis could not engage in his favorite hobby and that his life had changed. Tripping in combat is one thing, but not getting to cook a simple meal? That was truly heart wrenching. It was the saddest use of mechanics since the ending of Crisis Core.
  • @hazelmaple1842
    Prompto and ignis are my favourites I always like learning about them