Demolition Man - Life Simulator 2020 Edition


コメント (21)
  • @Ebalosus
    If they made this movie today, it would be condemned as “right-wing reactionary propaganda”
  • Simons Phoenix’s best quote: “Look, you can’t take away peoples right to be assholes”…
  • I don't think I've ever seen an actor having more fun in a role than Wesley Snipes in this movie.
  • "John Spartan, you are fined one credit for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute." This art imitating life thing really sucks these days!
  • "We're Police officers! We're not trained to handle this kind of violence!"
  • My dad recently visited my home for the first time in a decade. My wife had decorated the bathroom with a sea theme. I put three seashells on the counter and my dad caught the reference. I had told my wife about it (she had no idea what I was referring to) and I'm glad my dad pulled through!
  • I think the idea of the fully-functional weapons in the museum legit works to the film's favor, since it shows just how ill-prepared everyone is. They are so certain their system is ''working'' that they never even entertained the possibility that someone would go in there and actually use one.
  • Demolition Man is a cautionary tale about how, when society vilifies all forms of masculinity, society inadvertently allows those who express masculinity in its most violent and immoral form, to act with impunity. The way to counteract this problem is to NOT to demonize masculinity as a whole, but to allow those who express their masculinity within a moral framework to act as a check against those with no moral boundaries.
  • Simon Phoenix has the most poignant quote in the movie: "Look, you can't take away people's right to be assholes."
  • The sheer brass balls on a villain like Fenix, though. "You're under arrest!" "No, I'm not."
  • Demolition Man was fun to see on the big screen. Wesley was having a good time, Sly was in good form, and Sandra Bullock was adorable all over the place.
  • @rtstrong
    This is one of Stallone’s best films and you cannot change my mind.
  • This movie failed to predict the greatest threat to Western civilization: Gender Studies
  • That scene where he swears at the machine and uses the tickets for toilet paper is gold
  • “Jeffery Dalmer? I like that guy!” Loved that line by Snipes.
  • The scene where he literally wipes his ass with infractions for profanity is easily the most relatable in the movie
  • One of Dennis Leary's best lines: "I've seen the future, you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sittin' around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake singing I'm an Oscar-Meyer Wiener"
  • I saw this opening weekend when I was 15. My parents took me and a friend of mine to see it. It was soooo much fun. Funny thing was, I remember thinking how impossible it was for society to change THAT much in only 40 years… Well it’s been only 30 years since it’s release, and a big chunk of these actually have come true.
  • "You are an incredibly sensitive man, who inspires joy-joy feelings in all those around you."