A Top 500 Veteran Rants About Overwatch 2

Published 2024-04-13

All Comments (21)
  • @Sprixyy
    For some reason this is catching the algorithm, so for anyone that’s wants to give me feedback I’d appreciate it. YouTube has been something I’ve thought about pursuing and I have a huge passion for overwatch and gaming in general and I have a lot to say about things. So just leave this a comment or like if you guys wanna see or hear more things It would mean the world to me ❤
  • @bs_komonolo574
    On the counter swapping arguments, remember that clip on Twitter where a tank was getting DESTROYED because he didn't have mauga, he left, bought the battle pass and IMMEDIATELY won. That's just not how a game should be....
  • @idk1839
    Balancing this game for casuals for them not to play this game after 4 months.
  • @alexwylie8128
    As a tank player I’m so sick of 5v5. It’s sad. This game feels like a soulless shell of ow1
  • @NanaHoneyB
    I watch more 5v5 rants than I play Overwatch now. This was supposed to “increase playmaking ability” but it DID THE OPPOSITE. There’s only ONE right way, ONE right character to play, and STILL, NOTHING. DIES. It’s absolutely miserable. NOBODY ASKED for this, and I hate the devs for not swallowing their pride and simply going back to 6v6. Who cares about 1 week of bad news articles? They have enough data to fix this in ONE PATCH. Players would come back even. Everyone would be happy eventually. JUST. GO. BACK. And build from there. PLEASE.
  • @S3nCh4n
    DPS: The enemy tank won't die no matter how much I shoot! Tanks: I'm getting shot by everyone I can't get enough heals! Support: I can't keep my tank up the DPS debuff makes healing non existent! This game' s become so boring
  • @samash32_
    yk what, i liked the old UI, the medals, even if thye didn't do anything, it's much nicer to look at than the shitty jingling keys stats ui we have now
  • @Chadleythejunk
    yeah i think overwatch is trying to cushion everything and are getting rid of the high risk high reward playstyle and dulling it down to sitting in chokes and just wating for something to happen.
  • @ju22ou
    gotta agree solo tank is miserable
  • @Karma_OW
    I think the fundamental issue is they’re trying to force tanks to be able to do both jobs of an off tank and main tank (maintain and define space respectively). It’s why the role has become so one dimensional imo. I think the devs fail to see that rein (a main tank) was never originally designed to be able to maintain space, he was designed to be able to claim space (define it). Similarly, DVA (an off tank) was never designed to be able to claim space. She was designed to be able to maintain already claimed space, for example. I’m not sure how long it will be, but I think the devs will eventually realize they can’t have one tank fulfill both of those responsibilities without the game loop being brain dead as you illustrated in your hog clip. That clip was the whole fight. You died and the fight was over. You and just got everything yeeted at you. There was no tempo, and no ebb and flow at all. That kind of gameplay loop is like when two pawns meet in a game of chess in front of each other; neither pawn can advance until one of them has been cleared (dies). It’s like they’re trying to rework every tank to be like sigma (the one tank that can do both jobs), and it’s brain dead. It reminds me of when bastion had a shield.
  • @jasonhuynh5174
    When season 10 top 500 dropped I found it hilarious that top 500 tank was diamond 2
  • @adalwolf8328
    The saddest part is, look all of the cool tanks that have been added to the game, JQ, Mauga, Ram, reworked Orisa...they would be a blast to play in 6v6. Instead we are stuck in this format with unkillable AFK tanks which feel shit for everybody.
  • @candy1049
    Like a malevolent AI in an underground testing facility once said. "The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one." And balancing 5v5 is hard... Next to impossible even.
  • @Via_O.W
    when ow2 first released it felt super good but honestly i think that was just becuase there were like no updates to ow1 and it felt stale, there really is not reason to not go back
  • @noterobrine9921
    I miss old Overwatch. I was a gold Zarya main in OW1 and yes, she had 400Hp and could easily die to a Reinhardt charge, but that's what made her so fun to play. The bubbles provided protection and power if used correctly, and it was fun to kill an enemy who thought they had me dead to rights. What I'm trying to say is that it feels like Overwatch is removing this skill ceiling that was required for most heroes. Zarya was fun to play when you played her right, nowadays, I barely even queue tank anymore. Overwatch is removing the skill requirements in favor for a more broad approach and it completely removes any challenge or skill from the game...
  • @AigamiXT
    Honestly bro I understand opening up the game to more casual players like that’s fine, but adding stuff like roadhog being able to HOOK and HEAL during his ult and Moira being able to FADE during her ult and other baby more stuff like that is ridiculous, you shouldn’t be rewarded for using your ult at the wrong time you’re literally just removing opportunities to punish bad behaviors. Double shield was something to say the least, but like you said it was almost entirely the supports using these crazy sustain abilities keeping the tanks alive. All of that could’ve been avoided if the game simply wasn’t abandoned for a PVE game mode ultimately ended up being scrapped anyway. Orisa doesn’t even have a shield anymore, because of the format rein is just unplayable currently, sigma was a 5v5 tank they slapped into OW1. Every character that was released in OW1 had 6v6 in mind, but especially the tanks. If I’m playing DVA I’m gigabuffed because of the format, but the Zarya who can now freely beam me because I don’t have my second tank to help me take the pressure off as easily is also gigabuffed and now wins the matchup even more.
  • @wisptears
    i agree wholeheartedly with everything you mentioned, this game feels a shell of what it used to be. i’ve been playing since december 2016 and seeing what it used to be and how the “issues” with the 6v6 model could’ve been fixed with a few patches hurts they refuse to admit the changes they made for the better aren’t better, they’re in fact worse, and i’d argue that ow1 was more approachable and rewarding for new players than the state overwatch is currently in great video, keep up the raw honesty with these videos because they community needs to hear stuff like this, i hope blizzard will hear us eventually
  • @MrWazzietje
    Speaking as a DPS player: for a healthy game, it would be better to return to 6vs6. Double shield can be easily fixed, and is already mostly fixed. The continuous counterswapping and especially the balancing issues 5vs5 causes... It is frustrating for the tank players and by extension frustrating for their teams. 5vs5 technically would work, if they would redesign all heroes and rethink the purpose of the tank role.
  • @Dreigonn
    I finally just quit. A player that’s been playing since day 1 in 2016. Team 4 is truly the worst development team I’ve ever had the privilege of witnessing. Every single change and update they make to this game is just another bandaid fix for a problem they made for themselves as a result of these awful clueless changes. Season 9 really was the last straw for me, and now season 10 I’ve just lost all desire to play the game. Fun fact, going into OW2, I had over 700 hours on rein. As of right now, in OW2 a year later. I have only 715 hours on rein, my MAIN. My main that I’ve played a total of 15 hours in a whole fucking year because he’s been so worthless for so long. Another fun fact! In OW1, I peaked at rank 92 on tank, 3800 on DPS, and idk support I never really played it. In OW2, my tank can barely maintain master, My DPS has consistently been GM1, and my support is mid master. How on gods green earth is my main role my lowest!
  • @TruthJX
    There's no sense of risk reward anymore. An insane mechanical play that rewards you with a kill can be erased from history by a mercy res, or stopped altogether by a suzu, immo field, or weaver grip. There is so much less punishment for playing stupid now. The game is so much more forgiving. So many characters are rewarded so much for so little effort. Supports literally do everything, damage, small hitboxes, passive regen, great mobility, and abilities that can cancel out kills or ultimates just by pressing a button. I remember a time when a dps tank duel was decided by who made better use of their kit instead of ehat role/character they were on, with exceptions obviously. But nowadays, no dps is killing a tank in a 1v1, unless its like a rein but thats borderline worst hero in the game right now.