I visited Sweden's ugliest city (and had fun?!)

Have you tried horse meat before?

In today's video, I visit Borlänge, Sweden--known for being Sweden's ugliest city according to a poll done in 2018. After visiting the SECOND ugliest city in 2021 (Västerås), I wanted to see what the competition was.

My video about Västerås:    • I went to Västerås and had an okay time  

I also ate horse meat for the first time. Horse meat is illegal in the USA, but apparently, there's a large factory near Borlänge called Gustafskorv, and that's why it's a bit more common in this part of Sweden.

På svenska:

Har du ätit hästkorv förut?

I dagens video besökte jag Borlänge, Sverige, som är kändes för att vara Sveriges fullaste stad. Tidigare reste jag till Västerås, som är Sveriges ANDRA fullaste stad. Därför ville jag se tävlingen.

Dessutom testade jag hästkorv för första gången. Hästkorv är olaglig i USA, men det finns en fabrik nära Borlänge som heter Gustafskorv.

Extra tag words: svenska, svensk, full, ugly, swedish, dalarna, dala, dala häst, paprikan, axel nordell, stora tuna kyrka, gammelgården, kristinehamn, stadspark, liljeqvistska parken, torsång cafe, torsångs cafe, frostbrunnsdalens naturreservat, moby dick, stockholm university, johan paalzow, emil hansius


00:00 - 01:20 - The ugliest city in Sweden
01:20 - 03:23 - Sveatorget and Paprikan
03:23 - 06:31 - Liljeqvistska parken (and the ugliest city park I've seen)
06:31 - 10:02 - Torsångs cafe & trying horse meat
10:02 - 13:41 - Gammelgården & Midsommar
13:41 - 15:05 - Stora Tuna Kyrka
15:05 - 17:08 - Frostbrunnsdalens Naturreservat
17:08 - 18:24 - Final thoughts

コメント (21)
  • @mgntstr
    "What do you think the name was?" "hästkorv?" "No! The name of the horse!"🤣🤣
  • @ellaw5881
    Wow, this video totally felt like a high quality documenary made for television. I love your videos and to hear about your thoughts and comments about Sweden. 🥰
  • I'm half Swedish half American and I am studying Linguistics at the university. I have eaten horse meat. Many years ago there was a scandal when it turned out that horse and donkey meat was under a very long time being sold as cheap beef for school lunches and the food industry. So a lot of Swedes have eaten horse meat without realising what they were eating. The meat of our school "kalops" (a beef stew) was analyzed and turned out to be horse meat. So we started calling it "galopps" instead of kalops.. I used to work at a home for the elderly. And many of them used to eat horse meat. Some of them were from Dalarna and some of them were not. Tun comes from old Norse. It is originally what the common unowned ground between several houses with different owners is called. And it is what the word English Town comes from.
  • @friswing
    Gustafskorv is the sausage with horsemeat. But it is a mixture not only horse in it. Since my father is from Dalarna, I have eaten it since I was a kid, and always loved it. But nobody is raising horses 'only' for food.
  • @andvil01
    The crossed arrows are crossbow bolts. The symbol of Dalarna. The "male" symbol is also iron as Borlänge has a large steel industry. The town next to Borlänge is Falun. It has a cupper mine. The symbol for cupper is the "female" symbol. It's an artesian spring. The ground water in the surroundings are higher than the bottom of the gore. Whith a permeable sand layer, under the dense upper soil, there are "pipes" through the sand, leading the water to the spring.
  • @GunnarCreutz
    The horse sausage is called Gustafskorv and it is made in Gustafs 10 km SE of Borlänge. The Tuna place names are believed to be around 2000 years old. In the case of Stora Tuna the oldest known record of the name is from 1333.
  • @mattpyper
    @Meagan, the bubbly bits under the water are a natural spring. The "brunn" in the description plaque means well or spring. That's pure clean water bubbling up from deep under the earth. It's why the water is so clear! If you want to see a really big one, look up the Big Spring, Idaho. It's one of the sources of the Snake River that winds through Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, and ends up in Arizona in the Grand Canyon!
  • @fnizzelwhoop
    Happy to see you're back in Sweden and that you're still making videos!
  • @akersjon278
    Hi Meagan, welcome back. When I was a kid I was told the reason the doors on old log homes had such small doors, with high threshholds, was to keep the snow out and the heated air in during our long Swedish winters (since hot air rises and collects under the ceiling). But I was also told that they built them that way for home defence way back when. Those low doors with their high thresholds would slow down intruders and make them come in with their heads bowed down, giving those inside an oppotunity to bonk them over the head with something heavy (or sharp...) before they could do any harm. If the defence explanation for the door design is true or not I don't know, but it sounds kind of plausible to me...
  • @FenrisUlfven
    The horse-shrimp sandwich (a sandwich with horse meat sausage and shrimp salad) at Torsångs café is a "killer", perfect as a light lunch when you are out touring on your MC. Very popular among bikers that like to visit that café. The horse meat sausage is very specific to the region. The horse meat sausage and the Falu-sausage are heritages from the Falu copper mine. They used a lot of horses to transport the ore within the mine and when the the horses couldn't work any more they used the meat for food. The Falu-sausage was made from the meat from ox'es they used the leather from to make all the ropes they needed for the mine and they needed a lot of strong ropes. Frostbrunnsdalen: The groundwater follows a really large and water rich sand ridge (Badelundaåsen) and the water is so close to the surface at that place so it seeps up through the ground so what you see is really clear and clean spring water coming up from "down under". "Bestående fägnad", The word "bestående" means (long) lasting or persistent and "fägnad" means joy or satisfaction. In this case it can maybe be interpreted that the "paprika" is for everyone to enjoy for a long time.
  • Thanks for this posting. It has been some time. Nice seeing you back. Looking forward to further adventures. Thank you!
  • @johantj
    The “paprika” ❤. I’ve also played in that. G. W. Liljeqvist was a railway engineer, and became instrumental in expanding Borlänge from a village to the city it eventually became. He used to live where the park is located and it also happens to be close to the railway. The railway, connecting Gothenburg on the west coast with Gävle in the east, was completed along with a station house in Borlänge in 1875. On the midsummer pole you can see two arrows “Dalpilar”. These are crossbow arrows of a special type made in Dalarna. The shape of the arrow head makes it penetrate deeper. These arrows became the symbol for Dalarna and you can find it in the coat of arms which is a blue field with tip arrows in gold with silver tips beneath an open crown in gold.
  • @Ferdawoon
    The "Quakakak"-part of Små Grodorna is literally the sound of a frog. "Quack". So you jump around while signing "Små grodorna är lustiga att se", then it's "Ej öron" (meaning no ears) so you wave your hans around your ears, and "ej svansar hava de" (meaning they have no tails) and you use your hands to show a tail. Then back to jumping as a frog.
  • That dancing and singing around the pole at Midsommar reminded me that these are people who survive very long, very cold winters. I didn't think that city was ugly, either. I actually find small towns interesting. Thank you!!
  • @robhobsweden
    Hamburgerkött is actually originally made of smoked horse meat, and is a topping for sandwiches. Nowadays, it's more common to be made out of cow. Små grodorna is actually a thing that makes fun of the french, and is just Swedish lyrics to part of the tune "Chanson de l'oignon". French eats frogs, so... Koack ack ack ack is just onomatopoetic words for the frog sound. Here's the original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3BHyOhVXmE
  • @jamboj8348
    I've been watching you for a couple of years and I think you're absolutely wonderful. you seem genuine somehow. continue with this. HA DET GOTT HÄJ ❤️
  • @senchaholic
    It's such a treat whenever you've posted a new video.
  • @Aconda
    This has got to be your best video yet. Thanks.
  • @Brynhold
    Surprising to see a video in my sub feed of my home town :P I was out and about those days in centrum, stora tuna kyrka, frostbrunsdalen, and the café because I was showing a friend from Puerto Rico around, would've been crazy if I'd seen you there ;P
  • @Anquarius
    Åhh, ny video!! Jättebra som vanligt. Alltid kul att se dig ge dig iväg på saker och göra reviews hahah