Top Six Most Overrated Movies

Published 2023-04-04

All Comments (21)
  • @tonysonic456
    I haven't watched half the movies you talked about, but I do respect your opinions on the ones I have. Not every movie is for everyone, and while I personally enjoy a couple of them like Shrek and Despicable Me, I can see the other side.
  • How appropriate considering the Mario Movie comes out tomorrow.
  • I wonder if that moment from AVGN’s review on the Shrek’s Fairy Tale Freakdown game inspired you to put it on the list.
  • @TheGreatPM1
    Jesus Christ, I don't know like half of these movies lol. But for the ones I do know, I understand your reasoning. Shrek is good but that's it, Despicable Me is hilarious to me and is really entertaining but not the best Illumination movie and I literally forgot the entirely of Deadpool up until the final fight scene which is funny to me lol.
  • @tantheman0921
    So here's my takes on some of these. I enjoy the scene where Shrek tells Donkey to shut up while they're saving Fiona (Hopefully it's not too mean) and Vector from Despicable Me but I don't get why he's a villain. 🤔 Although my favorite quote is "Curse you tiny toilet". It still cracks me up. 🤣 Also for Christmas story, I feel like it's either this or Elf I always watch for my high school xmas party. I still enjoy them though 👍
  • @ArdaOzcan2009
    Hey, uh. Will you do Everything Wrong with Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam a little soon?
  • As much as I love Christmas Story, my main gripe with it is the animal cruelty. The scene where the hound's ear is stuck in the door and it's crying out in agony HURTS MY FUCKING HEART EVERY TIME!
  • @Hyder_B
    Just curious, why do you hate Rampage? I remember kinda enjoying it
  • - It took me a while to love Shrek but even still, I love Forever After and Shrek 2. I hate the third movie though! - Despicable Me is just good but I honestly prefer the second movie. - Deadpool, I haven't seen, but as of right now, I'm not too interested. It's one of those movies I just wish people could shut up about from time to time. - I like Over the Hedge, but I think it is only due to nostalgia purposes for me. - I really can't stand The Lego Movie! The ending was sweet, but that's all I liked about it. - I'm not sure if it was the wisest idea putting Planet of the Apes on the HMs if you haven't seen it. I'm not saying you HAVE to watch the movie, just don't mention it in the HMs if you haven't seen it. (just a suggestion) - The rest I have nothing to say about. Overall, a good list. It is WAY better than the Overrated Games list I made 2 and a half years ago. But even still, I'm NEVER making Overrated-based topics ever again due to that.
  • @arielruh7773
    I love the Christmas Story but I'll respect your opinion ,but i do agree with your opinion on the mother
  • A Christmas Story is a flawless film, with many standout scenes. One of the funniest, too.
  • @SuperGoker64
    Honestly, I'm one of the people who thinks Shrek is overrated but still likes it. It mainly comes down to, as you said, how people overblow just how good it is (particularly in the meme department) and the third act breakup. I actually never heard of Farquaad being based on Eisner before this. I haven't seen the second and fourth ones, and I would classify The Third as... just okay. Also, Donkey is best character. It's funny- my old high school band director actually would put A Christmas Story on all day for the last day before Christmas break each year. Because of this, one of the senior classes gifted him a leg lamp of his own one year. Never particularly cared for this one myself. The Shape of Water is the only one on here, including HMs, that I've never even heard of before this video. That may have been for the best.
  • @JadenMoon1475
    "Over the Hedge"? More like Overrated The Hedge, am I right???