Consciousness is a mathematical pattern: Max Tegmark at TEDxCambridge 2014

Published 2014-06-30
As a physicist, Max Tegmark sees people as "food, rearranged." That makes his answer to complicated questions like "What is consciousness?" simple: It's just math. Why? Because it's the patterns, not the particles, that matter. Learn more about Max Tegmark at and TEDxCambridge at

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All Comments (21)
  • @Wasteomindy
    I absolutely love the definition of consciousness as a "way information feels when it is being processed in certain complex ways".
  • @gersonperez3781
    He is somehow explaining how conciousness can co exist with the physical world, without it having to be a "paralel" reality... amazing and revealing!
  • @smyrnianlink
    The biggest mystery of subjective concsiousness is "Does anyone but me have it" ??
  • @spy2778
    “Consciousness is simply the way information feels as it is being processed” - Max Tegmark Wonderful
  • @crienospmoht
    I didn't kill that man you'r honor. I just rearranged his particles in an unfortunate pattern.
  • @martin36369
    How do you know other arrangements of matter other than the brain don't have consciousness?
  • @ChaseKelleh
    "Consciousness is just the way information feels when it is being processed by .. particles moving in very special patterns." The sentence I was waiting for ^
  • @kleinbottled79
    Once in a dream; I was asking this old man "So the pattern of energy is matter?" After a pause he responded, "No, but the pattern of energy matters" Silly words.
  • Max, I think you are brilliant! I'm a computer programmer. I think consciousness is an algorithm that our brains use all the time. I think it is akin to the main executive loop of a computer program. This processing loop always try's to resolve 2 main questions. 1) What is going on? 2) What should I do? This process is always repeating even while we sleep.
  • And funnily enough everything in the Universe is made off patterns. I totally love this! Shines more proof and that extra bit of knowledge that pushes as further and closer to being able to understand who we are and that we ain't just part of Universe, but Universe being us.
  • @jsj1667
    Max Tegmark: inspiring genius! Love how he explains complex topics in such an easy and effortless manner
  • I’m reading his book “Life 3.0”, intriguing concepts and views over how our future might be thanks, or because of, artificial intelligence. Just amazing!
  • @yahronmills7404
    Excellent presentation within a very short video.  Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts Max Tegmark.
  • @BahaariTV
    That was really interesting. I loved it I also learned what to answer those who ask me "Where's your dad?" I'm gonna tell them "his particles got rearranged"
  • @Roachrancher
    Well done Max. It was so good to listen to, at the end I almost clapped as well in front of my screen. Big like! But why I only noticed this video 2 years later, is beyond me.
  • Intriguing talk. I think it comes back to the chicken and egg scenario. No matter how much we try to figure out consciousness, we can only do so when we're in a conscience 'awake' state - otherwise we really can't judge! Once more I find myself wishing to sit down and really discuss these things in much deeper detail. Sharing opinions expressing thoughts! All in all,a pleasant talk! Thank you!
  • @primary8775
    This is the best explanation of consciousness which is nothing more than arrangement of information, particles or patterns. But we still have long way to go to actually understand the underlying principles of true consciousness and we probably never figure it out.
  • @PaulMarostica
    The feeling I get from this video is that soon there will be an accurate definition of consciousness, that it will indeed be substance independent, and that this definition will be used to evaluate consciousness in various things, and to create consciousnesses using various substances.