Consciousness & the Brain: John Searle at TEDxCERN

Published 2013-05-23
John Searle one of the world's great philosophers of mind and language, has spent fifty years stimulating thinking around the world. What he says about consciousness as a biological phenomenon will challenge you! Cogitation, Consciousness & The Brain.

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All Comments (21)
  • @frank4579
    In reality this talk is 30 minutes long but the guy is a professional and pressed everything in, at double speed. lol
  • For that short time he was given, this man gave an incredible amount of explanation
  • @ashokbabuasp
    Ted why won't you give enough time to people. The poor guy had to rush and finish his presentation which was interesting and requires more time to explain.
  • I HATE how they force people to talk so fast and finish what they have to say in a limited amount of time. I mean, HOW LAME IS THAT?!?! So theyre rushing through their points so fast that we dont get enough time to even think about what theyre saying. Ridiculous, TED!
  • @noursmatii
    Ted's videos or let's say topics inspired me to find myself, to renew my ideas , to think positively and to take a step towards my future desires 😇 I am so thankful for TED TALKS .❤❤❤
  • @lauramartin614
    Searle is such a bad ass. It's nice to hear him and see him after reading him so much!
  • This is an incredibly dense, information-packed talk! Here's a hierarchical index of what was discussed by Searle. • Introduction→0:30 • Hostility to the subject→2:10 1) etherealness→2:26 2) unscientificalness→2:38 • Definition of consciousness→5:02 • Scientific, materialistic, objective view of consciousness→3:31, 6:00, 9:45, 13:52 • Features of consciousness→6:44 1) the reality, irreducibility of consciousness→6:55 2) qualia→8:16 3) subjectivity→8:33 4) unity→8:56 5) functional causality→9:32 • Four (not so) hard problems about consciousness→3:41 1) consciousness is an illusion→4:01 1.1) consciousness is real and irreducible→6:55, 7:25 1.2) Descartes' argument→7:59 2) the computational theory of mind→4:14, 11:17 2.1) content→11:39, 12:00 2.2) observer-independent X observer-relative reality→12:27, 12:42, 12:55 2.3) objectivity X subjectivity→13:41 *a concious robot?→7:43, 9:03 3) behaviorism→4:21 3.1) feeling X behaving→14:45 3.2) the science of internal states→15:06 4) the mind-body problem→4:29 4.1) biochemical causation→5:47, 9:45 4.2) consciousness is a condition the system is in→6:13 4.3) levels of description→10:40 • Conclusion→15:28
  • @makeyou2412
    Siempre vuelvo a ver este video y me doy cuenta de algo nuevo, magnifico!
  • @dkoehler47
    I think Max Planck had it right: "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness".
  • @KirkbyBlues
    Words can indeed get in the way. All I am trying to say boils down to this... I am conscious - a fact, as you say. How and why I am conscious has not yet been explained. There we have it - a fact without a satisfactory explanation. That makes it a mystery, or a puzzle, or a problem to be solved, if you prefer. Nothing else.
  • @Tokisamright
    thank you searle, I was tired of hearing all these episodes and analysis of how mysterious the conscious is while we don't even understand the brians working to the level that is required so you putting it down to your explanation is what reverbates to my logic.
  • When I listen J. Searle i understand where we are heading, when I read these comments i understand from where we are coming coming from. And that's a good news for me :)
  • @varblade821
    So if we 3D print a biological substrate based computer that has a Turing test passing software driven avatar; and it claims to be conscious; isn't that a subjective expression of an objective state?
  • Searle is always so clear, I've admired his expositions and writing for many years, since the 1990s when I first read one of his papers.
  • @mingonmongo1
    Brilliant guy, and such clear commonsense... thx! Perhaps part of the problem is, no matter how hard we try, neurobiologists, philosophers, whatever, we still can't really separate the subjective from the objective in whatever we do. Kinda like trying to work on our car, while we're driving.
  • Interesting presentation and I liked his idea about unified conscience fields. However, first stating that we can't have a scientific definition of consciousness and also that we don't really know how it works but then being sure that it is just a simple biological function doesn't really convince me, at all.
  • @B3SSPR0
    Excellent talk! It's very unfortunate he had to be rushed.
  • @Bix12
    I really enjoy dr searle - he's very down-to-earth. dr stuart hameroff has some very interesting things to say about conscousness, as does sir roger penrose
  • Great information I have got in this talk about Consciousness & the Brain.