Why Nobody Likes Woke Characters

Published 2023-04-12

All Comments (21)
  • @Sixstringman
    Congratulations to Jar Jar Binks for no longer being the most hated character in the Star Wars universe.
  • "Let's fight racism by creating characters that we reduce to their sex and skin-color." It's crazy, really.
  • @deathmastersful
    Wanna hear something horrible! So you know the whole “star fire child” thing was originally a fan fiction. It was supported by the fans and had small little comic strips that everyone loved. Then the creator of the “I am not star fire” (forgot the name of the author), threatened to sue the fan fiction artist and had almost every fan fiction depicting the child of star fire copy right striked and taken down. She literally for several months went on a campaign of trying to remove all fan fiction so no one could talk bad about her comic even though it sucked
  • @g4lah4d29
    Man, I loved the drama of Deadpool and Death love.That they love each other, but can never truly be together, because Pool cannot die for good, and only visits her, when he is critically injured. It was special
  • I find it so frustrating that nerds grew up being bullied and shunned for liking this stuff, then the normies got into it, changed everything, then bullied the nerds again for not liking what they did to the stuff we loved way before them
  • I remember reading a Spider-Man comic from the 1970s. In that comic a black man waves Spider-Man down as he's swinging around just to thank Spidey for being such a good role model to the kids in the "hood". Spider-Man told him he wasn't black, but the man said it didn't matter. Since Spider-Man's costume covered his entire body, every kid, no matter their color, could see themselves as Spider-Man. Black, Latino, Asian, white, it didn't matter. It was Spider-Man's actions, deeds, and heroism that inspired them all. How far we've fallen.
  • @kenabbott8585
    This is precisely what they did to Wheel of Time. The women in the books were absolutely badass, but when these people say "strong women characters" they don't actually mean strong women. They mean a sort of childish, uncreative "girlz rule, boys drool" brand of feminism that appeals to absolutely nobody but a few haters.
  • @hiramabiff9138
    A really good example of a powerful female character is Ripley from Alien; she was both strong, independent, a leader; she was capable of being a powerful individual without giving a girl empowerment speech for 10 minutes of the film. She outlasted everyone because of her actual strength and tenacity that played out on screen, all in believable scenarios (for a sci-fi) that didn't rely on exaggerating her strengths or in weakening her foe to emphasize her being a girl-boss. Imo, Ripley is one of the best representations of actual female empowerment because it doesn't insinuate for one moment, that Ripley is weaker or stronger than the men. On screen, she's a member of the crew that happens to defeat the enemy out of perseverance, wit and pure determination. Showing women struggling in the beginning of a film is the best way to express their strength by also watching them overcome later in the film, this emphasizes that women are just as capable as men and are human; the message sent and received without being forced. Rey on the other hand, her character was rushed into girl-boss status without any of the same struggles endured by former characters of the genre. Her rushed stardom nullifies the hardships of people like Luke, Anakin or any of the Jedi who required training by a master and endured hardships through the process of learning (Anakin had to learn why its best to have the high ground for example). If they just spent at least one movie focusing on Rey being a novice, who finds Luke and learns to become a real Jedi by undergoing some training, and Luke actually cared about getting his saber back and wanted to train Rey, I truly believe most fans would have embraced the Disney remakes and Rey as a character. Luke should have been a powerful mentor who imparts his wisdom; instead, he was made out to be a joke in favor of strengthening Rey's perceived girl-boss power on screen.
  • ...Perfectly said. "The reason why nobody likes Woke Characters is because they're not written as people first, but as a checklist for idiots who only see people for their skin color or sexual identity." Perfectly said.
  • I'm sure an AI can write a more compelling character than any of these soulless corporations.
  • @jamesbland5207
    The story of Gina Carano, Cara Dune pisses me off so much. They had a successful diverse female in their space show, fans could see her carrying her own show, yet she deviated from "the message" by one sentence, and now she is banished to the void.
  • @Moushoe
    The simple answer is that people just want superheroes and secondarily relatable ones. We don’t care if it’s a guy, a girl, a black person, or a gay person, we just want interesting characters. The issue with these characters is that their entire character is hyper fixated upon their sexuality or race. Again, we do not care for that and we just want relatable characters. Hopefully these big corporations actually listen to their fanbase though, sorry for the rant
  • I still remember when the new trilogy of Star Wars showed Finn handling a Lightsaber and people were pretty in for that idea. Then they said that Finn was gonna be a Stormtrooper and people went absolutely nuts because we all thought that we are gonna get an incredible story of a Stormtrooper building his path into the Jedi warrior way. But then they throw us Rey. which ended up being really disappointing for all of us.
  • @dullen2810
    we've descended to a point where fanfiction writers are creating better characters than the people who create the source material.
  • @dot_frfr
    Arcane: League of Legends is another good example of having a diverse cast while not making their progressive features their focal points. You had masculine women, gay men the whole nine yards and yet almost every character was well thought out and personable. Their individual strengths and hardships and general character development made the show one of my favorite animated shows ever.
  • @fmc291
    The horrible sad truth is that these characters didn’t have to be this way. Women, POC and 🏳️‍🌈 have been in media and mainstream media for years. The problem is that these “writers” don’t know how to write a human experience. Let’s look at the comedians of the 60’s to the mid 2000’s. They could relate to many people (regardless if you found them funny or not is irrelevant) because they presented themselves as human first. They joke about their hardships and find the humor in their struggles, that’s what makes them great. However “comedians” like Amy Schumer, Hannah Gasby and many current “comedians” who either let their trauma take them to a dark place and become bitter (Gasby) or someone like Schumer and Katherine Ryan who never actually had any human experiences and choose to regurgitate the same third wave feminist narrative of “It’s All Men’s Fault” or like many current “comics” of color “Blame White People”. By doing that, they fail to connect to the mainstream audience and grow a Fanbase that exceeds their ILK. It’s a sad state of affairs when Americans are relying on foreign entertainment, rather than what we make here.
  • A few years ago bad fanfic writers were called out because of "poor rainbow colored self insert OCs" - today those bad fanfic writers somehow sit in the studios...
  • My problem with woke characters is as follows: 1. The focus on their identity is not a replacement for a personality. A person's sexual preference or skin color is not and should not be a huge part of their personality. It is also naturally divisive as obsession over identity has been a huge problem for this species to overcome, especially in recent years. 2. They are often self inserts set to replace established characters. Self inserts, like you showed, can be good characters, but bringing one into an established franchise usually means that they attempt to steal the reigns and attention of that franchise.
  • @arvin6606
    As someone said, "we don't hate women, we hate bad writing"
    As a gay man myself i hate all the new representation we get because all it does is make it look like we ruined the characters, being gay isnt something that should define you its just another thing about you