BUCKSHOT ROULETTE Returns Full Release & The Dealer Has New Tricks ALL ENDINGS

Published 2024-04-04
Buckshot Roulette is back with the full steam release of the game along with some new content and changes, an ARG attached to the game with some possible lore and an upcoming multiplayer mode. Video has all endings of the current build

Game Info: store.steampowered.com/app/2835570/Buckshot_Roulet…


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My Weeaboo Manly Steam Group: goo.gl/v50fAa
My Comfy Tiktok: tinyurl.com/czm4ewbp


All Comments (21)
  • @ManlyBadassHero
    Welcome to the Don't Buck This Comment Club how Don't Buck This Comment are ya?
  • Remember, in real life blanks can kill you, it's dummy rounds that are safe.
  • @SydOSB
    if anyones wondering why the dealer sometimes makes really stupid decisions (like at 2:38) it's bc if i remember correctly the AI doesn't keep track of which bullets are left and only actually knows the last bullet, so all other bullets are a 50/50 coin flip. so even if it's certain there's only live rounds are left, there's still a chance the dealer will shoot himself.
  • @ryanrouse5590
    Manly returning for the third time. The dealer presents the shotgun, but Manly holds up a hand, presenting the shotgun from his last win. "No thanks, I brought my own."
  • I like that it lets ya retry on the third round, and the dealer gets pissed you clawed out of hell for a rematch. least thats how it came across
  • Can’t get over how crazy the adrenaline injector is. Thing looks like one of those fishing hooks they use to catch sharks
  • I personally find the dealer much creepier before he’s been shot. The smile unnerves me, to be excited to play a game of life and death is unimaginable. I wish after being shot each time, or after losing a round, his grin would grow wider and wider. Maybe at first he puts on the scary face facade, but as the game goes on he can’t contain his enjoyment anymore. Either way, great game and I’m very happy to see it updated! The burner phone especially is such a cool addition.
  • @unprankable666
    The funniest part is seeing the entity hold up a cigarette without even moving its mouth.
  • @Amber_dandelion
    I’m glad the Dev decided to expand on the original, there’s a lot of mystery surrounding the dealer and the world so now we got some closure!
  • @Devilforce988
    From what I have learned, the dealer supposedly cannot count remaining shells like the player can so even with 2 live rounds, the dealer may point the gun at himself, however he does know the last shell always and will use it accordingly. The AI in the double or nothing mode however is updated, so this may only be true for regular mode.
  • @bdpickett
    I think most people miss this: The reason it cuts on the last two bolts is because you can only do two damage at a time, at most. A shot can get you down to either the last or second-to-last, but not beyond that. That's the point where they cut the line, meaning even a single shot ends you, regardless of how many bolts there were before. It's just a way to keep the endgame clearly incremented from the rest of the round.
  • @enderkatze6129
    The facial reconstruction surgery in this universe must be amazing
  • @peka5981
    anyone else notice the shotgun shake? not only when pointed at yourself but in general protag has some nasty tremors looks like
  • It's a neat game. I think the idea of real people competing for high scores with double or nothing to be a funny concept. Adds another layer to the gamble.
  • @JadenRockz99
    What a coincidence. Did a full run in one go. Super awesome game. The new items are very nice and complete the gameplay loop. I love it when the dealer consumed some pills at 1 health and then died. Peak cinema.
  • I love how kind the dealer is about this he just casually handcuffs himself
  • @deannlovine3701
    23:16 The pills are called Quaaludes, they're known as a "hypnotic sedative". They've been illegal since the 80's. Not sure if that's important or not, but the more ya know😅
  • 12:48 The cigarette after knife from the Dealer is really cruel, because you see him prep the gun to shoot and then he gets to enjoy a calming drag while you're bracing yourself to get hit in the face with a sawn-off shotgun. 😂