What Danganronpa V3 Did Wrong

Published 2017-12-09
Consider this a review of Danganronpa V3. Today we're going to talk about what the controversial game New Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony did poorly that led it to have so much backlash. This is what Danganronpa V3 DId Wrong.
The footage was a combination of my recordings and the long plays of Justonegamr, randompl0x, and -ZanGamer23-.
It's also why the editing in this video is admittedly inconsistent.

All Comments (21)
  • @switch1e
    Thanks for 100,000 views guys! I don't entirely agree with this video anymore, but I do appreciate the feedback I've gotten, both positive and negative. I hope you guys can get something out of this video regardless, and be willing to check out some of my newer content (which in my opinion is much better).
  • @g.p.2006
  • @plxtonic3464
    the worst thing danganronpa v3 did is killing gonta
  • @GraceJ2
    I just wanted Kaede to live
  • I think the worst part of V3 was the ending being told to us instead of us discovering it
  • I do admit, I prefer Danganronpa V3 the best in terms of gameplay and post-game content, but in my opinion, I may like its story, but it doesn't really top it off from the Hope's Peak Academy saga
  • @perelpeck5387
    Pretty sure the real "The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History" was chapter six of V3.
  • The ending made me feel really guilty for even liking the series. I mean I never considered how the characters would feel over me watching their friends’ deaths like a video game.
  • @clausobv4446
    I do like how in the ending Shuichi said fuck despair AND hope. That I thought was very neat and different, what I didn't like was Tsumugi talking for hours about how fake stuff was just to bring in despair, because that shit dragged on for WAY TOO LONG. But what the ending also lacked was closure, was it fake or was it not? What the actually hell would they do after they even got out of there either way? I liked Danganronpa 2 a lil more because they actually let you know all the shit was semi fake. This ending pretty much shat on people who liked the franchise and then pulled a "What do you fucking think happened" afterward.
  • You know how people get pissy about “the whole story was a dream” trope, we don’t want to find out a story was just an elaborate ruse and nothing we did added up to anything. In terms of the game, our choices apparently had no real impact, and made it seem like a spin-off game as unposed to a main line DR game. But hey, that’s my take.
  • @governm3nt697
    The ending kind of ruined it for me. Having to swallow the fact that the characters I felt were friends to me was all bullshit was difficult. I freaking cried at the Kaede playing piano to Shuichi scene. Now it makes me feel empty. :/
  • @AwkwardFellow
    My problem with the ending was that they gave us plot threads, instantly said “None of those matter bc I made them up”, and then went on a long winded explanation of what’s going on while I was still confused about a detail given earlier. I wanted to know how Kokichi knew the codes for Amami’s room/safe and wondered how the sudden reveal of Kaede’s sister would pan out (while swearing up and down it better not be the same as with Junko). But I guess that was the point? Those weird inconsistencies were to tip the player off? Tsumugi was running out of ideas or something? IDK it was very jarring when I was seriously into finally beating the mastermind. I can swallow the whole thing about the characters having been real people with goals of appearing on the show, the fact that danganronpa is a show in the world of V3 at the very least, and that Tsumugi was actually a descendant Junko. All the foreshadowing was there and made sense and would have been really cool if they had just lead up to it better? Maybe explained it better? I mean I definitely didn’t like being told I was playing the games because I wanted to see the characters fail. (Honestly give me a version of the game where kaede’s plan actually had worked as intended, and everyone made it out, i’d play post-killing game) In the end I feel as if you can choose to believe Tsumugi or see it as another lie to throw the remaining survivors off of their game. There’s so many inconsistencies with Tsumugi’s explination and we already saw multiple ways in which video or audio was changed to throw the heroes off. I feel as though any ending is plausible as the very last scene does not prove Tsumugi right or wrong. With the theme of “lies vs truth” it’s hard to trust the mastermind was actually telling the truth. Either way, this is my new favorite cast and I actually wish I could have played all the other iterations of danganronpa. I also wish Shuichi could have been an evil detective the way he supposedly wanted to be, bc he got close with lying but not enough to be evil.
  • @mechhunter6780
    Killing Kaede and revealing the game to be fictional just made me want to pretend V3 never existed, and the mastermind just framed Kaede like that, to hell with this crap
  • @LuckiSir
    I wanted Kokichi to live to the end. To bask in despair and realise his DICE never existed. And to get a chance to play as him in the final act (like Keebo,Maki, and Himiko)
  • @gladio8204
    Personally, I think the point of the ending is to tell us that it’s never meaningless because of how much fiction influences us. I wouldn’t be the person I am if I hadn’t met my friends through Danganronpa in 2014, or if I didn’t give the series another chance and discover that I shared a lot of self-confidence issues with Shuichi and grew alongside him to overcome them in a way. DRV3 is meant to remind us that fiction influences our reality and no matter what, the characters will always FEEL real to us because we connect to them. We feel happy when they get their moments, or we Despair when they get executed or murdered. I commend you for leaving it open to us instead of writing it off as bad, because the ending is SUPPOSED to be taken through our own personal interpretations. Another good thing to do is to play the prologue after Chapter 6. There are flashbacks to the prologue in it that may or may not be different from the actual prologue, which adds to the open endedness of the ending, and it helps make the ending feel a little bit neater and clean.
  • To me the ending of V3 was like reading a story that ends with "and then she woke up," instead of actually writing an ending.
  • @Haz3dNightfall
    Kaede and Shuichi's roles should have been switched with Shuichi being the decoy and Kaede being the true protagonist, and the ending should have worked to redefine the game's story instead of rendering the story of the whole game irreverent. Shuichi felt much more like the previous 2 protagonists compared to Kaede.
  • @letsrank9349
    The ending basically invalidated the mysteries of the whole game. I really wanted to know, what happened after the Gofer project? Why were they kidnapped? What happened to Naegi and the gang?!
  • @Mantoire
    The ending was actually done well but it literally made the entire game up to chapter 6 feel pointless. All the character building up to this point? Meme. All the bonding you've done with the other characters? Oops it was all fake. I'm trying really hard to actually ENJOY this ending but I honestly can't, normally you'd normally expect something rewarding after such a huge game but all we got was literally a big Nothing you've done really matters hehe and then they expect you to CARE about a completely new idea that they pulled out of their asses at the last minute about SAVING THE WORLD FROM THIS SHALLOW KILLIN GAME DURR. It's like playing Mario to save the princess but at the end you find out that your true purpose is to bake bread. Plot twists are good and stuff, but in my personal opinion it was done extremely badly in this case, you're just given the plot twist right at the end while getting bombared with a load of information that invalidates E V E R Y T H I N G you've thought about so far while you're trying to keep up with the FICTIONAL FICTIONAL FICTIONAL nonsense being thrown at your face. The "trial" was extremelly tedious and annoying after a point that I just wanted the game to end.
  • @twirox1662
    I loved the game, except the ending.. I like when games and series break the 4th wall and characters acknowledge that they are in fictional world, but when it becomes the main plot point is way too absurd for myself to handle. In a way otherwise great game with amazing cast and good story was kinda ruined for me in the end. So I guess I...agree with your video? Edit: Okay, so the ending has grown on me over time and I somewhat like it now. But this was my initial reaction to it after my first playthrough.