Evergoods back digging - SOLVED!

Published 2023-08-11

All Comments (9)
  • @seechangenyc280
    Thank you for acknowledging! And you're right, many have complained. I was sad to have to return or sell my bags. The aesthetic is exactly what I am looking for but all the bags punched me in the waist/back, no matter the adjustment. I even tried a better-made frame sheet with a stay but it didn't do enough. You nailed it, it's the rigid back bottom edge. The arc of the bag forces the rigid edge into the back. I appreciate the fix. I just wish they would soften the darn edge or find a way to incorporate the solution or have the bottom flare out or reduce the arc. They're so smart. They know this is an issue. They've made other improvements in their iterations, and I would love to see them make this one.
  • @0f556
    Fully agree that it's a design flaw which EG is all too happy to sweep under the rug. The most disappointing thing is the lack of official acknowledgement from them.
  • @PanaMaJwaaRd
    So strange, I've never felt this in any of their bags. I wonder what about the panel with some peoples backss does this.
  • @laowu830
    I have the same issue with my CHZ bag 😞
  • @etlyy
    What is the thickness of the foam sheet you used?
  • @in0711
    I hate this so much. Makes their awesome bags unusable for me.
  • @jeweet889856943
    Thanks for this :) I had this issue with the chz22, putting padding behind the lower backpanel solved the issue, it is comfortable now.