Teachers, what's the worst thing you've had to confiscate?

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Our Work Process:
1. Come up with questions, research, script, come up with opinions/commentary, polish until ready for recording.
2. Record voice acting the stories/questions, sharing thoughts and opinions and performing it in a creative and transformative fashion for viewers to enjoy.
3. Record gameplay until there is enough interesting footage to use for the background
4. Throw the gameplay in the editing software and then begin typing up the captions, cutting/trimming the voice acting, adding SFX, color correction, removing/adding clips, etc.
5. Final review of the video, if video is not up to the quality desired for this channel. Either go back into the editing software, re-record some lines, change opinions/commentaries.

コメント (21)
  • Story 4: That teacher was impressive to keep confiscated items for that long and know where it was years after the original promised return date.
  • When I was a kid, ALL the boys carried pocket knives, and NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENED because of the knives. The worst was the carving of initials in desks.
  • @BunnyBeau_
    Still salty about this one: back in 6/7th grade I went out hunting partridge with my dad. He let me shoot his .22 and then i grabbed the shells off the ground just so i wasn't littering and such. I stuck them in the same hoodie that i wore to school the following monday. at recess i pulled them out of my pocket because i had forgotten they were in there, promptly sent to the principal, she threw them away and i got scolded even though they were completely empty spent shells.
  • @brambleheart
    Is nobody talking about how the teacher fully intended to keep an 8 year old’s cards for at least 3 YEARS? Extreme much. My parents would have rioted if that happened to me or my classmates!
  • @NiaJustNia
    A vape from a 6 year old who found it down the couch at home (older sibling hiding it from parents) and thought it was a bubblegum scented air freshener and was passing it around the class for everyone to sniff. The other week, a "bracelet" was confiscated from a 9 year old. It was a piece of tape studded with tape thumbtacks to use as a weapon against anyone she deemed annoying or stupid.
  • @GhostBear3067
    When I was younger we just scooped bees out of trash cans with chip bags for the hell of it, no objectives beyond "put bee in bag".
  • @ARKdeEREH
    When I was in 4th grade, my friend carried a moldy lunch in a Tupperware container around the playground at recess. He waved it in random kids' faces while saying "behold the mold." Eventually, a teacher saw him doing that and confiscated it.
  • @Dr._Weiner
    Someone brought a hedgehog to my little sister’s middle school
  • @alluriusmusic
    Although it's terrible to hear about the kid and the lighter, I hope that the mother got a good kick back to Reality from the incident so it doesn't happen again...
  • @skybreak07
    So, I am a teacher. I believe this year, a student brought a cattle prod, or something to that effect. At our staff holiday party every year, they give away the confiscated items as joke gifts. Lots of vapes. Lighters. Sometimes pocket knives. Shirts with very inappropriate anime girls on them. The cattle prod was not there, sadly. There was, however, a kazoo.
  • @TyrannoTeeth
    When i was in 6th or 7th grade (about 11-12 yrs old) we had a teacher confiscate a vibrator that some girl bought into school lmao. Not one of those little discreet ones you can stick in a pocket either-- it was big and purple and she brought it in a grocery store bag
  • @yas6616
    Story 20: That “friend” that told the gym teacher is such a POS.
  • @96ethanh
    I got a good laugh out of the "let's go home device"
  • My freshman year of high school, an English teacher confiscated a book I brought titled "F*ck" (it wasn't even the full word, it had the 'U' covered up with fake white-out). I tried to explain to the teacher that the book was about the power of words, and how things like cuss words only have the power we choose to give them; how there is nothing inherently inflammatory about any particular arrangement of letters. The irony of her confiscating the book anyways was not lost on me (though it seemed to be lost on her)
  • @andrewwebb917
    If you're cooking more than 1 thing at once you need multiple tikers
  • @skellious
    When cooking you have many different things cooking at once, all of which need attention at various times. So each one gets it's own timer.
  • @Psychology105
    Two liter bottle of Canada Dry. Full of piss. This student was in a class where it’s split by lunch. On returning from lunch, he’s keeping a really straight face. Very out of character. He slides into the chair, makes eye contact, and plants the Canada Dry on his desk. He tells me how he collected his urine at a friend’s house and just found it again. The color was so dark, sediments at the bottom. Just gross. He did try to wrestle it from me as it was confiscated. Luckily this story doesn’t have a messy ending. Later in the day he walks in, so proudly. He’d made me a pin, which I wore on my bag for years. It stated the date and “Never forget”, with an image of Canada Dry. I was so impressed with how quickly he designed and made it.
  • @Sensansenkai
    Oh my god I DIED at the "lucky rabbit's foot" one XD
  • @ExSharkV
    When I was in twelfth grade I had a teacher confiscate my container of saxophone reeds because she thought the were some kind of drug paraphernalia. She refused to believe that they were saxophone reeds because "you play flute in band what do you need reeds for," and trying to tell her that I played saxophone for the school's jazz band got me threatened with in-school suspension. I had to get the head of the school to get them back for me because I had roughly $40 worth of reeds in that container (which was like 6 reeds) and couldn't afford to buy more at that time. The teacher did get reprimanded.