Otis & Maeve | With or without you

Publicado 2023-09-22
“ Thanks for everything, dickhead "

Well, It's pretty much something that I've been debating for a several years now. I've always enjoyed this show, for some reasons that I can't really explain, I've watched every seasons and kind of grew up with these characters, It was always something nice that came out every now and then. I thought that now this is over, I'd give a little tribute to the original characters. Enjoy this, If like me, you enjoyed the show all these years.
Maeve & Otis tribute
#maevewiley #otisandmaeve
*Music: U2 - With or without you

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @willhardy6741
    I am heartbroken. Their ending has left me feeling empty and confused. I'm sure in time I will come to accept it, but as of now, it hurts. A lot. I loved their scenes this season, but I felt it was short-lived with all the catastrophic events that took place, and eventually pulled them in different directions. I'll forever appreciate their relationship as a reminder for us all; to not give up. You can't have everything in this life and it's really up to you to change and perhaps even help someone else. That's what invited their relationship to soar. Maeve saw Otis as a light, shining down a blackened furnace that kept her chained to a life, caused by the inaction of others. She spent her whole life neglecting her own happiness, to keep herself secure from affection, and to avoid feeling the effects of her past residual heartbreak.  It's not until she met Otis that she realised how much damage she was afflicting to others, but most importantly; to herself. It's part of the reason she shut herself down and failed time and again to impart her true feelings to the world. I know that most of us wanted them to stay together at the end, but maybe the idea was for us to see the reality behind a genuine connection. It's not all perfect. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. It's hard work and takes a considerable amount of effort from both people for a relationship to thrive and grow. They both grew in their own ways, and learned a lot about each other through their experiences, even if it wasn't always black and white. I'm not going to say something soppy like 'they were made for each other' (they were though - I am a romantic) because what really brought them together was nothing further than luck and patience. Quite a lot of life is luck, but it's how we choose to act and react to those around us that count; and even helps us to meet new people. It takes time to build new relationships, but what I've learned is to show up and be there for when that person needs you. Otis saw Maeve past all the negativity that had shrouded her character, and led her down a dark, blistering road of isolation. He saw her for who she really was, deep down; a lovelorn romantic. She loved Jane Austen, The Brontë Sisters, and undervalued authors like Sylvia Plath or Virginia Woolf.  When she told Otis she loved him, she let down all of her walls, every emotional blockade had been stripped and she maximised her vulnerability to feel everything she had wanted to feel for her whole life. That's why she pursued her course; her dream to decide. That's the fundamental reason she chose herself over the boy she would love for the rest of her life. Always remember that she will love Otis and make herself happy at the same time. They will always love each other through it all. This masterly edit and song choice flows seamlessly and I am so happy this exists. Also, be happy that all of us got to experience their journey and we lived to see it through, even if the outcome wasn't necessarily what we expected.  For me, Sex Education came at a difficult time and I've always appreciated its whimsical, and mischievous narrative, with a dark undertone. I've learned a lot from it and as Maeve once said in a farewell letter to Otis: "Meeting you cracked my heart open, and now it's forever changed. And because of that, I will carry a part of you wherever I go. I think what I'm trying to say is... thanks for everything." Thanks for reading and I hope you all go on to live fantastic lives. Always remember Otis and Maeve. - Will
  • @marshallGhero
    This video lasts 4 minutes, but it hurts for a lifetime....
  • @j.s.p
    This is the best possible tribute for these two. Maeve will always love Otis, because he was a shining light for her blossom in terms of character. Otis will always love Maeve, because she was the one that encouraged him to start the clinic & made him realise that he's very good at it. Unfortunately, this is where life steps up & says "you can't have it all", so both separate in order to pursue their dreams, but both of them deep inside know their silent love for each other will remain forever.
  • @powehi917
    This show has made me feel so much and for someone who struggles with expressing and feeling emotions for that i will be eternally greatful for this show
  • @andrejissitt1635
    Somehow you’ve made this terrible ending into a beautiful tribute to Otis and Maeve.
  • @17js
    After all these seasons and episodes of Motis, them finally searching their feelings for one another, finally being a couple in Season 4, just for it to end the way that it did, it hurts a lot. The ending left me empty and let down. They deserved to be with one another 😔
  • @vishnuhrp
    i fell in love with maeve and otis all over again
  • @steveswift5463
    Maeve wearing and keeping that shirt is why she fits with Otis. Closer to soul mates. She is kindest person in series except for Amy. Otis is basically a kind person but his insecurities make him not kind at times. Ruby is growing into a kinder version in season 4- encourages Otis in relating to Marvecat her own expense, expresses sympathy to Maeve at loss of her mom. If she continues to grow there could be some some hope for her with Otis. Being at the same school , there will be plenty of opportunity to interact
  • I just finished the finale season this morning and it was a perfect send off
  • @MichelleAlina91
    I liked the ending of the show. They love each other and it helped them both to grow as a person and that's worth a lot
  • @Jjw338
    They should’ve stayed together till the last scene. Their last moment together was too heartbreaking. Especially the buildup for the entire 4 seasons of the if they’re gonna end up together or not. Whenever I think about this show it makes me depressed cause of it 😂😂
  • @aesthetistic
    no one can make a better tribute than this one✨ You never disappoint!!
  • He never stops loving Maeve🤧 It's always been her. That's why it so fuckiing hurts not to be able to see them end up together, for fuvks sake they should just have give us some time jump🤧🤧🤧 another show to get over with💔
  • @itsurboyvx
    Who cares about the ending. We all grew up watching the show and we loved it. All the drama, emotions and break-ups - We all felt what they were going through. With the show ending - I will always remember and love the show, we waited so long since the start of season 1 for Otis and Maeve to get together which they did. Just remember - Nothing always ends in a happy way, which the show did in the best way they could for it to make sense.
  • @BeOnPoint.
    Beautiful edit/recap. Its not the ending the wanted but its the one we got. You did an amazing job capturing Otis and Maeve's relationship.
  • @BreakFree199
    Amazing video, really brings me back to the memories of the early season and shows the impact of the characters on each other.
  • @Patrik_bateman
    I cried after finishing it cause it's completely relatable with me 😭😭😭 I missed her everytime ❤