Schizoid vs Introversion (vs Avoidant vs Autism etc and how to tell)

Do you have Schizoid Personality Disorder, or are you just "extremely introverted"? What about other conditions like autism and Avoidant Personality Disorder? Today's question comes from ‪@weirdasssnake7203‬ and I guess I'm rambling about differential diagnosis with a sidenote about emotionally unintelligent parents. Also, yes, I have a new rug! How did you spend your EOFY? Let me know in the comments because you're one of the cool kids who actually reads video descriptions :) have a potato! 🥔


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コメント (9)
  • Thinking back to my childhood and my very first sense of feeling introverted, it was the first day of school in first grade as we didn't have pre-school or kindergarten in those years, quite a while back. I didn't know what was happening as I was supposed to get ready to go. I had not had any introduction to what school was, no explanation from anyone at all. I recall I was frightened and actually "hid in the flower garden along the house, behind some bushes standing and facing the wall of the building." My Mom walked me to school and I would not enter the building. I would not go. She then took me to the clinic for a physical. The health provider simply said, .. "now, you go to school" as he left the exam room. Eventually, next day, I recall the teacher came out to the car and she and Mom walked me in. They made me sit at a desk as they stood discussing me. The memory is clear. I don't blame her, my Mom for not explaining things better, but if there had been a gradual process of helping me be less afraid it might have made it easier. No one seemed to sense I needed more guidance and explanation which simply didn't happen.
  • Thank you sm for answering! Yes, my mom basically said it to sort of dismiss it. She has a couple of mental issues herself as well and she said if I did have one (mental illness) she would be able to tell and that there’s nothing wrong with me. Again, just that I’m insecure and afraid of the world to where I don’t wanna go out. In reality, I just prefer it indoors, idc how people perceive me really. And for a while I believed my mom because I also didn’t think there was anything wrong with me until I heard of schizoid and I was really surprised at how much I related to a lot of the stuff but at the same time I’ve dismissed it because I might just be thinking too much into it and just think back to my mama saying that there’s nothing wrong with me because she would’ve already been able to tell if there was. P.S. I’m sorry if this isn’t detailed enough I have trouble explaining things without talking in circles
  • You are so cool for answering every question like that. Makes me think you would do a great teacher or a therapist which is very ironic. I honestly plan to become a tutor or a teacher in future but my former friend said that my students will bully me because of my suspected autism. Well, I dont know how to wrap it up but I just think that we can function well and sometimes even better than average people if they let us
  • @nskbod
    what are you planning after your parents die?