Dumb Cheater

Published 2023-12-03

All Comments (21)
  • @acciprovus3614
    Not cheating on your significant other is the easiest part of being in a relationship
  • @ohmygodbecky6829
    “Period got you trippin” She lost a bet. Aint no way he got a partner with lines like that.
  • @RGC_animation
    I don't think there is a bigger red flag in one single text message than asking your partner if their "period got you trippin" when they get upset. It reveals SO much about who you are as a person.
  • @rolfefeutz2105
    I just got cheated on yesterday after 7 years and it really sucks and I'm still just in disbelief. I hope bad karma gets all cheaters.
  • Nothing says "I care for you" more than calling your woman an asshole a Jackass and asking if her period is making her see things. What a class act
  • @babybees1390
    This guy has the same energy as a Victorian man who would have his wife sent to a mental hospital for questioning him
  • @Poodle_Gun
    "Period got you trippin?" So you choose death.
  • @wtfdfw
    You automatically ruin your relationship as soon as you decide to cheat. Whether you get caught or not.
  • @TheCiabattacado
    Before I make any decision, I ask myself “Would Charlie judge the shit out of me if I did this” and it’s kept me on the straight and narrow ever since.
  • @flamingoru9788
    my dad was actually on the signup list for the data breach, which led to my parents breaking up, among other things. so im personally quite thankful it occurred
  • @TehFoamy
    "Period got you tripping?" Ladies, if you're dating a guy who has ever unironically said this, just end it now
  • @TawnyRoyal
    Even if he was truly innocent, “period got you trippin?” Is NOT THE THING TO SAY when being confronted about infidelity.😭😭🤣
  • @tulip135
    Using a girl's period as a gaslighting tactic is a different type of evil
  • @onyxiana7028
    i once dated someone who liked playing dumb everytime we argued and its honestly one of the worst things to deal with. we both know you're lying, just drop it already
  • @gothcsm
    “Life is short, have an affair” Literally what the fk? 💀 When you marry someone or choose to date someone, you make a commitment to be loyal to one another, and it’s not just “no big deal” to cheat on a person you are supposed to love and care for. If you want to have relations with someone else, your partner deserves to know because nobody should have to go through the absolutely heart-wrenching pain of finding out that your partner has been unfaithful. Cheaters don’t take into account how traumatizing being cheated on is to their partners and it’s disgusting. Life IS short when you look at it objectively, that’s why you should look for ONE (unless you are poly) person who you genuinely want to spend the rest of your life with. The other option is to stay single and sleep around or be single for the rest of your life. I know which one I would pick 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • "life is short so ruin the one meaningful relationship you have with someone"
  • @jonteguy
    "Life is short, have an affair." That's their slogan? That triggered me. How can people live with themselves making money of ruining peoples relationships? Holy.. A lot of us programmers/developers don't take jobs from gambling websites, I can't fathom how people were able to work on this.
  • @AnyoneCanSee
    "period got you trippin". That is so wonderful. If I was writing a screenplay this would be the perfect line to set up a character. The brevity with which this tells you so much about the character is honestly genius. It is manipulative, misogynistic, douchey and yet flippant and glib.
  • @baltimore._.6012
    6:04 this is my favorite message. After all he has done he manages to top everything by telling himself and his gf that he is too cool to be a weirdo that goes on dating websites, And even if his girlfriend had believed him, he would still have admitted that he was capable of going with girls he met in real life. That's some high level ingenious sigma shit
  • @KimmyinCompton
    This dude reminds me so much of my ex. - Ben, you're a worm and your mother did a terrible job raising you.